vendredi 16 mai 2014

What is a good way to get started with Ebay?

Hello all.I have heard countless success stories and positve reviews regarding small business owners that started their careers on Ebay.Im sure there is much more to it then opening a Pay Pall account and starting to sell miscellaneous items if one is planning to ultra successful in the business world.

I actually plan on using Ebay as a means to end or put another way a means to a greaters cause;my larger and more ambitious business ideas of running my own NRA Pistol course program and Live Scan Vendor(fingerprinting) service.

One gentlemen who does Ebay religiously told me that all he does to make a living is scour thrift stores in our local area looking for popular clothing brands,antiques and collectibles,he gets and keeps his small in home inventory at about 200 items and he just auctions things off.He has a custom lens for his camera phone which he uses to take high quality photos of his merchandise and basically thats how he makes his living(although he doesnt have a car).He ofcourse buys low and sells high.

I thought that perhaps this would be a good idea but as with any business you have to have start up capital.And thats my main issue.The only things I have that MIGHT be of some small value are 20+ year old basketball cards (Fleer and NBA Hoops) from the 1990-93 seasons.I have about a thousand of them and plan to sell at either 40-60 cents a piece,or $5-20 dollars a pack.All of the cards just about are in tip top shape(I'd get rid of the whole set for $500-800.00 but I doubt that will happen lol).

I plan on using what ever small profit I make to put towards my start up capital for the larger Ebay operations and just build one small asset after another.

I am not so sure however that these cards will sell quickly enough for me to get what I need when I need.What are some other great ideas from your experiences and analysis with getting started on Ebay?

Thank you all in advance for the input and support.

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