dimanche 31 janvier 2016

Hello my name is Daniel.

Hello my name is Daniel and I fund businesses that have been turned down by the banks and other loan people. The program I work with has a 98% approval rate and it funds from 10k to 4 million dollars. I'm an entrepreneur and a salesmen, and I like using the telephone.

samedi 30 janvier 2016

DragonByte SEO Error?

I keep getting this error. Sometimes when I go on SBF it takes a while to load, then I get DragonByte SEO Encountered An Error. Then it says all this stuff about a database error. Is it just me or is it the website?

Easiest way to set up a payment method?

So we have a small project going on, basically it's landscaping services packaged kina like Uber, our employees are basically freelance workers with there own lawn mower, truck, tools etc. placed all over the state, so when someone needs work done, they contact us, and we contact the closest employee to go do it. The problem we are running into is that a lot of people are uncomfortable with paying with Paypal for the service, even though they don't believe they're getting scammed(they already got landscaped when they pay), but they still want to pay with other methods, and I'm not sure what the best method is about setting up a simpler way to pay is?

Girlfriend Going To College This Fall: What Should I Expect?

I figured I'd ask this here since this is literally the only forum I'm active on. I also have more posts on this forum than any other forum, and I know you guys will give me good advice. Anyways, my girlfriend of almost 4 months is going off to college this August. I know I still have 7 months, but I want to prepare myself now. I know 4 months doesn't seem like long, but I really really like this girl. She understands me and puts up with me for some reason and actually seems to like me back. We've become very emotionally attached to each other. She's my first love and my first real relationship, beforehand it was those bad relationships, the longest being a month, and the one before her cheated on me. So it was a little hard to trust this girl, but I can trust her more than any other girl now.

The issue is: college. She's a grade above me and a little over a year older than me, so when she goes to college I'll be a senior in high school and she'll be a freshmen in college. She's going to Husson University which is about 3 hours away from where I live. I have my license, however, she doesn't. She will have it by the time college comes around, however, she won't have a car thus freshmen can't have cars on campus. They're also required to live on campus for their first year. I plan to go to college at the University of Maine which is 20 minutes from Husson, the only issue is that'll be a year away.

I'm scared I'm going to lose her, the worse part being by the time it's been a month of her at college it'll be our 1 year anniversary. I'm terrified of being heart broken, I want it to last to badly and make it past college and have a life together. She's going to school for video production and when I go I'll be going for my bachelors in business administration and management and I may or may not minor in finance. She's going for 4 years and so am I, and I want to get an MBA after my bachelors. I just don't know what to do. Have any of you had a similar experience in your younger days? How did you make it work?

Bg/sblc financial instrument for lease

We offer our financial instrument- Buy/lease

BG/SBLC/MTN/MT\'s for such business covering

Aviation, real estate development, oil and gas, bio

tech, heavy construction involving dams, irrigation

scheme, Hospitality, Foods industry, telecoms,

laboratory etc.

Interested Buyer should contact us for our


Please reply via our email: ukinstrument@aol.com

Lyric Videos

Hi. So I make lyric videos on YouTube. I made a total of 52 videos with 176 subs so far and over 100k total video views. I qualify for the YouTube Partners to monetize my videos for money. But obviously I can't because all my videos songs are copyrighted. I was just doing it as a hobby not anything to make money off of anyways. So I didn't care for it. But as I saw my subscriber count grow, views grow, and comments on my videos applauding my work.

I decided to make it into a little small business selling my service of creating lyric videos to music artists. But then I started to think is there even a demand for that? i used google keywords. and nothing came up so I figured maybe not in demand. But then I googled other lyric video production business to see if they even exist. and wala I found viewmaniac.com They seem to be a big professional business that not only makes lyric videos but promotes.

So there lyric videos are completely different from mines. They use big flashy animated words. And mines is just words that just pop on the screen in normal readable fonts. They use some animated scenes. I recently been making videos with a mixture of animated scenes and still pictures. They work with pop,rock,metal,hiphop,punk,jazz, and soul. And I only work with Alternative&Underground Hiphop. The background images and animations looks like it was made from scratch. Mines uses google images and gifs.

The only difference between there lyric videos and mines, the backgrounds I choose correlate with the meaning of the lyrics. while they just pick something that looks cool and fancy. And well with the pop videos they gave examples of, it makes since to pick those kind of images I guess. The genre of music for my videos is like poetry. so with the images that go along with the meaning, Makes it seem like a visual poetry book with a beat. But then I thought I can't actually sale this service to people anyways because the images and gifs I'm using are other peoples work mostly under copyright probably. So I thoguth to myself then I have to step up my game now and stat creating the images from scratch but I am not an artist...nor an animator. and I would have to learn how to draw and animate. and that's to much just to make lyric videos.

