vendredi 9 mai 2014

Business Name

Hi all,

After a few years of working as an independent contractor, I have decided to start my own business. I plan on hosting celebrity gifting suites, coordinating events, and offering brokerage services all in the fashion industry. I will also be coordinating donations with an established non-profit in the industry (cannot say too much) but that is geared towards preserving the foundations of the runway/press events worldwide. I am very passionate about this non-profit and would be cool to have my business name reflect this. I may even be involved with writing a book to tell a story. This being said, I do not want my business name to only appeal to my clients, though should be brand friendly. Here is the other thing (which I have to talk to my attorney about) is I will be doing some business overseas in Europe during the Fashion Weeks. This means I need to be sensitive when choosing a name.

NOTE: Undecided if I want "PR" at the end or "Relations"

Here are a few names:

- Custos PR

- Vortice PR

- Eye PR

- Rose PR

Any recommendations / critiques / thoughts are welcomed!! Thank you.

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