mercredi 28 mai 2014

Service Based "Boxed" Software

I've spent a lot of time on here recently and I do appreciate the feedback. I try and contribute more than receiving. Hopefully I've helped someone else.

Here's where I am at. In the past, I didn't really had a whole lot going on which allowed me time to create tools to help me. Honestly, I really enjoyed doing that in the past. Lately, I'm having to find solutions on the market rather than create them. I started with MS Access, then switched to Zoho which was much faster. I'm ready to throw in the towel on both. They are time killers.

I haven't purchased boxed software for business since 2009, so I've been in the dark for about five years. I'm sure it has advanced greatly.

I need the following out of software:

  • Order Management - Ability to update status of jobs and keep notes on specific orders. (Ex:Quote, Sold, Ordered, Installed, Issues, Closed)

  • Ability to Create and Manage Customers, Vendors, Referrers.

  • Ability to Prepare Quotes/Receipts - Simple and somewhat customizable. Need to be able to print and email.

  • Expense, Gross Profit, Gross Margin, Outstanding Balance, & State Sales Tax Reporting.

  • Appointment Notifications.

I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium, 64-bit, 6GB RAM, & 2.8 GHz processor.

Intuit is appealing, but how customizable are their products?

I'm open to suggestions!

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