mercredi 3 décembre 2014

How do companies gain a solid reputation - subconscious advertising?

1. most huge retail companies have a solid reputation but what does it take to get such a big following in terms of the psychological aspect in where the demographic sees your company to have more "value" whether in the goods or more importantly the culture. How do they cultivate this culture and get it to thrive. Its very hard to pinpoint.. but I am influenced by certain brands like nike, levis, apple and they all give out a different vibe that is secure, trendy and state of the art.

2. Is it years of business? press? brand awareness? How much research do companies put into it - I remember a study done on smells for consumer behaviour, are there anything in this type of category that all brands do to get that edge?

3.It feels like its nearly 100 percent psychological and subconscious. If anything Id like a view point on this - how does one subconsciously give out these values and culture to differentiate in a market where so many people sell similar items.

4.How can the little guy compete if they plan to get marketshare and compete with the leaders and the near competitors (to get in the small niche market)? what are some immediate ways and small tweaks or changes that can get the ball rolling.

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