So my question is is it possible to sell this service they way my lyric videos are now? or am I having to have to make them from scratch.

Heres my channel http://youtube.com/user/TheOdyne1

Thank you in advance!


We have a business that is appropriate to develop in other markets. This business is based on the philosophy of humane rabbit breeding, using eco-technology maintenance and breeding of these animals. We have developed eco-farms and special equipment where breeding rabbits occurs without the need to use antibiotics, hormones and growth stimulants. Working at the Slavic market for 13 years, we have sold more than 4,000 units of such equipment.

We are searching for representatives who are aware of opportunities in their market and would agree to commercially promote our inventions and obtain for themselves a particular benefit, ideally create a dealership or dealerships.

Why the theme of eco rabbit breeding can be commercially interesting?

1. Because many individuals buy equipment, eco-farms, mini-farms for breeding rabbits, rabbits which grow with little or no veterinary intervention and such eco-farms produce 210 - 500 kg of rabbit meat per year (this depends on the model of equipment). Sale of such equipment is already profitable.

2. Because whole businesses, companies, farm enterprises are created and with the help of the equipment "Rabbitax" can get natural products (rabbit meat, skins) of best quality unlike the broiler industry. The demand for organic foods is only growing, so the benefit for enterprises, farms is obvious. For a complete farm many equipment units are required, therefore such equipment is a good help for the owner of the business and our dealer or representative. It also happens that when one customer orders one or two hundred units of equipment, all the investments in our business will be immediately repaid to our dealer.

3. Because our operators can take control over the formed new market influencing the main one. Completely new paradigms are introduced which our time is demanding, and if the operators are able to enjoy the responsiveness of this theme, they can build a new branch of eco-rabbit breeding in their country.

Rabbit breeding equipment. Cage for rabbits “Rabbitax 8BVK” (also called mini-farm, eco-farm) is the construction for rabbit breeding that provides the most convenient and comfortable conditions for animals. The special construction for rabbits was invented by the rabbit breeding project “Rabbax Technology” that is well-known in Eastern Europe. This mini farm is the bestseller model at the market of outdoor rabbit raising (open, external, outdoor, domestic, suburban and industrial). The industrial variant of the platform “Rabbitax 8” is presented by the cages for rabbits “Rabbitax 8BVK”. Each this minifarm consists of 8 rooms; 2 or 3 of them are used for does to give birth to young animals. Equipment for rabbit breeding “Rabbitax 8BVK” is the eco farm in its essence as the animals have the best and the most natural living conditions for growth and reproduction. In such cages for rabbit breeding the air flows are redirected that is the real achievement of engineering. This innovation matters a lot. There is no smell in this eco house as compared to the Baltic fake-models where the smell is, and the vent-pipe is put down in the bunker system of faeces removal. The opposite direction of air flows in constructions for rabbits “Rabbitax 8BVK” allows placing does and bucks in the same ecofarm – there is no mixture of smells and the animals are not disturbed with the presence of each other. Besides, there is no smell at all at the rabbit raising farms as the source of it is liquidated on the whole territory of enterprise. The compulsory ventilation in the cages for rabbit breeding “Rabbitax 8BVK” collects the smell and it can be easily removed with the help of pipe that can unite two different cages “Rabbitax 8BVK”.
The redirected air flows dry the floor and keep the rabbits from the draught. The compulsory ventilation prevents the animals from gas-poisoning – there is no ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbonic acid, methane and other stink that can occur during the decomposition of excrements. The animals grow with heroic health and strong immunity. Mini farm “Rabbitax 8BVK” serves for keeping the rabbits outdoor as well as placing these eco-hutches inside the building. The good quality of solid wood protects the rabbits in winter cold and summer heat. The chipboard products, that can be the source of bacteria and harmful evaporation, are not used in our eco-constructions!
Minifarm “Rabbitax 8BVK” keeps the rabbits from the transverse fall-outs. The animals will not suffer from rain or snow. Besides, these innovative constructions for rabbit breeding prevent the animals from heating in summer due to the protection against infrared and ultraviolet rays. Usually, they are painted in white to reflect the sun rays. Also, the construction of ecofarm “Rabbitax 8BVK” protects the rabbits from mosquitoes and flies. There are no chinks and the insects will not get inside. The window frames are equipped with mosquito nets that let the necessary amount ultraviolet and disperse sun rays to come inside. Each construction has its own system of water conveying for each animal; this water is being heated and never freezes in winter. [Also the rooms for does with kids are heating.]? This is made in order to keep the young animals from cold and make them use their mother’s milk not for warming, but for growing. As a result, the rabbits grow fast and have strong immunity. Mini farm for rabbits “Rabbitax 8BVK” has enough space for animals to live a full life. This equipment for rabbits is not the concentration camp with iron nets (as we used to see in industrial broiler rabbit breeding), but it is a real home for rabbits! And these are not excesses, but the necessities that will help to get enormous profits from this business! These living conditions and appropriate care help to raise healthy and natural rabbits without growth stimulators, steroids, antibiotics and other chemicals. The rabbit breeder’s attention is enough and the rest is done by nature. Mini farm for rabbits “Rabbitax 8BVK” also has protection against the rodents, small and big predators, draught and moisture. We produce eco-rabbit equipment “Rabbitax 8BVK” in a lot of models that answer all the demands and may serve all the possible tasks in rabbit breeding.
Empty weight rabbitry – 234 kg
Dimensions : 3000 mm x 1500 mm x 2000 mm

