lundi 31 août 2015

My own Start Up

Hello, I'm thinking about doing my own business. I want open my own start up. It's language school Speak Up. I want to rent classroom for my school? Can anyone tell me what are the costs of renting rooms in the school?

Hiring Employees vs. Funding Yourself


I've been in business for approx 10 years, almost 11.... the struggle that I've ran into is that our business is specialized. Most employees are seasonal, while a couple are salary full time..... A couple of the salary employees are falling short, not really showing enthusiasm, burning time, etc..... It's not as simple as letting them go because there aren't very many that participate with in the industry we are involved in. Right now, I handle the bookings, money transactions, etc but not very much of the field work. I net plenty enough money to work solely through the business only, but right now i work a part time job that provides medical benefits......

Sorry for the rambling...... So here's the question. Am I better off to be more involved within the business, quit my part time job, and take on even more responsibility with field work also, then purchasing medical insurance so I can micro manage a little more to make sure things get done more thorough with in the business or do I simply find someone else more suitable for the field work. I don't simply want to throw our money down the drain....

Hello there


My name is Ashley, I am the director of a Cleaning services company in Telford, Shropshire.
I am here to make contacts and maybe pick up a thing or two along the way.

So a little about me...
I am 28 years of age, I have been married for the last 7 years and have run Vortex Cleaning for 6 years.
I love camera's and GoPro's and use these within my work.

Hope to hear from you soon.

dimanche 30 août 2015

Where can I found the recently failed or succeed business?

Title explained all. I was hoping this site could help me with this questions, I really couldn't find the answer for this AND I am pretty sure this will helps every small business to understand their competitors.

If someone can give a link or teach how to find failed or succeed business it would be really awesome, It will help a lot.

I am a 90's Entrepreneur

My name is Vincent, I am starting a eCommerce business, currently I am looking for an investor and partnership for my business. Wish me Luck :)

What documents do I need to file after started my business?

I am starting a eCommerce corporate soon and have been wondering what stuff do I need to file at the end of the year.

Files like:
- Employee Tax
- Hiring your first Employee
- Corporate incomes

And what do I need to have such as:
- Employee Insurance
I know there are more and I did look it up on the IRS website, I just want to make sure I have all the important files and knowing what else I am missing. Can someone give me a full list for all the files that are require to file and needed?
I really apperciated for those of you taking your time to read this thread.:o:o

Do I need Trademark for Favicon logo?

If you don't know what Favicon is, Favicon is a 1x1 logo that are located on the top left of your browser.

When I am researching trademark on, a lot of business only register the business name as their logo but not the Favicon. Should I register my Favicon as a trademark?
Attached Images

How to manage managers that don't manage?

If you have managers that have for years not been held to a standard, How do you then get them to manage even after explaining to them that they are not doing the basics of their job? There is alot to this I can't explain all the details but the long short of it is they are not doing their job. just enought to get by.

Question about the legality of a system that resembles a private lottery

I want to create an app that facilitates sales via a lottery-esque system, but with a few differences:

-"Tickets" to be submitted can be purchased, but users will also receive up to 4 tickets a day for free just by logging in.

-The winners will not be chosen randomly. Rather, the seller of the item/service will be able to view relevant information about each entrant and choose the winner. However, monetary incentives to choose each entrant will be also randomly assigned (for example, choosing Person A to be the winner may earn the seller 80% of money garnered from the sale, while choosing Person B may earn 90%). Obviously, there will also be natural incentives against choosing the highest monetary incentive (such as if that entrant doesn't seem safe to do business with or if they are located farther away). Those not chosen may also win some kind of award, such as a discount on future-purchased tickets that is applicable until they win one.

I understand that private lotteries are illegal, but would the system I've described satisfy the definition of "lottery" as it pertains to these laws?

samedi 29 août 2015

Inc. / Subject of Taxation ?


I am interested in starting an Inc. and I spoke already to two accountants about Corporate Taxes and Personal Income Taxes.

Core Question about Corporate Taxes:
What State is subject of taxation ?

I wanted to make sure that the topic is clear. For that reason, I created this short FULL HD Video in which I lay out the situation and questions I do have.

Curious about your opinions, your thoughts and infos !
I do appreciate every little help !

Thank you so much !

vendredi 28 août 2015

Benefits of Cloud Accounting Software?

Hello All,

Theses days, I am trying a new cloud accounting software for bookkeeping and other invoicing task. I am new to accounting field and want to know the benefits of moving to cloud.

Hello Everyone

Hello Everyone, I am Stuart an accounting interns. I want to learn more about the accounting software, tips and tricks. I also have experience in small business management, I will also share my experience with small business forum community members.


What does a + mean in a Facebook photo


I am learning facebook and trying to build up connections by posting landmarks and events in my city.
Can anyone tell me what a +5 means?
plus in photo.jpg
Attached Images

jeudi 27 août 2015

New eCommerce website/biz.. INPUTS much appreciated

So as I mentioned in my introduction, I am in progress of starting up an eCommerce website/business with a basic concept in which I will be importing products overseas and selling them for more (modern high end gadgets and toys). I was fortunate enough to have a friend who lives in Hong Kong that works for a company who helps businesses partner up with quality manufacturers. She's also been speaking with them on my behalf. Anyhow, I am doing this in hopes of raising some extra cash to open my dream restaurant here in Atlanta. I've been reading random threads on this forum, and the amount of information that is thrown around here is so great that I am confident I will get all the help that I need here.. so thank you guys in advance. I have the dream, the mindset and the hustle; all I need now is knowledge to help me do this right.

So far in my journey this is what I've done:

1) Figured out roughly how much I will need to invest.
2) Calculated the estimated profit margin.
3) Figured out who my target consumers are and how I plan to market to them.
4) Came up with a name for my company.
5) Worked out a deal with the manufacturers.
6) Close to finishing a smart excel sheet for my expenses.

My next steps:

1) Have someone create a unique logo for the website.
2) Design the website using one of those easy to build platforms like Wix.
3) Focus on marketing.
4) Find a company that will make a custom shipment box with my logo


1) Once I have the logo done; should I copyright it? Or just "TM" it? Is it worth copyrighting the logo for this simple online business?
2) Should I copyright the company name?
3) I've seen some appealing and simple websites on; what are your thoughts?
4) As for marketing, I plan to create Facebook ads that will appear on people's news feed, make bumper stickers and flyers, have some music/TV stars promote them on their Instagram and Facebook (I personally know a reality TV star and the Ying Yang Twins, a rap group). I plan to travel to big hot cities to market the company as well. What do you think so far?

My first product will be priced at $499; however I thought of a really cool idea that could work in my favor for marketing. I was thinking of having something somewhere on my website where it says something like, "get yours for free!" The customer would click it because obviously free is good and he/she would like to know more right? My idea is this... after the customer purchases the product, he/she is eligible to be reimbursed for the price of the product if he/she can get 20 other people to buy it (after the purchase he/she will be given a unique code that his/her people will need to input when buying the product). I can see people posting videos, pictures and link all over their social media page just to get people to buy it using the code, which will provide for free shipping. It doesn't hurt them, nor does it take too much time. Basically I am giving away a product in exchange for good marketing, which I'm definitely ok with. This could create a domino effect. What do you guys think?

Legal Issues...

Hey everyone,
I have an app idea that I want to try out. It is something that might run into legal complications. I need to consult a lawyer but I do not have the funds. What is the cheapest way I can get legal advice? Is there a place online or how cheap can it be to see a lawyer? Any help guys?
If you need more details let me know!

SolusVM and WHMCS Problem?

I don't know if anyone here has any experience in WHMCS and SolusVM but i have a problem. Basically, I add the server details to WHMCS and nothing happens. The dropdowns are 100% blank. This is a huge headache. Does anyone know how to fix this? :(

Hello Everyone!

Hello everyone, if anyone needs help with technology please let me know. I work for Microsoft in SMB sales (emphasis on the "S") so drop me a line if you need anything or have questions!


Breaking Bad Finale Myth Busters Breakdown

For fans of Breaking Bad, I thought I'd share this as I just watched it and got a kick out of it. Myth Busters takes-on Walt's booby trap from the show's finale and the results are a bit surprising...

Hello Everyone

Greeting to all members of this Forum, glad to be a part of this community. Looking to learn & share more about SEO.

mercredi 26 août 2015

My experience in a service based business

If you are starting in a service based business, here is my personal experience that i think could help you out. Of course, many may have varying opinions but i am up for a discussion.

1) You cannot scale a service based business if you are doing the service yourself. I think it is extremely inefficient and not necessary to do it yourself. If you do the service, you won't have as much time for hussling for business, marketing, and sales. Don't get me wrong, it's great to have the experience in that service, in fact, i think it is very important. Your main positionin in the company, however, should either be to generate sales, manage a sales team, or develop strategic partnerships not be involved in the detailed day to day work. You will not have a business for very long if that is the case.

2) My main source of business is the phones. At some point, you will have to call someone to gain their business. Not many clients are going to call you and just pay you $3000 just beecause they saw you in a youtube video. Will that happen sometimes? Maybe if you have a MASSIVE FOLLOWING, but it will still only happen sometimes. I think video marketing and internet marketing ease the sales process tremendously but I don't think such methods are the end all be all to building a company. Again, they help a lot but I wouldn't rely on them.

