jeudi 20 mars 2014

Corporate taxes: deducting for business mileage and reimbursing yourself

My husband and I have a small LLC that's being taxed as an S-Corp (web development business). We are 50/50 members. We give him all the paychecks (to keep it clean and easy--and since I have another job) and we split any dividends between us. For the past several years our accountant would take our business mileage driven and but it on Part V (listed property) of 4562 (depreciation and amortization) and under Section B - Information on Use of Vehicles. Then the deductible amount was then placed on Form 1120S under "Other Deductions" as automobile and truck expense. Our accountant then told us that we could write a check to reimburse ourselves for that mileage. We did this every year from 2008-2012.

Now this year we have a new accountant who is telling us that we cannot both deduct business mileage and reimburse ourselves for it--that we would be double dipping.

I've exhausted the web for info about this and cannot find any conclusive answers. I tried to ask my old accountant and basically he said I'd have to hire him to get his opinion.

So I ask my humble forum participants... what do you think? I don't want to break any tax rules!

Thanks for any help or guidance you can provide.

Sincerely yours,


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