vendredi 29 janvier 2016

[Good Read] The best SEO article I've read in a long while

Sometimes even I struggle explaining all the different aspects of SEO to people. On the one hand if you tell them too much they zone out and don't hear any of it. On the other if you only tell them the basics they think that's all they need to do. And most people expect to get the entire low down in one conversation. It's impossible.

This article by Cyrus Shepard posted yesterday does a great job of giving one good, concrete tip, and instructions on how to implement it that everyone who keeps asking "how do I get more (whatever)...?" needs to read.

It's not a magic pill, nor does it automatically make you a great copywriter, designer or informed about what you're writing about. But if you at least have a grasp on some of those things, this is your next step.

Solid advice that starts out with dispelling one of the great, vague, incomplete SEO messages of the last few years.

The beauty of SEO is that, instead of pushing a marketing message onto folks who don’t want to hear what you have to say, you can reverse-engineer the process to discover exactly what people are looking for, create the right content for it, and appear before them at exactly the moment they are looking for it. It’s pull vs. push.
Works like magic. Customers come to you.

Let’s begin this process by telling a lie.

“Content is king.”

Bull hockey. The king doesn’t rule jack squat. A truer statement is this: If content is king, then the user is queen, and she rules the universe. Let’s say that again, because this is important.

“The user is queen, and she rules the universe.”

Google only cares about your content inasmuch as it answers the user’s search query. Search results are not a collection of “good” content; they are a ranked list of content that best satisfies what the user is looking for.

Read the full article here. Actually, you should bookmark it

The best SEO article I've read in a long while

Sometimes even I struggle explaining all the different aspects of SEO to people. On the one hand if you tell them to much they zone out and don't hear any of it. On the other if you only tell them the basics they think that's all they need to do.

This article by Cyrus Shepard posted yesterday does a great job of giving one good, concrete tip, and instructions on how to implement it that everyone who keeps asking "how...? needs to read. It's solid advice that starts out with dispelling one of the great, vague, incomplete SEO messages of the last few years

The beauty of SEO is that, instead of pushing a marketing message onto folks who don’t want to hear what you have to say, you can reverse-engineer the process to discover exactly what people are looking for, create the right content for it, and appear before them at exactly the moment they are looking for it. It’s pull vs. push.
Works like magic. Customers come to you.

Let’s begin this process by telling a lie.

“Content is king.”

Bull hockey. The king doesn’t rule jack squat. A truer statement is this: If content is king, then the user is queen, and she rules the universe. Let’s say that again, because this is important.

“The user is queen, and she rules the universe.”

Google only cares about your content inasmuch as it answers the user’s search query. Search results are not a collection of “good” content; they are a ranked list of content that best satisfies what the user is looking for.

Read the full article here. Actually, you should bookmark it

Hello from Broomfield, Colorado!

Howdy everyone. My name is Bill Schatz. I'm the owner of Broomfield Window Company. Our company has been in business for well over 15 years, and we are on the cusp of expanding, so I thought I would pop into this group to share my ideas, and get some feedback.

However I can be of assistance to new business owners, please let me know.

My website is Broomfield Window Company - Best Broomfield Window Contractor

Thanks for providing this fantastic forum!

Pay Pal settles class action lawsuit concerning improperly handled disputes

Anyone who has had a Pay Pal account for a while has probably had at least one dispute. How Pay Pal handles disputes by immediately putting a hold on the funds before the outcome is determined is one of the main reasons they are hated by so many small business owners.

I just got a notice that they've settled a class action suite concerning this and other things that affects anyone who has had an account between April 19, 2006 and Nov. 5, 2015. If you're eligible to file a claim, you would have gotten an email, so check your inboxes if you'd had an account during that time and had to go through this dispute process.