When it comes down to it, making cold AND warm calls is the most effective way to get busienss. Now, you can ignore what i am saying like most people that lose their businesses but the fact is that making calls works better then anything. I had a friend who owned a car dealership and he said he didn't like to annoy people with cold calls. Do you believe that? Guess what? He lost his business.

3) Keep your expenses low as possible. You don't need an office right away, you don't need a ton of employees right away.

4) It is always a good plaly to invest in your business. However, you always have to ask yoursef 'is this expense an investment or a waste?'. Do not be one of those business owners who is always afraid of spending money. If you are, maybe business is not the field for you. To grow, you have to spend, it's just reality.

5) Success requires humility. It doesn't require a humble personality. I know some of you will say that Donald Trump is not humble. I am wlling to bet, at one point, he had to get an honest assesement of where he was and that he needed help to grow. I bet you he read, listened to success audio tapes, and grilled successful people like a mad man.

6) Business is $*%&#*@ hard but you have to learn to bounce back from failures. There WILL be times you will want to quit. I had a mentor who once told me that if you havent thought about quitting, you simply haven't worked hard enough. There will be times where running your business will feel like going through a breakup. It will be that tough. There will be customers who take advantage of your newness in business and completely thrash you. There will be times when a 9-5 job looks extremely appealing. But guess what, I promise you, It's worth it. However, if you quit, you will never experience the best part of business.

7) The foundation of your business is leadership and integrity. You cannot keep a client for a long time without integrity. You cannot keep employees or sales rep for a long time without integrity. Always keep your word and always do the right thing. These things will go a long way to establishing a successful business.

8) Always be on top of things. This may be extremely obvious but it's not. MOST PEOPLE are not. ALWAYS BE ON TIME AND ALWAYS KEEP YOUR WORD.

9) HUSSLE YOUR ASS OFF. There are no shortcuts, I promise. Stop finding ways to make it easier for you. SOme say work smart and not hard. I say work smart and hard.

Greetings everyone!


As a new member, I want to formally introduce myself to everyone. I am currently a full time employee at AT&T as a project manager, and enjoy playing poker during my free time. Well how did I end up at this forum, and what interest do I have here?....

I have always considered myself a businessperson, and so have my friends. From haggling, selling and flipping random items, to daily pondering my next business venture, I am always excited to talk business/money. At times I wish I had studied business, but being in a typical Asian household, I was to choose medical, law or engineering lol. Long story short, I decided not to accept my seat in law school due to the over saturated market; it just didn't make sense to me to take out a 6 figure debt only to hope for a job that will start out very little. I met an older gentleman who thought I would do well as a project manager at AT&T, so I took his offer and here I am. I am doing very well, but it really is a means to an end for me. I cannot see myself staying at a 9-5 for the rest of my life, and it is only a matter of time before I quit to work for myself.

I am currently in the process of starting up an eCommerce website, and have been doing some research. During one of my googling session, I stumbled across this forum and read some very helpful information so I decided to join the community :D


Simple Referral Program

Hello everyone,

I'm looking for feedback on a tool that I helped to develop to simplify and automate referral payments.

The initial idea came from a friend of mine who was selling replacement windows. His company was operating a direct-mail referral program that offered incentives to former customers for referring new customers. We put together a similar program that worked over email, and that also incorporated automatic payment and tracking. So far the reaction has been pretty good, but I'd love to hear your thoughts: is this something you'd find useful? If not, why not?

Thanks for you time, and take care.



Hello Everyone,

I'm Iseult, a digital marketing intern at a small business in Ireland looking to pick up marketing tips here at s-b-f and hopefully help other people as well!

I look forward to getting to know you and engaging in this community!


Hello friends ! from charan

Hello forum, Am new member just joined few min. back .. am a online earner and what to gain knowledge on small online home business through internet , hope will find some new topics which suits to my knowledge and skills... thanks to visit my thread


Hello Everyone, I am very excited to join this new community. I am in pursuance of starting my own Business. I do posses fair amount of marketing experience & would love to hear fresh ideas & concepts from you people.


considering investing $80,000 in a running profitable restaurant

A friend of mine has offered me a 20% share in his restaurant (we both live outside the US where the restaurant is located) for approximately $80,000. He started the restaurant about a year ago for about $160,000. The restaurant has been considerably profitable its current monthly profits are more than $10,000. Assuming the profits continue at $10,000 a month and because of my 20% share, I would receive 20% of $120,000 (assuming this is next years profit), which is $24,000. At this profit rate, I would get back my initial investment of $80,000 in about 3 years.

He is actually using some of the money to expand the restaurant, more delivery drivers, etc., so it is possible profits will increase. He needs to sell a share because he has been investing his profits in other projects.

I will be a "silent partner" so I will not be doing any work.

How does this deal sound?

Opinions needed on if a loan is right for me?

I'm in search of some opinion if a buisness loan is the right thing to do.

A little over 2 years ago I took over a failing motorcycle shop. The previous owner had kind of a bad name around town but I was determined I could turn that around. I started into the buisness with about 30k. 20k of it went to purchasing some equipment from the previous owner as well as some new stuff we were in need of. After the first year the 10k I had left over had drained down. It was a steep learning curve for me and I believe it cost me my "working capital".

So this brings me to where I am now. My buisness is running and is generating revanue but I continue to struggle every month to be over my break even point. It seems like every month I make exactly what I need and no more no less.

Up to this point I have not put more then $500 into marketing. I made my website, google account, and have made some flyers to pass out, and got suckered into a couple soliciting calls that turned out to not help. All my buisness comes by word of mouth and my location is on a very busy street.

This is where I am struggling to decide if a loan would be right for me. Iv searched elsewhere for funds for marketing and working capital and have no other avenues except a loan. I want to put more into marketing and I would like to have a "cushion" to fall back on in the slow months if needed. To this point I am in debt about 15k on a buisness credit card and I own all my equipment and parts inventory. How much debt does a business usually carry? I can't help but think that there is no way that every buisness out there starts at zero every month and I feel like this is what's holding me back.

Please give me advice, if I left anything out please ask any questions.

mardi 25 août 2015

How to open offshore bank account quickly?

Hello guys! I need to open an offshore bank account for my company. Would be great to do it within a few days without visiting bank office. Are there any well-known solutions? The price or jurisdiction doesn’t matter.

Business startup

I'm afraid I only know product manufacturing. If you have what you believe to be a viable product but not enough money to develop it then reach out to someone who has the money. If that someone believes in your product then join together, develop the product, build and test the product then test market the product to get customer feedback. Under no circumstances try to bootstrap, that is to take orders for the product, get a down payment and try to build the product with that money. If you try that you'll fall behind and never catch up. If you can't find a partner who believes in your product then possibly the product is not commercially viable.

Where to find a nominee Director for LLC?

Good day! Need Your help. I write through the translator must me hard to understand... Where to find a nominee Director for LLC? Where to advertise for searching nominee Directors? Please help)

Taxes and Pricing

Hi all-

We are formulating a menu and pricing for a carry-out restaurant in the U.S. I lived in the Netherlands for a number of years before returning to America. Two of the things I liked about purchasing items in Holland was (1) everything was rounded up or down to the nearest 5 Euro cents which saved carrying around pocket full of those annoying little 1 and 2 Euro cent coins, and (2) a VAT was already incorporated into the price, so if something was listed as 4.95 Euro on the menu that is exactly what you paid, the taxes were not added on after-the-fact. If you were really interested in seeing what your taxes were you could look at the receipt provided which broke-out VAT versus the product price.

I'd like to do something similar with my menu pricing in the U.S. so that the price for each item on the menu reflects the core price plus local and state sales taxes already incorporated. For example, a soft drink would sell for $1.75, with the retail price being $1.58 and a 10% sales tax of $0.17 already folded into the price.

So if the customer orders a drink for $1.75 and a meal for 8.95, all with taxes already included in the price, their total bill will come to $10.70. If they pay with $15.00 the change back will be $4.30.

The advantage I see is that without having to deal with pennies and the add-on sales tax the actual cash exchange at the register would be faster and more efficient, and the till count at the end of the day would be more accurate.

It would require careful calculating of pricing in advance, but I think modern POS systems could be programmed to do this.

Any thoughts? Has anyone tried this before? Is it even legal to conduct business with consumers without adding on tax after the fact? Your thoughts are appreciated.

Another perspective

Hello everybody,

we recently did a relaunch of our website and are now looking for some feedback on it.
It's the first time we have done an international version of our homepage,
although we have an american subsidary for quite some time.

We deal in a very specialized area, Linseis is producing high quality thermal measurement tools
for both research and various industrial sectors.

Take a look at the homepage here: LINSEIS - Thermal Analysis Equipment Manufacturer
How understandable are our product pages? Thematically it is obviously a subject that few people
are familiar, but maybe you can still give an opinion.

Do you like the structure? Is all the infornation clearly presented?

Best regards,

Hello friends!

