mardi 5 août 2014

A too good to be true scenario (I was offered a job, sorta) ?

Hi, so I have a question and I thought there would be no better place to ask it than a place where people deal with business related things daily.

Yesterday I received a message from an old high school friend wondering if I wanted to "make some extra money" at first I thought, "this is probably really shady" but I just said sure anyways. He then told me that I could make about $500 a month generating traffic for businesses.

Now, I know that this is usually a less than legit type of business but then again I know that there are some legitimate companies that do this through PR and advertisement etc. I guess I was contacted because I run a small graphic design business but still it is rather out of no where.

After that he asked me what I did and how much work would I put in etc. I told him and then he invited me to a info session at a hotel a few miles from where I live. He told me there will be speakers, businessmen, and other related people there.

I am not incompetent and it would be very hard to scam me, considering I have a hard time parting with money for legitimate reasons. The first mention of "just buy this" or give us some money I would walk out. That however is my other concern. This info session is at 7:40 pm at a wingate hotel. Is this normal? He said something about a guy Matthew P... something coming to talk about how he made a fortune, then a ex bank of america vp or something who retired in his 30's. I should have written the names down but I wasn't near a paper. I am worried that since I am younger and new to this they might try to strong arm me into something.

Sorry for the questions, I am just new to business as a whole and still learning. I don't want to make a mistake so early on.


I did some google searches and I think he may have been talking about Matthew Mickiewicz, I remember it wasn't a common name and ended in a z I could be wrong but I now feel that this was the guy he was talking about.

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