A settlement has been reached in a class action in which the plaintiffs allege, among other things, that PayPal improperly handled disputed transactions on PayPal accounts and improperly placed holds and reserves on accounts or closed or suspended accounts. Plaintiffs also allege that PayPal failed to provide annual error-resolution notices and monthly account statements under the Electronic Fund Transfer Act.

You are a member of the Settlement Class if you had an active PayPal account between April 19, 2006 and Nov. 5, 2015. Certain Settlement Class Members who had a hold or reserve placed on their account and/or who had their account closed or suspended by PayPal are eligible to receive a monetary payment upon submission of a valid claim form

Hello from Eau Claire, Wisconsin


My name is Paul Jennings and I am a father, husband and freelance web developer. I joined SBF to network with other small business owners. As an entrepreneur myself, I have a deep rooted passion to help people succeed and that is why I am offering a special discount on my web development services to first time customers.

I look forward to sharing tips and ideas with like minded small business owners.

jeudi 28 janvier 2016

Xbox 360 RGH Flat Rate Send-in Service

EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY ALL RGH SERVICES ARE JUST $70 When Paid with PayPal As Friend, but are $80 when paid via PayPal As Product! Those prices include your return shipping! (Within USA Only)

This service is to RGH ANY Xbox 360 console on ANY dashboard with only TWO EXCEPTIONS.

1) No Xenons or Opus consoles. If your console does not have an HDMI port it cannot be RGH'd (by me). If it is dash 7371 or below and a Xenon check the JTAG listing.
2) No Zephyrs.

That's it! Literally ANY Falcon, ANY Jasper, ANY Trinty and ANY Corona can be RGH'd for just $70 via PayPal As A Friend or $80 when paid via Paypal As Product! flat rate!!!

How long will it take to get my console back?
Typically most install services are performed either the same day, or day after your console is received. If you prepaid then I ship out the very next day, or if not prepaid then I ship either same day as payment or the very next day. I use USPS Priority Mail, so that takes 2-3 days MAX to reach anywhere in the USA. Most customers have their consoles back in their hands 3-5 days after I received it. HOWEVER, sometimes we get backed up with orders. i guarantee your console will be mailed back out to you within 10 business days of being received - the 10 days is a worst case scenario. We have never once hit 10 days (yet).

Do I need to send the power supply or AV cables?
Absolutely(unless you have the slim) (no video cables). Send any hard drives you want configured to work with the system if applicable.

What if my console is banned?
It can still be RGH'd no worries! If it is banned when you send it in then it will still be banned when you get it back, HOWEVER since it will then be an RGH all you'll need to do is buy a fresh KV and you'll have yourself unbanned in minutes!

Will you pre-load games/mod menus etc?
I do Not want to but if you do want games pre-loaded it will be extra. I pre-load every console sent to me with XexMenu, FreeStyle Dashboard and Dashlaunch. That is it.

Do I have to pay to ship the console to you?
Yes, you are responsible for shipping the console to me. The fee that you pay to me includes RETURN shipping only. You can use whatever method that you like to ship the console, however I recommend USPS Priority Medium flat rate boxes. They costs just $12.65 to ship and USPS even gives you the box free.

What if my disc tray or eject button is broken?
Doesn't matter - it won't affect the RGH process in any way.

Can I use this console to mod online?
In order to mod on Xbox you need a few things:

1) A Xbox 360 capable of running un-signed (non Microsoft approved) code. Any JTAG or RGH can do this.
2) The base game you want to mod installed to your HDD, or a USB big enough to hold it. A typical game is between 5gb-7gb and some 2 disc games are as big as 12gb.
3) The mod menu or patch itself. These are written by amateurs and are generally posted freely online on websites like se7ensins, but some are paid.
4) A stealth plugin. There are both free and paid stealths, but this is what lets you

How Do I Do This?


The Way This Will Work Is You Will Send Me A Message Here on Ebay Saying What Your Wanting Done To it. If You Want Anything Extra Done Let me Know I do Extra's.

I Will Send You My Adress And You Will Ship Your Xbox To Me. I Will Usually Do It The Day I Get It And It Be Sent The Next Day Back To You.

When Im Done With Your Console I Will Put A Video On YouTube And Send You The Link

Attached Images

Starting my own cosmetic business

Hello fellow forum members! I need advice on starting my own cosmetic business. I have written out my ideas and even drawn them. I know for sure that I want to start my cosmetic business with a lip line, but as far as testing for my products I'm not sure which route to go when it comes to private labeling or manufacturing(lab testing). If anyone can help me and give me some feesible advice I would highly appreciate it. Thank you so much!

Invoicing - Brokerage/Service Fees

Good Evening,

This question has been answered by many accountants in my area as well as corporate tax attorneys with different results. Maybe I can get a fresh set of eyes on this issue and get some positive feedback. Here's my issue.

