mardi 5 août 2014

New to the Board from Phoenix, AZ

Hey guys, Newbie here, found this forum online. Thought it would be a great place to visit from time to time, learn, and share. My name is Ty, I am a small business owner of 4 different companies and outside partner of 2 others in Phoenix. I started my first company in 2006 and I have been testing and growing my entrepreneurial skills since then.

I started with a power washing company, then moved into window cleaning and sweeping. Then moved into Website Design, SEO, and now I am working on consulting/marketing for other companies in my area. I am pretty well rounded when it comes to business as I have played almost every roll in a few of my companies.

I am here to learn and help others grow as well. Seems like a great place to pick up some knowledge and help others at the same time. I am a big fan of forums and I chat on a few pretty regularly. Find some are harder to join then others because there is usually a tight-knit community. And sometimes its hard to break in.

Hopefully I can prove myself here and become a regular. I just wish it was on Tapatalk! haha No biggie...

Glad to be here! Thanks in advance...

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