dimanche 7 décembre 2014

Think I'm gonna need a new website

Greetings. I'm looking for some website advice. My current situation has fallen apart this year it seems. The person I am paying is hosting and also supposed to fix/upgrade my site. Well I paid for an upgrade in January and he still has been unable to complete it. In the past he has been very competent, so I don't really know why this is. But we've talked quite a few times on the subject and I still have a website that is over a couple years old without an upgrade. I'm currently using nopcommere. My site is not mobile friendly and the upgrade was supposed to make the site responsive which is something I really want. There are also other promotional things I'd like to use that I don't currently have like abandoned cart.

So now I think early next year I need to move to something else. I currently have about 400 products that I sell. Business is pretty good but I think it would be much better with a more updated website. I don't really have that much interest in completely running the site myself. I used to have an html site with paypal buttons that I ran myself. That wasn't so hard, but all I know is a little html. My research so far makes me thing a hosted solution would be good like 3D cart, Volusion, Shopify, or bigcommerce. They seem to have all the features I want and would actually be cheaper than what I'm paying now. But I do find negative reviews on them. I am hoping those are a small minority of their customers. Looking for suggestions on what route I should take going forward. I'm mostly leaning 3d Cart right now. This is the second company I have worked with on this current site btw. The previous company was local and had huge hosting problems and the site was slow due to errors after an upgrade which also took them forever. The current guy I am working with fixed up the site and took over hosting. So I don't know I want to go to another small web company since two have failed me already.

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