Hello! I'm Rachel, 27 years old) I am from London, working there in logistics ) Hope to find new friends here and lots of interesting info about small business)

lundi 24 août 2015

Need Ideas for SEO work for my employees to do.

I am a brick and mortar furniture retailer. I have 3 retail locations in the San Francisco Bay Area. The name of the business is Sofa Creations. We sell custom sofas, delivered to the customer in 2 weeks at affordable prices. My site which is currently being redone to become more mobile friendly is Once the new site is done I want to start having my staff perform tasks to help my SEO. They have a ton of down time and I need to keep them busy. Two of my locations are fairly new so they could use help with SEO. Please let me know any ideas or feedback you have.

Legal question

I was contacted a couple of months ago by the owner of a property management company to do a landscape maintenance job at a residential home for around $400. The owner of this company also asked me to give him two more estimates for a different residential customer. He paid me by check in mail after completion of first job so I figured he was probably going to be good for the two jobs at the next place, which came out to be about $1000 in work. He wasn't good for it, and I've contacted him on several occasions and only once did he return an email stating that the check was in the mail and that was about a week and a half ago. So my question is, can I legally contact the customer at the residence of the $1000 in work that I wasn't paid for and kindly ask for a letter stating that the work was completed to their satisfaction, to use in court? And also, can I legally send a letter to the first customer who I was paid for, to make them aware that they're paying this guy and he may not be paying their contractors? Thanks!

Businesses and Expenses

I was planning on making a game development studio, a solo proprietorship to be exact. As such I was also planning to hire other people like artists and coders and the like. These people are not physically associated with the business yet I am purchasing their services. Would the pay I give these people be counted as expenses and thus play an impact on my taxes? I'm a beginner when it comes to both businesses and taxes, so unfortunately I don't know the answer.

samedi 22 août 2015

HR management question

I have an employee that went to a work related conference that ended 5 hrs into the work day. The employee went home instead of driving an hour to make it into the office. The employee may or may not have worked from home. I am considering writing the employee up for not working the full eight hrs that was filled out on the time card? I have a suspicion this employee has done this same type of thing one time prior.
What action should I take if any?

Tweets now part of Google desktop search

It was announced a few months back that this would happen. Looks like Google quietly rolled out the update to it's search results on Friday when normally no one is looking for new tech news.

Today's change follows a similar move earlier this year, when Google began integrating tweets into mobile results, and comes roughly six months after Twitter announced a deal with the tech giant.
Source: Your tweets now show up in Google desktop search results, too

Retail store window front light attraction

Hello, I am trying to find a way to attract people eyes from the sidewalk. I want some ideas I can use to make them look at my window. I want to use some kind of led lighting but the strips, I am concerned since they can burn out due to the direct sun light.
I want to do the same thing for my inside the store under the counter top.

Help needed

My name is Sofia .i am an importer from Pakistan .
I import rubber hoses stock lots from all around the world
We find stock lots online and usually TT the money in advance
There is no legal contract we just work on the basis of trust
With old companies ,and risk in term of new companies
I recently ordered a container from brewer Maine from
A company name KML traders through a Mr.lucky who
Is either the owner or a partner there , first an advance was
Set ,first he delayed the container and little over 2 months
And then we asked to have our money returned ,since then
He has been making excuses over excuses and I am truly stuck here
It's been 4 months now and I am desperate now , he hasn't stopped
Responding just keeps on making excuses ,is there anyway sitting in
Pakistan Are there any kind of services that help in these kind of situations
Cannot afford litigation
Plz respond if anyone can help

Business mindsets to have

Hope this helps you out guys

1) 80% of what i do won't work
2) My business is not a job
3) My short term actions must match my long term goals
4) I get paid in proportion to the value i create for other people
5) I am cracking the code, not "making money"
6) business success comes when I do "all" things right at once
7) I must take CONSISTENT action to acheive success

Tell me what you think

vendredi 21 août 2015

Which website do you guys prefer?

Hey guys, my development team has developed two different sites. TrustPay | Leading Web Design Company and Professional Custom Logo Design - What do you think i should use? Keep in my, this is not my ploy to try to buy a website from me lol? i am really curious because I get mixed reviews. Also, i plan on changing my company name too hence the difference in logos.

What is the social media network that works the best for you?

Please tell me what you do for business. Mentioning whether you do b2c or b2b is important. Let me know what social media platforms work best for you and maybe give what is working and what is not working.

writing really good content vs hiring an seo company?

I've heard people say they dont do any seo because they just put up really great content with relevant keywords. However, i've heard some companies get good results building links. What is your experience?

What is the social media network that works the best for you?

Please tell me what you do for business. Mentioning whether you do b2c or b2b is important. Let me know what social media platforms work best for you and maybe give what is working and what is not working.

Selling Cell Phones

My friend exports cell phones, and makes good money off of it. He is willing to provide the sources he buys phones from, but our situations are a little different. He's from outside of the US, and so he buys them in the states from a bulk distributor, than sells them where he lives. I live in California. He says he knows people who do sell cellphones on Amazon and e-bay etc, and so along with that I want to possibly open kiosks in local malls, and hire a few friends to man them.

What should I expect/look out for? Any advice? Suggestions?

Providing customer financing

I am looking to start a business buying and selling cell phones. I would really like to offer my customers financing through some financial institution that I could partner with. I've contacted banks like Synchrony and Bank of the West, and they provide services like that, but not for cell phones. Does anyone know of a bank/institution that might work for that kind of thing?

Business Banking Accounts

Setting up a Federal Contracting company. My entity has been registered as an LLC. I have originally done all my personal banking through BoA. I love them (convenience), but as I understand their fees are crazy. I checked out their BoA business accounts and it seems with their fundamental accounts, you need to have around 15K or 10K sitting in the account (average or daily). Or make around $250 a month in business purchases.

I simply need an account, it may take a year or so before I envision making those kind of purchases. Also, based on what I'm doing, I don't really need a whole lot of capital, just some bond insurance and spending lots of time bidding on contracts.

What do you guys use?

I think I will need at least a checking account as well as a CC. What else would I need?

jeudi 20 août 2015

Hello! I am an outsourcing partner geared for small business!

My name is Ryan I work for .

We are 4 employees strong in the US. We allow small business to focus on what is important to them and provide highly qualified applicants to companies who would like to remove non essential tasks from their current employees, we also provide virtual assistants to companies who are looking to add positions. Our service is quite unique as outsourcing labor is generally not made available or affordable for small business. We work month to month and strive to delivery the highest quality possible. Headaches removed are recruiting, hiring, training, managing, and very important cost of labor(sustainability)

I personally come from med device and before that manufacturing enviornment as well as defense sector. I found my calling, leading teams (especially sales teams) but I have a lot of great experiences along the way (many coming from my time in the Air Force as well). I serve my employees to an extent so they will be able to do great things.

Excited to have found this forum recently. and multiple email accounts

I guess this is more/less a basic hosting question. I'm asking this here v.s. going to GoDaddy (since they are very commercialized). I see you have to use their Office 365 program (Or do you have to!!!). I want to create 3 or 4 email addresses.

It seems you have to pay extra for each and every email account!!!!! I tried to add an additional email account and I'm getting a popup for extra costs!!!

In addition how is the Google Domain service. I really regret using Godaddy. It seems they nickle and dime you for everything?

New Bie

Hi , everybody , I am new here .here i want to discuss to some new things about business . I hope we can share more information each other through this forum community.

What is SMO?

Hello friends tell me about SMO

visit- www(dot)hendersondogtrainers(dot)com

mercredi 19 août 2015

Is there any way to do buy and sell shares Online for India ?

i want to sell and buy shares without any broker , i want to do it manually so that i could handle it better in future , what should i do ?

What to do became a successful content writer ?

Actually i love writing and some times i got things that inspires me to write , but currently i am not that much mature to became a successful content writer , what should i do in daily basis for that ?


My name is George Finley. I have been in business for the last 45 years. I would like to share some of my experiences with you.

Funding Your Business

I know a lot of you are curious about cash advances, loans, or just acquiring working capital for you business.
I would love to help you, I work with a large number of banks , direct funders, and private investors. These are a few of the programs we offer.
We are not too credit driven, so bad credit WILL NOT bar you from our programs.

Programs we offer:
· Daily/Weekly/ Bi-weekly/ Monthly ACH Programs
· Credit Card Splits
· Credit Card Processing
· BLOC- Business Line of Credit
· Invoice Factoring on Accounts Receivables
· SBA Loans
· HELOC- Home Equity Line of Credit
· Real Estate Financing
· Franchise Financing
· Equipment Financing
· Start Ups
· Portfolio Liquidation
· Bridge/ Hard Money

If you have any interest or any questions feel free to PM me , I'd Love to help you out!

business and resale cert

i have a sole prop business registered that i have not operated in some years. It dealt with making and repairing leather products.