I own a fuel company in Florida. We deliver fuel to jobsites all over the Tampa area. Occasionally one of my customers leaves the state or needs fuel delivered to a jobsite outside of my service area. Instead of reffering them to another fuel company, I now "broker" the fuel by calling the closest fuel supplier and arranging the delivery. Currently I am setting up a credit account with the nearest fuel supplier, billing my customer for "FUEL SERVICE PROVIDED" and hopefully getting paid by my customer before paying the supplier. It's a nice way for me to add some additional revenue so I need to figure out how to do this legally.

I always make sure the supplier in the other state bills me for all applicable fuel taxes, sales taxes etc so I don't have that obligaton. But my question is, am I allowed to pay a bill for $2000 for fuel on behalf of my customer, then bill my customer for $2100 for a "SERVICE"? My ultimate goal is to have the customer and suppliers sign a contract that states I am simply a bill paying service and eventually order fuel "in care of" of the customer or whatever legal way I need to do it to ensure 1. I am not in possession nor ever owned the fuel, 2. I am not reselling the fuel, simply billing the customer for an amount they owe someone else and my service fee. In a perfect world I would like to bill in one line item so the customer doesn't see my "fee" separate, or worst case scenario maybe send the customer one invoice, and keep an itemized invoice in my records for audit/accounting purposes.

In summary, can I bill my customer for "fuel service provided" (tax free) and use the money to pay a bill for product on behalf of the customer, keeping the extra money as my fee? At no point RESELLING the product.

My goal would be to separate this "brokering company" from my current fuel delivery business if that matters.

Sorry if this is confusing, any help would be greatly appreciated.

E-commerce and shopping cart software

The company I work for has been using the same shopping cart software for the last seven years. It's worked well for us, but we're looking to redesign the website and thought while we were doing that, we'd also take a look at what's out there as an option for creating and hosting the site. Right now we're using Nexternal. We're looking for something that would perform similar functions, but might have more or better options for us. Currently, we run an online store, with tons of products, with wholesale and public pricing as well as specialty pricing. We have the ability to offer coupons and gift certificates, take credit cards and Paypal. Customers can review products as well as share orders and products on various social media platforms.

We're looking for options for platforms that can do all the things listed above and perhaps also include things like multiple location inventory.

Does anyone have any recommendations for companies I should investigate?

Best Print and Online CRM for small businesses

I'm trying to find an inexpensive CRM for small businesses who want to manage physical mailing lists as well as email lists, together. Anyone know of a good solution for that? All the CRMs I've used, personally, are more tailored to larger budgets, or only manage email, etc.


Custom Logo Design, 5 logo in $50 , $10 per logo

This is precisely the most affordable fee of $10 where you are able to get COMPLETE CUSTOM WORK with unlimited revisions

Usually Companies offer logo for $5, but they provide you an image to place your logo in. Which is template, can create legal issues for copying as well

This company has the most affordable rates

If you guys plan to make a brand worthwhile, my recommendation will be Logowhir

Custom Logo $50 and Website $199 by Logowhirl -Logo Whirl | Ignite Your Brand!

Visit the website today and Place your logo order requirement.

Chat with their most friendly Design Team.

Scaling up & hiring


I run profitable digital marketing business with 1 employee. Now I feel that it's time to scale up and start hiring people, but I have no experience on hiring/managing people - I don't even have any business degree! Currently I have one employee who is close friend of mine from personal life so it's totally different than actually managing a team of employees. I've had couple of workers before, but combined with me being busy with personal life and not managing my business well, too early expanding and poor employee choices we are now back to just two of us.

Now I'm looking for hints, tips and resources on scaling up and hiring/training process.

My main concerns are as follows.

1) I've been doing everything myself (with help from my friend) for a long time, but now I should divide most of my tasks to lower level employees. What's the best way to approach this?

2) Related to first questions. If I divide my tasks too widely, then I'd be overstaffing and my employees would have plenty of time to do their tasks. If I'm understaffing, then my employees might feel overwhelmed with constant tasks. Any advice what to think about this?

3) What's the best way to train new employee to their job? The job descriptions would be quite broad with changing tasks from month to month. In some other industries or professions the job description might be very clear and simple, but in digital marketing/SEO it's not always that simple.

4) What's the best way to know if we are ready to be expanding? How about financially ready?

5) Should I be hiring executive/manager and give the responsibility to someone who knows how to do it? How much money we should be making to consider hiring management from outside?

Any feedback to my exact questions is welcome as is broad advice about scaling up your small/one man business. Would love to hear your stories related to hiring and growing as well!

/ Anders

Hello from CA.

