vendredi 23 mai 2014

Hopefully I've found home....

I've been looking for a business based forum that has the majority of members in the United States. It's actually more difficult than I anticipated. I'm not only looking to gain advice, but am interested helping others through my trials and errors of the last ten years.

I've been actively chasing my dreams for 5 years this July. I'm now 31. I jumped of and went "all-in" in 2009 with a complete failure. I left my job, invested my entire savings, and failed. I went from 6 figures to living with my dad for the last five years. I can only admit that now, because I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I have created quite the skill set over the last five years. After starting my sixth project, I can bring an idea into action and have it rolling usually within a couple of months. Sticking it out has proved to be the missing link I had for a few years there. I kept giving up on my vision when things didn't go right. One thing I created in 2011 (and really gave up on until orders starting coming in) is selling and bringing in enough income to keep me floating by itself. 4 of 6 ideas were focused around e-commerce or required an extensive database and updates. I've now ventured off into a tradition business, my new obsession is home-improvement related. Although I must admit, my technology skill-set is playing a role in the advancements of my current venture.

I've sacrificed much of the last five years to business. No nice cars, no dating, no fun, strictly everything I earn back into a business. My goal has been to outperform my six-figure income in 2008 while working for someone else. It's not a question of "if" now, rather how much over I will see.

Things are coming up that I've never had to deal with, so I'll seek guidance from those who have been there before me. I always help someone else before I seek answers to any of my own questions.

Hopefully I'm in the right forum now!

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