I have a separate LLC that deals with riding lessons. (not required to have tax cert)

I now want to get back into making leather goods and now need a resale cert

question is... which is easier and makes more sense?

use the llc? or the sole prop?

if I use the sole prop I will have to file 2 schedule Cs at tax time

Putting my logo products


I going to order some item from China manufacturers. For some items I am going to customize the colors, but for some I am going to take them as they are from the manufacturer.

my question is, is it ethical to put my logo on something that is not my own design?:confused:

What do you mean by anchor text?

Hello friends guide me about anchor text.

visit - www[dot]idealhomesportugal[dot]com/

What is google webmaster tool?

Hello friends guide me about webmaster tool.

visit - www[dot]portugalpropertydeals[dot]com

mardi 18 août 2015

Reliable Security system for 100+ location

Hello Everyone,
I am trying to get alot of things set up for the future for my business.
I do not have 100 location yet or even close but will have it near future.
A major issue A lot of retail stores face is security and watching over employees.
I am trying to find reliable security cameras that allows the ability to view multiple locations in one application log in.
I know Dhua and Hikvison are the top line but having hard time finding place to buy them off. I talked to their installer,
well they might as well chop off my arm with the price tag they asking with Installation.

Wanted to know what you guys use and found to work reliable and lasting a long time.
I just installed a q-see at one of my location but i know that is just.

Thanks in advance.

Hello Everyone

Hello Everyone I am Adam Chase & i have joined this forum to contribute here own views.

Hiring Remote Employees?

In the past month Stacktron has had huge growth. We want to hire two part time employees that work remotely in the U.S. Stacktron is currently only a DBA in the state of Maine. These employees would be recognized as Class A Agents. Our business model is based on our managed cloud VPS, unmanaged cloud VPS, unmanaged dedicated servers (which are paid for in Dallas, TX we are currently renting racks from a data center), and managed dedicated servers.

Anyways, since we're a sole proprietorship what licensing and filing do I have to sign and stuff to be able to legally hire remote part-time employees?

What we're doing is paying them the bare minimum ($1.00 an hour) and how we can legally do this is by paying tips. How it works is Stacktron's Agent By Your Side support allows clients to have their own personal support agent that'll manage their account and fix any issues when needed. They client gets their phone extension, email, Skype (if they have one) etc.

The employee gets a fixed amount per client per month and they're filed as tips allowing us to pay below minimum wage, similar to a restaurant.

How would I go about doing all of this? Where can i find someone who knows a lot about all of this?

Odd Social Marketing question

Hello All,

I have been providing consulting services to people in my area since 2004. I took a break from the field 2009 until March 2015. This was and is now again a full time job that requires my commitment 9am-9pm 365 days a year.

Back in 09 I did not use social marketing but now I think I really need to include and not overlook it. FB, Twitter, Pinterest, G+ are the platforms I have been building up.

I have several different websites that all point to me. I use them all in different ways to try to capture and funnel leads to me. 2 of them I would like to keep secret in a way that does not let my competitors know that it is me. I plan to build a comprehensive website about everything there is to do in my city. It will include photos, videos, 360 virtual tours and hopefully, well written copy. I will also plan to post the photos in the 4 SM platforms above.

In your opinion, should I post all it from my name or from the other websites I maintain that do not disclose my name but rather give out the free information in an unbiased way.

I hope I explained this in a digestible way.

Thank you for any feedback you can provide. I don't bite.

Sansumg announces Galaxy 6s Edge and Note 5. Meh.

I'm a big fan of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4. Best phone I've ever owned. Expandable memory and replaceable battery is a big reason for that.
With the new Note 5, both of those features are gone.

Sure it has a few new toys, and display advances but most of the changes are aesthetic more than functional. Therefore they've probably lost me on the upgrade. I'll probably go Nexus 6 now. If I can't get expandable memory may as well just go full Android without the fluff and bloatware.

For the price of phones these days I don't understand why featured device makers are taking away the features that people want in exchange for style.

Any other Note fans think that taking away these functions is a huge mistake to the loyal users who've been used to having this on every new iteration?
Samsung Made the World's Best Smartphone Display Even Better

Need marketing ideas, opening a cell phone store

Hello everyone,
I am opening my first stand alone cricket wireless store in a new market. Cricket usually targeted lower income demographic but now I am going into a 100 AVg household income area.
Cricket was bought by ATT now they are going after everybody, specially Verizon, sprint and t mobile.
It is about 95% white. Alot of them work for the government.
Doing a little research, I found out those customers most likely to ask "WHy Should I choose you?"
It would be much easier if I had legal right to just say we use ATT network but we can not have that on any of my marketing material.

I am planning on going to local events and sponsorship with my tent and letting people know about our product. Also maybe bring food for everyone.
Thinking about direct mailing but not sure if it will be worth it. Or maybe door hanger but could not find anyone locally who can do it. I am located in Crofton MD, if anyone knows a company around there.
Will also do Social media but ATT got a lot of restriction. They want Cricket to be really fancy and professional. SO what ever I want to do, no shortcut. They even came out with their own color like cricket green, cricket white. lol
I will also wrap my car and have it on the parking lot. Since I am right front of the highway with 5 lanes going each way. SO Alot of traffic goes front of my store. I will also try to have some feather flag and banners, maybe a dancing air man but not sure yet. County have a lot of restriction.
Any ad I make, it will need to be approved by them.

Hello Everyone!

I am Education Traning Organization officer, Our company name is GAACCS and My name is Smith Green. We will provide education and human resource traning.

Thank You

SEO, marketing and social media for a Bookkeeping/Accounting business, is it worth it

Hi Everyone,

I am new to this forum but have read a lot of useful information so far. I am trying to start doing bookkeeping/ freelancing on the side because I am aware it is not easy to start making decent money in this kind of business right away. I also have a degree in accounting.
I noticed a lot of people on this forum suggest also doing blogging/ social media for SEO purposes. There are companies that offer services/ packages to do it for you. Many offer blog posts, Facebook/Twitter posts, advancement in search engines, etc. Do you have personal experience purchasing this kind of service? What is your opinion, is it worth it? I would greatly appreciate your input.

Starting out ..... help!!!

Hi everyone,

A quick brief:
I was a hairdresser and beauty therapist for 8 years before deciding I no longer wanted a minimum wage job and retrained as an accountant. I have now decided I want to go back to the career I was more suited too but I want my own salon.

I'm just wondering how people survived/lived with other financial responsibilities as well as the new business costs? I'm a single mum to two children and I'm pretty much debt free apart from my car finance but do have 2 credit cards free with a total of £4000 available to use if I need it on them. I have also applied for a business start up loan but it all seems a bit daunting at the minute. I'm just wondering how I'll pay my rent and buy food etc in the first few months that are bound to be hard.
Did anyone lese feel like this? How did you all manage?


this is mizan

hello there,
i am mizan, i am from bangladesh and i am a seo expert.
i was work very hard to prove my self

lundi 17 août 2015

Sometimes you gotta laugh at ****head customers

So my partner entered in an online order from the FAA. He sent her an email with a ship date. It turns out she needs it for a training class on the day it's scheduled to ship. She didn't read his email but confirmed she had it. Then she hung up on him.

Mind you this is the FAA. I hold them to a higher standard of professionalism than other types of customers.

We have a 20% restocking fee policy, which I almost never use. Might actually use it here, or at least push it to piss her off more than she already is.

I'll probably just cancel the order, but jeez, some people...

Hello :)

Hello everyone, I am very happy to be here as this looks like a very nice community.

I am the owner of where we provide Facebook likes and Youtube views to boost your social marketing.
And as I am new to this forum I think it would be nice to offer something. So if anyone is interested in any of our packages listed on our website, please contact me and I will offer you 50% discount.

And...if anyone have any questions or whatever feel free to ask/post :)

Sometimes you gotta laugh at dickhead customers

So my partner entered in an online order from the FAA. He sent her an email with a ship date. It turns out she needs it for a training class on the day it's scheduled to ship. She didn't read his email but confirmed she had it. Then she hung up on him.

Mind you this is the FAA. I hold them to a higher standard of professionalism than other types of customers.

We have a 20% restocking fee policy, which I almost never use. Might actually use it here, or at least push it to piss her off more than she already is.

I'll probably just cancel the order, but jeez, some people...

Thank you for having me

Good afternoon,

Just giving a quick intro, new member to the forum.

Mentrabi is my company name

We specialize in business strategy, tactics, marketing and leadership designed to bring our clients to the next level in their industry IE Disruptive strategy.

My name is Shane, the founder of Mentrabi, and I look forward to getting to know you all!

new business taxes

Im new at this forum, so bare with me please. Starting a new business in Ohio, How do i prepare for taxes? Do I charge sales tax on each project completed? And When filing for income tax what do i do? Taxes is whats scaring me.

Custom printed shopping bags

I've been going crazy trying to find a company for my bags.... At first I wanted to go with a white plastic bag (die cut) and have my logo on it but my logo is like 8 colors!! I need 3 sizes, basically small around 9x12, med around 12x15 and large about 20x20. So then I considered making a secondary logo just for bags and have light blue bags with red print but the companies that print red on blue bags are limited. It also looks really expensive to do any of these options. I looked at Uline, papermart as well as a handful of other websites that print on bags. Anyone use a company that they are happy with as far as quality & price for similar type design?

