mercredi 6 août 2014

New on here and looking for inspiration

Hello everyone,

I'm Jon. I work for a small business in Hampshire in the UK. I don't own the business, nor am I a manager. The business isn't exactly flourishing at the moment, but having worked here for over 10 years, I do have a vested interest in its success. I thought it was probably worth joining a few forums in search of some inspiration on how I can contribute to getting the business back on track. Having read a few threads it looks like I'm in the right place.

When I'm not in the office or with my family I like to cycle or walk. I've never entered any 'races' but I'm thinking of trying something like the London to Brighton for fun. I like to ride in new locales, so try and take my bike around the country and ride in new places when I can (and my wife will allow).


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