mardi 27 mai 2014

Website vs. Retail Pricing Issue

Hello everyone,

We are a young company and still learning the various intricacies in our niche. We have run into an issue with a store we do business with and are looking for information/advice from experience. The background info is that we offer our own retail pricing on our website as well as wholesale pricing to various stores in our region. Our current issue is with an individual retail store that works on consignment so they aren't paying for products up front.

To make the numbers simple, we offer a product on our website at $1.00 to stay competitive with other companies in our niche. This same product is offered to said retail store at $0.55 (45%) wholesale. This retail store has decided to markup and showcase our product to their customers for $3.50. The sales have not been well for them so they contacted us regarding the issue. They did not offer any price negotiation option, just a demand to either (1) raise our website prices to match them at $3.50, (2) offer them wholesale for $0.40 (60%) or (3) terminate the relationship. We would like to know from anyones experience if their notification is justifiable or just a case of them trying to strong-arm us. Thanks.

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