Keeping Hard Copies of Receipts, Invoices, Bills, etc

Hello Guys,

Now, that we are in the digital age, where basically all your statements, credit card receipts, invoices and all that can be printed out "on the fly" and are saved in databases, is it still important to keep all your receipts, all your invoices that you receive (or send out) and keep all this paperwork? or is that just becoming such a time consuming task that it is best to not waste time/money/resources on this any longer?

Thanks in advance for your responses.

How do we integrate various sources of data for analyzing consumer lifestyle ?

Nowadays, marketers are flooded with the relevant customer data, yet, they fail to deliver the expected customer engagement.
Is there any strategic approach to leverage consumer data for enhancing customer experience?

Which Section is Better For Gain Relevant Customer ?

You all knows about the internet marketing. There are many sections in the online marketing.

Is someone knows the best section of internet marketing for gain relevant Customer ?

New way to solved financial dispute

A new system to resolve financial disputes online without intervention from another person or entity. Conflicteam is a useful tool and interface for two parties who are entangled in a financial dispute or some other type of financial conflict.

This is not spam, our mission is to resolved your financial dispute and make it profit for you and your customers.
Attached Images

dimanche 16 août 2015

Need some marketing IDEAS.

Hello Everyones,
I have businesses in DC, in the bad part of the dc.

I have check cashing place with cell phone and other merchandise. I am mainly trying to market my phones. But only problem is I do not have a carrier backing me up in one of the location and the other one that I do have representation from a carrier, I am inside another store and can not really market inside the store so I have to do it outside mainly.

For both store, I am trying to promote my free smart phones

Store with no brand representation (surprisingly I am doing better here)
Currently, I have feather flags, posters, banners,

Store with representation. Been more difficult due to being inside another store, so not everyone knows we are inside.
Banners, flags, posters.

Any tips about any specific kind of banners, flags or poster I should make or other kind of marketing that can be effective for me. I would do social media, but it is just not that kind of demographic in the hood that does social media like that.

Custom printed shopping bags

I've been going crazy trying to find a company for my bags.... At first I wanted to go with a white plastic bag (die cut) and have my logo on it but my logo is like 8 colors!! I need 3 sizes, basically small around 9x12, med around 12x15 and large about 20x20. So then I considered making a secondary logo just for bags and have light blue bags with red print but the companies that print red on blue bags are limited. It also looks really expensive to do any of these options. I looked at Uline, papermart as well as a handful of other websites that print on bags. Anyone use a company that they are happy with as far as quality & price for similar type design?

Need ideas about setting up a tv with loop ad on my store

I have a check cashing with multipurpose wireless store. I want to find some new ways to advertise . Would that be a good idea?? Any tips and How should I do the videos.

samedi 15 août 2015

Subscription Based Money Collection

What is the best way to collect money from a neighborhood for a subscription based service? No HOA - For example a neighborhood that has 1000 houses and 10 business and each household needs to contribute $8/mo repeating charge with full participation. This is confusing me because not everyone will want to participate and some people will not pay every month, or will pay one month and stop while everyone else continues. Lets say the neighborhood needs to keep a $8000 charge as a whole, every month, how do you set that up to effectively and reliably get your money every month regardless of monthly variables? Thanks for your knowledge. - John

new business taxes

Im new at this forum, so bare with me please. Starting a new business in Ohio, How do i prepare for taxes? Do I charge sales tax on each project completed? And When filing for income tax what do i do? Taxes is whats scaring me.

HELP - Buy large quantites, sell low quantities - How to Make Profit?


As sad as this may sound, forums are my last resort here. I have a small business where we buy products from the manufacturer and resell directly to the end user. Generally, manufacturers do not like to sell small quantities, especially considering these are machined parts. A machining manufacturer will not start up a machine for a batch order of say, 10 pieces. Instead, they run lots of 500 or 1000. Some will, but not many. The Good: We get approximately 20-30 RFQ's for our products every day without doing any marketing or advertising whatsoever. We carry very little inventory so 90% of the time we are having to go to the manufacturer to get pricing. It is not realistic to carry inventory that would fit our customer base considering there are literally hundreds of thousands of different sizes, shapes, types, etc of this particular series of product type we sell. We'd need a warehouse the size of a SAM's club,,,,,,,,,,,or larger. Here's my dilemma and question for the forum. I have customers come in daily for quotes in quantities of, for example, 15 pieces, 30 pieces, 16 pieces, 55 pieces, 100 pieces, etc. However manufacturers often give price breaks at higher quantities of these products at, for example, 200, 500 and 1000 pieces. So here's what is happening: Customer comes in for 15 pieces. I don't have them in stock. I go to the manufacturer and get a price of $20 each. I mark up, say, 25%, and thus quote a price of $25 each. Meanwhile, company B comes along and quotes a price of $5 to that same customer thus I get beat out on price and lose the sale. As I stated, there are literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of these type of products out there and no one particular line that you could feasibly focus on and still draw the right business amount in. You have to offer them all in order to compete and draw in the business. I've toyed with the numbers of buying the 1000 pieces at .50 cents each instead of the 15 pieces at $20 each, selling the 15 and putting the other 985 in inventory. Problem is that in 2 years of running this business my data shows I've only had and order for the same type of piece duplicated 4 times. Those 985 pieces could sit in inventory for years and years. How do I get the lower pricing to be competitive, not hold inventory, and still offer a competitive price to my customers?

Setting Up 800 Number

I've just started looking into setting an 800 number up and from what I can tell, it's going to be a monthly fee just to use one. Is this right? If this is the case, what should I be looking for? Are there any companies that you recommend?

vendredi 14 août 2015

Getting Out

I am a business partner in an S Corp Business in operation since the 1980s. In 2000 I was talking into becoming a business partner by the President of the company. Here are some of the details of the problems that exist and untimely I need to know what difficulties I would have in getting out of the partnership despite the possible liabilities that exist.


1. A second partner brought on after me strongly insisted that we receive profit sharing checks. After more than 2 years our accountant indicated that we not making a profit and that we had to transform the payments to us into a loan. To date I owe over $10,000 to the company.

2.The ill health of our accountant (The girlfriend of the President) has led to severe financial neglect. This has resulted in forced withdraws totaling over $20,0000 from our back account of several occasions since warnings by the state were ignored.

3. A distancing of the President from the day to day actives of the store. I only see him once a week at best and then only for 20 minutes at a time.

4. The downward spiral of the success of the business.

What difficulties would I have in getting out especially in light of the details set out in the issues above?

handling paypal: 1 payment for multiple items that ship at dirrerent times

We have an item that can and will usually be ordered multiple times.
Payment is made up front for the lot.
We require signed contract to process the lot.
Shipping time is variable for each item.
Once an item is ready it is delivered to the customer online 1 by 1.
Each item is time sensitive so it must be shipped when it is available.

Because the payment was medium sized, Paypal is holding the entire funds until the entire lot is shipped...
Ideally, we should at least get the funds released for each item that was delivered instead of having to wait 21 days for the whole payment.

Options? Ideas?

Are SEOs really a valuable investment?

The point of SEOs are to optimize a businesses online exposure but how many really do what they say they can do? name a few in the comment section if you know of any at all...

Door to Door Marketing, E-Blast Marketing, etc.

What form of marketing have you guys found to be the most successful?

Hello All!!!

I am a Business Consultant with 12 years behind me... I specialize in helping other small businesses compete and navigate in this huge ocean that is the BUSINESS WORLD!!! :cool: From financial services ( establishing, repairing, maintaining credit to securing new business funding, working capital,etc., to maximizing the use of the small business tax codes to pay less taxes and in some cases make money back from your taxes LEGITIMATELY) to real estate, to marketing, etc. I am your go to guru!!! Send me a message, let's talk!!!

Investing in a business with a (semi) notorious reputation

I was approached with the opportunity to become an investor in a business that I had previously heard of and was excited about but the world heard about the business via a negative youtube post about a fight that happened at the business... the business plan is solid and there is a lot of revenue to be made if handled correctly but... the reputation... I kind of do believe the old adage " All press is good press" so if I'm able to spin the situation in favor of the business I think I could make it work... What re your thoughts?

Starting a New Business via an App?

Since this is the age of technology and applications how do you guys feel about streamlining a financial services program thru an app?

I need to work out individual product gross margin % and markup %


I need to calculate the gross margin % and markup % for my to 10 selling products, i need to make sure that i am making the margins i think i am on this high turnover products.

Can anyone advise a simple way to do this?


Which of these are drawbacks for a sole trader?

Which of these are drawbacks for a sole trader?

1) Accounts have to be audited
2) Personally liable for business debts
3) Complex legislation to be followed
4) Business has to be registered

Which of these are drawbacks for a sole trader?

Which of these are drawbacks for a sole trader?

1) Accounts have to be audited
2) Personally liable for business debts
3) Complex legislation to be followed
4) Business has to be registered

jeudi 13 août 2015

How to make small business popular on social media?

With the growing importance of social media, small business need to make them active on social platforms.

would love to hear your social media tips and tricks

Social Media WORKS. I know this now. Before i didnt believe it. One thing that i have done is continued to learn and improve. I would love to learn from you guys what has worked for you and i will share my own advice as well.