Hello everyone! I'm melody from Calgary, CA.
Any friends from there? Best wish to all the mebers.
Thankss. :)

Hi Everyone,

Hi Everyone,

I'm new member to this forum.


What is the best way to promote your newly start business?

What is the best way to promote your newly start business?

mercredi 27 janvier 2016

How much is petrol

What is the price of a liter of gasoline in your city?

Fun Question: What Do You Think of Today's Music?

This is a tricky question as there's multiple types of music currently in the mainstream, mostly being pop. A lot of songs have a funky feel to them. However, rap music has completely changed into "trap" music. It has no artistic value, it's just loud and has a loud beat. To be honest I enjoy listening to it when I have a subwoofer :D

Here's a few examples of today's most popular songs:

The Weeknd - Can't Feel My Face (mostly liked by all ages for its artistic value, hidden messages, and great lyrics) = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEI4qSrkPAs
Adele - Hello (liked by most people because Adele) = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQHsXMglC9A
Fetty Wap - Trap Queen = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_kF4zLNKio
Drake & Future - Jumpman (A song about their sponsor Nike) = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiM5ARaexPE

Justin Bieber has completely changed his style of music, his latest album was produced by Skrillex (who has moved away from the banger dubstep to more modern EDM) and to be honest I like his new music. A lot of people can say that now. Props to you biebs, 6 months ago I hated you ;D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRh_vgS2dFE

Lastly, the EDM charts are being destroyed by the Chainsmokers and Major Lazer. What do you think of today's music by the given examples?

Facebook posts staggering usage numbers

Today Facebook announced earnings as well as usage numbers via Zuckerberg's Facebook profile.


In total for the full year 2015, Facebook said its revenue came in at $17.93 billion — an increase of 44 percent year-over-year.
source: Facebook Q4 earnings

Love it or hate it, you can't deny it's global domination.
Attached Images

Adobe has announced Flash will be completely dead by 2018.

Cue Captain Obvious, but Adobe is saying that they believe flash will be completely dead by 2018. I could have sworn time of death was already called, but there are still a lot of sites hanging on to it for video play.
Flash pronounced terminal, dead within two years - Android Authority

Is anyone still using flash for anything?

I need a paypal alternative that doesn't require bank information or SSN

Hi, I am going to be working on Craigslist and creating ebook covers. However, I need a simple and reliable way for customers to pay and I don't want to be giving out my bank information or SSN. If anyone could provide me with a could site that would be great, thanks.

Ethical Question

I recently joined a company that processes Merchant Credit Cards in the United States. This company has taken a new approach to Merchant Processing.

Most Merchant Services companies simply say they will save a client money on their CC processing by reducing their rates and/or fees. As you would imagine, surprise surprise, we offer that option but then go on to sweeten the pot. We offer our client the opportunity to get additional cash back by becoming an Agent with us first, then signing themselves up for processing. Basically, they would be earning commission on their own processing. This means that not only would they save money on their rates and fees but they would get an additional 20% cash back on any Processing fees charged.

So here's the ethical Question......

I know business owners love doing this because they are saving even more money and they are an agent with the company there therefore have easy access to any fine print so they know they are not getting screwed.

If an Accountant who owns their own business became an agent with us, then signed the Merchants they do the books for as agents (with their permission of course) and had them process with us as well, is there any conflict? The Accountant would earn 5% of any Processing Fees their clients were charged and each merchant would not only save with lowered rates and fees, they would also earn 20% cash back.

Basically, everyone makes or saves money.

I just don't know if there are any guidelines written or unwritten that would make a difference here.

I was thinking of marketing to Accountants and CPA's with this idea in mind, but I don't want to waste my time or theirs, if there would be something standing in the way.

Thanks in advance for your help!!! If you don't wish to post an answer here in public, please feel free to message me.

Selling Business, While Keeping One...Help!

I have a service based businesses that has been operating for over 6 years and it does well. I opened a second location a month ago, so obviously the numbers are not quite there yet, but of course we have projections. I am wanting to move out of state and had hopes of selling both locations, but that's probably not possible with the second one. That being said we are going to sell the first. The potential new owners do not want us taking any of their customers (although that's hard since many bounce between the two). They would like to retain me for awhile so they continue keeping it a success. How should we move forward, especially with branding, social media, customer lists?


Starting A business from Holland when i just turned 18


A few months ago i got an idea for an application / platform. I was 17 years old and had no idea what i had to do with the idea. So i went to the bank, and they said that is was a very good idea. I talked with local random people and some professionals. And they all shared the same thought.

But since I live in holland, a platform can't grow that big. Other replica's of the platform will grow bigger and become more popular. Since i just turned 18 years old, it is very hard to start building my idea. I have no idea how to start a company, and i have also no idea how i can make a platform.

