mardi 12 août 2014

repuation management letter

Okay, so I got this letter in the mail and it had a hand-written address and my own name on it. I opened it and my bad reviews on Yelp show up. He highlighted the bad stuff for me. I admit, my reputation isn't the best in my area (3 star). And then in the next page he claims that he can help my reputation with legit Yelp reviews. "Studies show that one star increase on Yelp translates into 9% sales increase every month!". He also said that too.

First of all, is this legit? I don't know how you can get good legit reviews for Yelp. Second of all, will a four star rating immensely help my business (restaurant in a medium town)? He's a local and asked for a meeting or a call.

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