Affordable Marketing and Rewards for small businesses!

Hello All!

I work with a marketing company called Webigo that works specifically with small and independently owned businesses to pair with nonprofits and boost locally economy! We do this through digital means and use of our rewards program, Simply Rewards. This year we have had a HUGE boost in consumers (pushing 15 million internationally!) and we are looking for local businesses to cater to these consumers. And with the growth of our rewards program, we are offering incentives to eliminate the cost of our marketing!

If you are interested in hearing more about what we do or would like to market to these consumers, feel free to send me a message on here or an email to

I'm very excited about helping your business grow, and I can't wait to hear from you!
Roy Belzer
Account Manager

Helmet - A family monitor

I was looking at different Indiegogo campaigns to get some ideas for different online marketing strategies and found this campaign:

It is a family/business/pet monitor by the name of Helmet. I thought the fact that they gave it a name (Helmet) was good, because now tech companies are trying to make their devices more than just devices for the consumer. This Helmet has a laser for pets entertainment which I think is a good idea for pet owners. The prices they have are ridiculously low with their first 100 at $79 and the 1000 after that are for $99 only which is still active even after they reached their funding goal.

Let me know what you think.


What are some of your initial marketing tactics?

Hi everyone,

I'm curious to know what are some must-dos for when you initially launch your startup? Are there certain directories you post your site? Do you get started right away on content creation? I'm curious to find out. I recently launched a handwriting note service for personal and business purposes but am trying to get a grip on where I should start spending my resources in marketing this business.

Thanks for any replies!

I thought this was funny

You know how a lot of people put a saying in the signature of their email. I thought this one was pretty funny:

'Arguing with an engineer is like wrestling with a pig in the mud. Pretty soon, you realize the pig is really enjoying it'.

Hello to all of you.

Hi. Thanks for having me. I hope that I can learn alot from this forum. We all know how tuff it is to stay in business and thrive.

Hello from PEI, Canada

Hi everyone,

Glad to have found this forum! I just started my new business called The Note Shack where we send handwritten cards to your friend, newest client, acquaintance, or whomever. All you do is pick a card and tell us what you want to say.

Looking forward to being part of this community and hopefully learning ton of stuff on how I can promote my new business!


College girl seeking tiny help

I know this looks and sounds really bad, but so is my situation

I really did not know where to post this, in which forum to who, and why even..As I thought this would be a community full of businessmen who has helped many others in need in the past, I thought posting here would work.

I am a 21 year old college student and I my student house has been robbed a short while ago. I lost nearly everything, including my laptop that i have my schoolwork in, my TV, and everything.
Even before this happened I was having some financial issues and this was the killer point. I decided i needed to do something. While thinking of a way of income, I saw the nudes that I have taken for my ex. I recently broke up with him. IDK if my anger to him made me think of this, but i plan on selling those nudes and videos.

I thought there would be people over here who would not hesitate helping. Even if you don't, please do not judge me. I cannot think of anything else, this seems like the only way out...

You can contact me through skype to buy my nudes & help me

skype : lerdon.gambit

thanks in advance

Best Business Type With Lowest Taxes?

Hey there. I was planning to start up my own business which makes indie games for online play. One of the things I've encountered that's interesting though is the amount of taxes I would have to pay for being a self-employed solo proprietorship. Self-employment tax is 15% in and of itself, while federal, state and local end up being about another 25% of my profits! (this is an estimate but still a pretty accurate one) I was wondering what are my choices or alternatives that I can think of to try and maybe lower this tax amount? Or is it just not possible? I apologize for my lack of inexperience.

Am I in the Correct Forums?

Hello guys!
I'm just wondering if I'm in the correct forums to post a single survey thread for the importance of IT Systems if I'm not I will leave.

Dubai New Business Setup Consultant

We at Zenesis Corp provide complete company incorporation, administration and management services in UAE and all major jurisdictions of the world.

Business setup in UAE can be quite complicated and confusing if you are new to UAE. There are different options depending on your activity and budget. We have over 10 years of experience working with different authorities and banks in UAE and we pride ourselves on the service that we provide to our clients during the Company formation and visa process.

There are three different options for setting up :
• A local company with a sponsor for trading which is called an LLC (limited liability Company )or a professional service company
• A free zone Company established in free zones such as Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC), Jebel Ali Free zone (JAFZA), Umm Al Quwain Free Trade Zone (UAQFTZ), Sharjah Airport Free zone (SAIF Zone), Ras Al Khaimah Free Trade Zone (RAKFTZ), Fujairah Free zone (FFZA), Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), Dubai Airport Free Zone Authority (DAFZA) and etc. which offer 100% ownership and some other advantages, like zero per cent tax, possibility to do international business, open bank accounts etc.
• Offshore company for holding property, investments and bank accounts in different jurisdictions of RAKIA Offshore, JAFZA Offshore, BVI, Anguilla, Seychelles, Mauritius, etc.

If you don’t know how to start a business in Dubai – don’t worry! Our team of professional lawyers will do their best to help you. Please call us for a free consultation. You can also check our website at (Business Setup in Dubai - Zenesis Corporation. Business Services in the UAE) for more details and services that ZENESIS Corp can provide you.

mercredi 12 août 2015

Purchasing Managers?

How important is it to have a purchasing manager?

When is the right time to hire a purchasing manager. I work for an owner that for some reason doesn't believe having a purchasing manager is going to make him any money. He thinks the money spent on a purchase manager's salary and associated costs would be more than what that position could save him or make for him.

Here is the crazy thing about this, we are constantly running into situations where purchasing gets out of control but nothing happens. I am what you might call a controller / database developer / manager / estimator /, I do just about everything when it comes to the books. We currently operate a wholesale supply with a 7000 sqft inventory, an installation company, a restoration company, and have a HVAC company that just started in January. Combined we do upwards of 8 million a year. Our purchasing power is significant to say the least, between our wholesale company and the restoration company we will average a 200-400k a month just in purchases for jobs. This doesn't include the vendors we hire for restoration company.

In my opinion the money we would save could be huge. With somebody solely dedicated to getting the best price, managing purchase orders, returns on product, managing what is taken from the warehouse for internal companies, and flat out theft.

Can anyone share any experiences that you might have had with your business, or suggest some ideas to help me convince him that it would be beneficial for all his companies.

C Corporation - only federal taxes ?

The C-Corporation itself, has only federal taxes ?

Or also State Income Taxes ?

Sorry, was not able to find anything about state income taxes and a C-Corporation.

thx for any little help and info - appreciate it !

How to protect income ?

Hello Hello,


WHAT company form would be the best to protect any generated income from future possible claims of my ex ?

says, that it is a separate and distinct legal entity.
What means, what ever profit the C-Corporation would make, it's the profit of the company - but not mine, right ?

For instance:
Let's say the C-Corporation's annual corporate income would be $100k - I have to pay the Federal and State Income Taxes for the Corporation, right ?

And also, can I leave all profit within the company ?
Or do I have to pay profit to my shareholders ?

My goal is clear. I want to make sure that my personal income get's down to the bare minimum.

Curious if that would work or not.

Since an LLC has a pass through taxation, I am assuming that any profit would automatically count as my personal income.
Which I want to avoid - if possible.

I am aware that this question might trigger some emotions - I just prefer to leave any emotions out.
Just looking for possible answers, what's feasible and legal practical doable.

Thx for any hints, ideas, and infos !
I really appreciate that !
Attached Images

New member - owner of 2 small businesses

Hello! I'm from southern CA and just joined - I've been impressed with the forum topics and discussions and hope to learn (and share) useful tips to help in the management and growth of small businesses. I own two - one is a marketing firm, but the other, more established business is ball screw repair for CNC equipment. Hubby runs the day-to-day operations and I am the marketing arm of that company. I have more than a decade of marketing/sales management and consulting experience, and with the success of my other business, hubby gave the OK to "quit the day job" and focus on my true passion - helping small businesses grow. I enjoy learning from peers, networking, and improving my skills. I hope to do all that here and contribute positively as well.

It's nice to meet you all!
CNC Ball Screw Repair & Maintenance Done On-Site

Is Feedburner still a thing?

I just logged into someone's Feedburner account and was surprised that it existed.
I thought Google stopped supporting it.

Is anyone else still using Feedburner?

Finding the best priced swag

Hey everyone. A company I work with does vehicle wraps, assists with branding, etc. and we are looking to purchase swag to give to customers, primarily air fresheners, coffee mugs, tin water bottles and shirts. Do you have recommendations on how to find companies that offer the best deals on these products? I have read Advertising Specialty Institute (ASI) to be a good source for direction but am still looking around.

Huge Explosion Rocks Tianjin, China

From the video I just saw, this is horrible:



A giant explosion rocked the Chinese city of Tianjin, creating a huge mushroom cloud and causing a quake that could be felt up to 6 miles away, People's Daily China reported. The explosion was reportedly caused by explosive material in a container at a terminal in Binhai Dist, according to People's Daily. The Hong Kong-based CCTV has reported the explosion occurred at a hazardous goods depot. Chinese social media site has posted apparent photos of the aftermath.