I think want to work out the idea in America, but i need someone trustable, who can help me and who can make an application / platform. Don't expect to much of my idea, but the dutch bank was very positive so I may have a change that it is a good idea.

My question is, can somebody please help me? Where can i find someone (maybe an elderly entrepeneur) who can help me. Just giving some tips would me awesome! I can't really tell my idea since they advised me not to tell random people. Ask any question you want!

Thanks you very much!

Greetings from Holland!

Greetings to everyone :) A unique business proposal

thank you for the opportunity to join your forum.

We have a business that is appropriate to develop in other markets. It is based on the philosophy of humane rabbit breeding, using of eco-technology maintenance of these animals. We have developed eco-farms, special equipment where rabbit breeding occurs without the need of using antibiotics, hormones and growth stimulants. Working in the Slavic market for 13 years, we have sold more than 4,000 units of such equipment.

We are searching for representatives who are aware of opportunities in their market and would agree to commercially promote our inventions and obtain for themselves a particular benefit, ideally create a dealership.

Best regards

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Link Collider can help and connect you to our tools that will help you improve search engine ranking for your site.

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mardi 26 janvier 2016

What would you do if this happened?

Let's say you owned a chain of retail stores, and one night you had the following experience when visiting one of the locations. You arrive to the store, and it's manager has closed it's doors and began to close up shop a half hour earlier than he's/she's supposed to. You look inside the stores glass doors, and can see him/her and begin to knock. As a result of closing the stores doors and beginning to close up shop he's/she's cost you potential sales, reputation, and employees have gone home earlier than they're supposed to. He/she sees you knocking, and doesn't react to it kindly. He/she runs up to the doors, opens them violently, curses you to get off of the property, threatens to call the police. and slams them shut and leaves the property through a side exit you can't get to and goes home after finishing up closing up shop.

How would you handle the situation? Would you fire the employee? Reprimand him/her in another way? If so, in what way? By yelling at him/her? Screaming at him/her? Cutting his hours? Pay? Doing nothing? Firing whoever hired him/her? Reprimanding the person in another way? If so, what way? Why would you do any response to any of the mentioned? If you'd do nothing to anyone? Why?

Should I sell in Amazon?

Every now and then Amazon contacts me about selling on their site. I currently do all my business through my own site. So far I have avoided it as it seems it would lower my margins while telling Amazon what my best sellers are. Is there any benefit to selling on Amazon? Seems like feeding the beast that wants to take over the world. But maybe I am missing out on something.

advice required for membership streaming website thanks

Hi everyone,

I am interested in setting up an audio streaming membership website, using self recorded audio material, and am looking for some advice on how best to go about this. The website will have a database of several hundred audio files initially, rising to 1000+ over time, and the most important feature is that the user (customer) can create a playlist containing any track from the database in any order (average playlist size is likely to be 10-15 tracks). The website should also be able to handle billing/membership management etc.

I would be grateful to know firstly if there are any off-the-shelf website solutions which offer this functionality, or if it is possible to piggy-back on other systems (eg licensing spotify type software). Is it possible to create such a site using WordPress plugins or is that asking too much?

If not I would be grateful for any advice regarding customised website building, including rough costs for a website with this functionality.

Many thanks in advance for your input :)
All the best,

Politics and Marketing

This isn't a politics thread! I don't care who you want to vote for or why. Makes no difference to me whatsoever... and even less so if you live outside the US where I live. So that said, keep it away from candidates and more to marketing and you won't run afoul of the forum gods...

I came across this article last year and have been thinking about my own marketing methods ever since.

Clown Genius | Scott Adams Blog

If you listen to politicians for how they use marketing messages you can see what works and what won't and why it might work with some people and why it won't with others.

This came up because Mrs. Freelancier was putting together some branding for a client and I told her to "Trump-ize it", shorten the sentences to increase impact, think past the sale, that kind of thing.

So the question: have you looked at your own marketing and wondered how you could connect to your clients better by using what some politicians seem to instinctively already know what to say?

What is your biggest financial challenge or frustration?

What are the 3 things you struggle with most (financially) in your business? How do you currently "deal" with them?

I know the challenges in my own business, and I've asked this of a lot of other businesspeople and I'm always curious about new people I meet (nature of the business I suppose).

Small businesses don't answer 62% of phone calls

I recently came across a study, results of which show that 62% of phone calls to small businesses are left unanswered. This is astonishing! So first businesses pay marketing agencies to get them more calls, then they fail to pick up the phone.

SMB Phone Calls Statistics_src411 Locals.jpg

So, they count voice mail as a lack of response too, because your voicemail can't sell.. which sounds about right.

