mardi 8 avril 2014

Need all the advice I can get

So, Ive had this idea for a few years to start my own computer repair/game business. But getting engaged, having a child and starting a new job has put a hold on all those plains. Taking care of a family is expensive and to start a new business, especially one that I see everyone doing (Working out of home, repairing pcs) has me skeptical to getting a business started.

So my plain is, to keep saving up for at least a years worth of rent on a space & in the meantime advertise out of home.

I have a pretty good idea about all my plains, Ive thought things through and at this point I project I would not turn a profit in my area for what Ill be doing for at least 2+ years.

Ive been working with PCs for 8+ years (Im 24) I would be advertising repairing pcs/Phones & tablets & selling used games. The space I am looking to rent is in a good area and is cheap (1k a month). My area there is little to no store operations that do PC repair or used games (other than gamestop) which I can fully compete with on prices.

So now, Im just needing some advice. How to go about doing this, what I would need and why. Also Im thinking of setting up my business as a sole proprietor. From what I understand that is the cheapest way to start one & I would just have to pay out of pocket for everything. That way if it fails within a year or 2 Im not owing $15k to a bank. Correct me if I am wrong though. My brother in-law plains to go in with me on it 50/50 everything for rent and pay. Is it a good idea to start up a business like this in this economic environment? If I left something out (In a hurry as I write this) please ask any questions to better help explain and help you understand that I may have left out. Im not looking to get rich, Im looking to do something I love and at least get by on. Thanks guys.

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