mardi 12 août 2014

New member, very sociable. Want's to learn and help if I can.


My name is Jed and I own a trash removal business.

(Hi Jed.)

Anyways, I've owned my business for about 3 years. Started right out of high school (I am now 21). I recently bought out a retiring trash man and currently have about 430 customers and two trucks. However he ran his business completely different from how I run mine and it has been interesting/ stressful with my new recruits. I am at a tipping point with the business. I work 40+ hours a week and that doesn't count the phone calls I field or the paperwork I do. I recently hired a bookkeeping business to help but it is cheaper to have an employee! Anyways, just growing pains. Ones that I'm not complaining about!

About myself, I have a wife and a little girl. Love them both and they give me the drive.

I look forward to getting to know some people on here!

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