The explosion appears to have destroyed large parts of the city, NBC affiliate KSNV News reported. The number of casualties and injuries is unknown, but a producer for CCTV America says he witnessed some casualties on video. An apparent video shows the explosion was so powerful, it knocked over a camera a good distance away.

A huge explosion just rocked a city in China and no one knows where it came from - Business Insider
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What are some trust worthy SEO course with Certification

Is there any online trust worthy SEO course with certification (one with real value) that I can apply for? With almost 7 years experience in he industry, I believe I could clear it with ease. The only reason why I am opting for such service is to get some certification that I can showcase. Please help me find a worthy course in SEO.

Home Inspections in Ottawa

Are you guys are looking for home inspections in Ottawa?

DoubleCheck Home Inspections Ottawa offers decades of experience in the home inspection business. Since 1984 we have developed the specialized knowledge and expertise needed to pinpoint potential problems and the home inspection knowledge to off you practical, understandable advice for your next steps.

Thank You

mardi 11 août 2015

Let's start to cooperate, Europe-USA


I'm from Lithuania. Its near Germany and Poland (if someone doesn't know where it is).
I want to offer start any kind of business between Europe and USA. I live here, in Europe, I know that market and all of you live on the other side of the ocean.
Maybe you have something new, interesting business ideas, special product which are popular in USA but are unknown in Europe and vice versa.

I can take you any information you need to do business in Europe, to find customers. The same hope and from you.

Waiting news from you, guys.

Hello Friends,

Hey there, I'm new to the forum. I just wanted to introduce myself. I look forward to learning from you guys. I had my own website as well for which I am looking the ways of marketing and because of that also want to get some good tips and offering leading edge services for eCommerce companies and helping them to generate impressive returns on sales from the member of this forum. Hope I can get a good tips and tactics from the member of this forum. Talk soon!

Hello Friends,

I am new in this forum and I want to share all my views , experience knowledge in this forum so that i can help all the newbies or new members here. Not only I want to share but I want to get some information from the great member of this forum. I had my own website as well for which I am looking the ways of marketing and because of that also want to get some good tips and offering leading edge services for eCommerce companies and helping them to generate impressive returns on sales from the member of this forum. Hope I can get a good tips and tactics from the member of this forum.

Best Travel Technology Web site Development Company In India

Trawex Technologies is the best travel technology provider in India. We got an award as the best travel technology company of the year 2014. We are having a dedicated team for attractive designs, development, testing and SEO to improve your travel business. We mainly focus on the quality, security and customer satisfaction. For more details please visit our site or contact us.

Which social Media marketing is best?

Which social media marketing best in the world Facebook or Twitter or Youtube?

Hai Friends

I am new to this forum. So please let me know the new updates. Thank you.

What are the challenges of Running a Courier Company ?

Hello Everyone

I am currently living in Melbourne Australia and working as a managing director of a small door to door courier service company named SenditEasy.My past experience said that running a courier company with few resources is very challenging.I mean its never easy to collect and deliver parcels in the same day specially when there is holiday time like Christmas or Easter Vacation.Is there anybody who are working in courier service industry and have experience to deal with similar type of problem?

If so then please let me know how you have overcome this issue.


lundi 10 août 2015

Google To Restructure Itself With Parent Company Being Named Alphabet.

Well it's official. Google will be creating a parent company called Alphabet. This parent company will own Google and other Google-owned companies. Larry Page has stepped down from CEO of Google and will serve as CEO of Alphabet, alongside Sergey Brin who will be serving as president of the new company. Sundar Pichai will also serve as the new CEO of Google. Here's an article about it:

Official Google Blog: G is for Google

What do you guys think?

What Do You Think of the Stacktron Logo?

What do you think? We've been using this logo for a few weeks now, and I have been feeling like it should be changed, but I'd like to get honest opinions about it from the public. What do you think?
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Looking for Advice - Taking Over Family Business

Hi everyone. Here is my situation:

I am beginning the process of looking into taking over my father's business where I have been working for the last several years as vice president / marketing manager / lead salesman. My goal is to finalize the transfer of ownership within the next 2.5 years. It is a small classic car dealership structured as a corporation that has been in business for 16 years. It has been me and my fathers plan since I started working there that I would take over as owner and operator when he was ready to retire. We sell classic cars online to customers all over the world, marketing on eBay and similar auto sales sites.

We would like to structure the purchase of the business into a monthly payment that would act as my fathers retirement. We operate out of a .46 acre lot of main street frontage with a two bay shop. The taxable property value is ~$430,000.00. Our inventory averages a total wholesale value of $300K-$400K.

I know I need to somehow value the business as a whole to begin this process. Where do I start? Thanks in advance for any help.

developing successful business ideas in another countries

Hello everybody :)
We are looking for new ideas and business directions. We are interested in business ideas successful companies who have gone through start-ups and developing successfully. Our idea is to consider the direction of the business, to assess the possibility of development in the CIS (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus). Business activities can be anything.
The forms of cooperation can be anything:
1. The development of independent business in the CIS
2. Partnerships
3. Franchise
4. Representation of other companies in the CIS

We are ready to provide all possible assistance and advice at a forum regarding markets of the CIS (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus)

Thank you!

I have to get the my website google page in 5th rank

I have done I have done doing SEO for the past 1 year but all that I see is my page is at page 5 of google.

Can any kind soul please break it down for me?

This is what I am doing right now:

1)Now presently, working with software company which deals with all software products. I have done creating web 2.0 blogs for all the keywords with high
trafiic, but unable to boost my keyword ranks. some of them are in 2nd, 3rd .... pages. Kindly suggest me the strategies to boost up my KW ranks in Google
2)But we are submitting the daily on web 2.0blogs for blog submisions we are not gettting any leads .
3)How we have to get the ranking in Countries(US)
4)you are saying this we have done in the past earlier.can you give me any suggestions what i have to do

please advice me. Thanks!

Importing into the US Survey

Hi All,

I've put together a little survey to try and get a feel for what kind of information people might be looking for to answer their questions about importing goods from overseas as far as the documentation, customs clearance, finding a customs broker, duty rates and things like that.

My background is in International transportation and import consulting and I was a licensed Customs Broker for 15 years. I have lots of knowledge to share but want to know what kind of answers new business owners are looking for?

I'm also curious about the survey itself, do you think there might be a better way to ask some of these questions?

Thanks for your input!


Hello, From WA State!

Hi My name is Laree',

I'm currently starting up my own import consulting biz for small businesses. I worked as an import/logistics manager and licensed Us Customs Broker for 15 years at the Blaine/Vancouver BC border and in Los Angeles. I specialized in textiles, clothing, FDA products, sporting goods, wood furniture.

If you need help navigating the muddy waters of US Customs and it's rules and regulations, finding a good Customs Broker, figuring out duty rates, commodity requirements, and how to stay out of trouble with Customs, I'm your girl...:)

I will do my best to get in here a couple of times a week and answer any questions you might have.

I also do social media marketing, project management and customer service for a few online companies.

I joined this forum to see how I might help others, learn and make some connections.


dimanche 9 août 2015

Just Regd

I'm here to learn, connect and build acquaintances. Simply stated.:)

samedi 8 août 2015

Greetings from Florida!

Hey there! My names Mateo, a Florida based entreprenuer. I've always had a passion for web hosting, so as a result of that KinglerHosting was born :)

I plan to stick around for a while and see what new things I can learn.


Need an investor for a solid bussines

Hey everyone,

I'm looking for someone that is willing to invest around 1.000 - 1.500$ to a profitable project, based on online gaming, which already made good results for me.
It's a coded game in c++,c#,java it works on hosting connected to SQL.. and so on, i can explain more.

I earned in 2015 around 10.000$, but the investement was only 400$ and the server ran for only 5 months.

So i'll higher this up, but first im looking for some investement, any idea where to look for?


How do you guys market a B2b business

I've been stuck around the 5-10 account mark and i want to expand. Do you guys have ideas on how to get more accounts. Would love to learn from you.

Hello from Florida

Nice to find this sort of forum, I am a small business owner and have been in operation for a couple of months now. I am repairing vehicles in which are bought at auctions and then wholeselling them back thru the auctions.

Not a whole lot of experience running a small business but I am trying.

vendredi 7 août 2015

Nonprofit Business Law Question

I am a current college student and a member of Enactus, and our project is in relation to environmental sustainability. Our team has the idea of creating grocery bags by upcycling T-shirts and selling them at local stores and larger chains later on. A portion of the proceeds would go toward the non-profit area of our project, aiding a local program that provides resources for at-risk children to succeed.

Ideally in order to obtain the necessary materials for our project we would hold some sort of T-shirt drive at our university or attempt to network with local donation centers, but I am still uncertain about the legalities of reselling a product that could have copyrighted logos on them? If this is not possible to do that would make our business plan much more difficult but I wanted to seek advice on this issue! Any help will be well received, thank you :)

Business Law question (Non-Profit Sphere)

I am a current college student and a member of Enactus, and our project is in relation to environmental sustainability. Our team has the idea of creating grocery bags by upcycling T-shirts and selling them at local stores and larger chains later on. A portion of the proceeds would go toward the non-profit area of our project, aiding a local program that provides resources for at-risk children to succeed.

