mercredi 26 mars 2014

Interesting information

I recently stumbled across this video and thought a lot about what it had to ask.

There are a lot of things that the business owner thinks is going on with his/her customers/clients but usually it is far from it.

There is a lack of communication between the owner(s) of the business and it's clients/customers.

And a lot of the things that the business owners do, as far as marketing, is exactly what every other business does in order to get new customers/clients.

One of the main questions that was asked is, "what separates your business from your competition?"

Great question because I am sure that you, the business owner, can answer right off the top of your head. But what would your customers/clients say? After all they are the businesses bread and butter that keeps the business going. Sometimes you have to step outside of the box and learn something new and incorporate new technology to get an edge over the competition.

One big thing that business owners must understand is that it cost them in order to get that customer or customers. But the real value is to get them coming back more often through marketing to increase the customers lifetime value thereby lowering the cost of acquiring the customer(s) in the first place.

Marketing never ends. When it does you are out of business.

Anyway, here is the link that will open your eyes.


Very eye opening

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