Ideally in order to obtain the necessary materials for our project we would hold some sort of T-shirt drive at our university or attempt to network with local donation centers, but I am still uncertain about the legalities of reselling a product that could have copyrighted logos on them? If this is not possible to do that would make our business plan much more difficult but I wanted to seek advice on this issue! Any help will be well received, thank you :)

Logo Designs

Just curious what do you guys recommend?

There are sites online where they can "auto-design" logos for you. It seems they are of more/less stock quality. Did you hire a graphic designer, create your own etc... I really don't have much artistic background. Also did you pay the extra to get the logo trademarked at the US patent office.


Basic website questions

I just registered my business and I need to register a domain, email, etc... I"m not too familiar with what services are normally used. My thinking is just use and get a domain.

Initially the site will be a simple, just the logo and some blur. I will also need an email address. My thought is register the domain and go with someone that provides web hosting?

Just curious what's the normal process?

I need help with keyword ranking in first position in countries(US)

Hello everyone,

I have done I have done doing SEO for the past 1 year but all that I see is my page is at page 5 of google.

I don't know what I am doing wrong?
Maybe all that I am doing is wrong.

Can any kind soul please break it down for me?

This is what I am doing right now:

1)Now presently, working with software company which deals with all software products. I have done creating web 2.0 blogs for all the keywords with high
trafiic, but unable to boost my keyword ranks. some of them are in 2nd, 3rd .... pages. Kindly suggest me the strategies to boost up my KW ranks in Google
2)But we are submitting the daily on web 2.0blogs for blog submisions we are not gettting any leads .
3)How we have to get the ranking in Countries(US)
4)you are saying this we have done in the past earlier.can you give me any suggestions what i have to do

please advice me. Thanks!

jeudi 6 août 2015

Floor coverings business

Hello, my name is Nick.
I'm new to this forum. I would like to start own business. It is floor coverings. Hardwood floor (install, sanding), tile, carpet.
Constraction and remodeling this is good for me.
I've lived in the USA for 1.5 year. I live in Columbus OH. I'd like to hear your advice, how to start my own business (search customers, employees etc.)

Single Owner LLC v.s. multi-owner and liability/taxation questions.

Ok here's the deal. I've registered an LLC with the state and it has been approved.

I got to the IRS to register a FEIN and they indicated I would be clasified as a disregarded entity. I've performed more research and found that this is actually not a good thing in terms of liability and in the event that the LLC is held liable, the LLC can be taken over or control of by the creditor.

So based on what I"m reading I have two options (maybe more, not sure).

1. Give my child 2% of the business as a silent partner. (Not to thrilled about this because I don't know how my children will turn out LOL).
2. File form 8832/2553 to get the business re-classified as some sort of S-corp. Not quite sure about this, it seems this is saying that I'm going to somehow ask the IRS for permission to be treated as a corporation (taxation). I'm not too sure but It seems I have to do extra work in making sure my business entity is very documented and very separate if I pick option 2. So I have to keep meeting minutes and some other documentations (just me) regarding my business.

If someone can provide me some information about how this is done or how people (get around). Seems like the simple thing to do is put my daughter/son as a silent partner and make it member-managed? This seems like the lowest risk. The highest risk may be to try to convince the IRS this business needs to be classified as a corporation or like a S-Corp. Please indicate if my logic is correct?


I need help with keyword ranking in countries

Hello everyone,

I have done doing SEO for the past 1 year but all that I see is my page is at page 5 of google.

I don't know what I am doing wrong?
Maybe all that I am doing is wrong.

Can any kind soul please break it down for me?

This is what I am doing right now:

1)Registering and sharing the social networking sites.
2)Directory submissions (why directory submissions are taking the so much time to get approval,please tell me)
3)blog submissions (why blog submissions are taking so much to approval
4)social bookmarking blogs and this not enough to do please give the suggestions what i have to do

please advice me. Thanks!

mercredi 5 août 2015

Vinyl Installation


I am new to this forum and eager to learn. I have a question that I'm sure many of you can answer.

I am 24 and currently working at a trade show exhibiting company. I've been full time in the industry since I was 17, but at this current location for only a year now. Five years ago, I picked up the skill of vinyl/digital print graphics, including vehicle wraps, and has become a very simple task. The company I work for now has seen my ability to install/print graphics and love my work but will not pay anymore for my extra hard work, just my hourly rate. I love vinyl and do not mind the work at all, but that is not my job title. My question is, is it possible to independently contract my vinyl installation and bill them for my work, as if they were hiring another installation group to do it? If so, what would I have to do to achieve that?

They have paid other companies heavily in the past for installations, being that graphics aren't cheap. Now I do the installations and they're saving tons of money and I see no reward. There has to be a way to get my foot in that door.

Thanks in advance,

An Introduction to new member

Hello everyone,

This is Alisha Wilson.Welcome to the forum.This is my first post and I like to join forums and meet new friends. also to learn some good thing from senior members.

Best regards
Alisha Wilson

mardi 4 août 2015

Finally I Have A Legit Company!!! (And other questions)

Ladies and gentlemen...boys and girls...I have a super special announcement for the SBF community. For those of you that know about me on this forum, you know I've been apart of like 10 different ideas since I joined and neither one of them did anything good. Yeah, I know sounds awesome right?

Anyways, since I decided to start Stacktron with Ryan (yes the guy who didn't do anything, I'll explain later) things have gotten crazy. We started off doing Minecraft for 5 minutes, then we managed to merge with a very small VPS host so now that's our main priority. I have never spent so much time on a business in my life, and what's even better is it's actually making money. Yeah, that's right. I'll put in my bid to buy SBF later ;)

I'm sure if you even care you're wondering why I'm being a huge hypocrite and working with him after all my whining on SBF. Well, since the transition over to servers and hosting and what not he all of a sudden is interested. Before he'd play video games, not care, etc. but then all of a sudden he turned 18 (his birthday is a week before mine) and then he suddenly smartened up. Everything is turning out perfectly. He's actually invested HUNDREDS of dollars into Stacktron and works 7+ hours a day (when he's working, he has a job on the side) and when he's free he's working 10+ hours. So, that's going good.

Anyways, I have quite a few questions. What are the best ways to start advertising? I want to start advertising across forums and ad networks to get the word out, but I'm not really sure what types of approaches I should take towards it and what a reasonable budget is for that. Is now a good time to register my company? I know I really still can't do anything since I'm now only 16, but I don't know if there's a purpose for it at the moment (I don't see why we'd get sued in any way and everything is usually filed in Ryan's name).

Thank you for reading this incredibly long novel about my life. :D

I don't know what I want to do with my life!

This post came out of nowhere, but I wasn't sure where else to post this.

I am going to be 17 in a month, and I start my last year of high school in September. For the last few years, I've been constantly thinking about what I want to do with my life, with my interests taken into consideration. The occupations that I've looked into the most include being a real estate broker, car salesmen, lawyer, and just a general business owner (entrepreneur). I have a great interest in politics, economics, law, geography, and finance.

The real thing that I want to do in life though, is to open up a business. I have tons of ideas (ranging from a juicery, to a greenhouse type of idea, to a burger joint which would serve quality food at an affordable cost). I want to be in charge of my money, and I want to make my own money. I am willing to work hard, and I am willing to take risks. For the last year, I've been aiming on becoming a lawyer, and while I have gotten a firsthand impression on what it is like (I've been interning with a criminal trial lawyer for a few months), I just feel like I could accomplish so much more in life running a business, in hopes of becoming big through the process of trial and error.

I believe that with new, innovative ideas, anything can be achieved. I've realized that most successful entrepreneurs all started out very young with confidence in their ideas. I have been told for all of my life that 90% of businesses fail, and while that may be true, why cant I be that 10%? If I really have enough confidence in my idea, then I will keep going forward and keep taking that risk, just because I truly feel that my idea can grow into something more. I've realized that nearly all of America's self-made millionaires and billionaires all started with very little, and that each of these entrepreneurs all had something in common-- they all started at a young age. Through my research, I've come to the conclusion that it is all about trial and error. Most business owners seem to immediately lose all hope once one business they own fails.

Currently I have a little over $3000 saved up and I plan on saving as much as I can. I haven't spent a penny, and I do not plan on doing that. I plan on going to college, however it would be hard to run a business while attending (I would have to think this over more, whether I'd want to run a business through my college years).

In a nutshell: I kind of want to be a lawyer, but deep down I know that what I really want to do is run a business and hopefully expand. I don't want to be that little guy working for the big guy managing my paycheck. I am sounding like a giant douchebag, but I want to be the big guy managing my employees' paycheck.

Should I go for my business ideas and take some risks starting next year or the year after? I don't want to risk all of my money, but the good thing is that I'll be living rent-free through college, and I wont be paying for food expenses or anything (my dad is nice enough to cover everything). I need some opinions.

Also my apologies for rambling on and for not organizing these paragraphs.