Anyway, this signifies a lot of missed opportunities and diagnoses a problem small businesses must work on. But what can they do about it? We all know that time is never enough and most of them can't afford a secretary. The author of the article suggested hiring a virtual secretary, which costs a lot less than a real one.

What do you think? What would you do if that was your problem too?

Which option would you choose?

Investigating before buying existing business

Hi All,
I'm new into this. I'm interested in buying existing business. I read a lot of articles about it and what I observed, that is the buyer's responsibility to investigate about what he/her going into, and make sure everything is right.
Now I found a business that I like to get into, because the owner is flexible and willing to work it out.

So how do I investigate about every little things like Lease Contract, Licensing, Deed Holder, Lean, Unpaid balance on Tax, Utility, Note, Loan, any Service, Public Record, open Law Suit, Filing Tax, IRS record, Income Tax, Revenue, Cash flow, etc.?

Is there any type of business or institution do all the investigation?
If so, how do I search for local one, I live in Michigan-Detroit area?

I appreciate any help or advice. Thanks

Investigate before buying existing business

Hi All,
I'm new into this. I'm interested in buying existing business. I read a lot of articles about it and what I observed, that is the buyer's responsibility to investigate what you going into, and make sure everything is right.
Now I found a business that I like to get into, because the owner is flexible and willing to work it out.

So how do I investigate about every little things like Lease Contract, Licensing, Deed Holder, Lean, Unpaid balance on Tax, Utility, Note, Loan, any Service, Public Record, open Law Suit, Filing Tax, IRS record, Income Tax, Revenue, Cash flow, etc.?

Is there any type of business or institution do all the investigation?
If so, how do I search for local one, I live in Michigan-Detroit area?

I appreciate any help or advice. Thanks

lundi 25 janvier 2016

Hello from Russian designers and web developers

Hi everybody!

We are team of professional designers and web developers from Russia/Ukraine.
Our website in russian: atlant5.com
If you can help us with start working in the US markets - it will be cool!

We try to find some clients and partners in the USA but still it is not very good. Dont know why :-(

Can you give some advice on this subject?

Looking to create some passive income through blood, sweat and tears :)

Hello everyone. I am a 25 y/o male and I work as an investor/online poker player/sports bettor. As the variance in these professions is extremely high, I would like to be able to have a safety net of sorts to make me feel more comfortable when not having a good month in my job. I have my risk spread and have very good bankroll management but still there is a non 0% chance of risk of ruin and going broke.

What would you recommend for someone like me to do to create passive income?

Skills include: Working in high pressure situations while being able to think rationally, good with probability, I consider my social skills to be good also :)

dimanche 24 janvier 2016

Hello! ♪♪♪ From the other side ♪♪♪


I'm Ryan, a young web/software entrepreneur. I'm a HUGE coding nerd, who loves to (1) Work on Independent Projects, (2) Design Websites for Clients. Most of my business is virtual in the form of digital services, including graphic/web design, user experiences, application development, [large] data processing, database infrastructures, et cetera. Through the years, I've also familiarized myself with Search Engine Optimization & Marketing as well as a few other skills that [may] prove to be useful someday.

Anyways, I've worked on all sorts of websites. If I remember it right...the first website I made sold for $70. Which, really isn't that much now. Most of the websites I used to do were for very small online communities. Of course, as time passed the business grew to the point where I had to incorporate as a Limited Liability Company(LLC). I've gotten big jobs from small clients, and small jobs from big clients. About a year ago I had the privilege of working on Mike Tyson's official website. On top of that, I gave advice to major companies in Europe, Asia, and Australia on improving the user experience of their software or website. Most of my advices were incorporated into the final product. I worked for startups, small businesses, and big businesses. Healthcare, Entertainment, and Tourism are the top three industries I've been part of.

I like to think outside of the box, and come up with ideas and theories no one thought of before. I can see things in different perspectives. I think multidimensionally and passionately.

So, to wrap it up, I'm here to share my knowledge with other members of this community. I'm not here to exclusively sell you my services, but to do the best I can to help your business succeed digitally.

Talk to you soon!

Nice To Be Here. Finance Guy Here

Thank you for the opportunity to join SB forum,

I've been in finance for 17 years and my specialty is Unsecured Buisness Loans and Credit Card Factoring.

I'm available to answer any finance questions pertaining to mortgages/loans and help the forum in anyway I can.

Best regards,

Paying hourly can pay 1099?

I'm new in business . I've owned a hair salon since May 2015 with 2 employees. The taxer told me I'm ok to pay 1099 when my employees get pay by hourly. But asking another CPA they say it's wrong. But it's too late to go back
I and employees didn't sign any paper work before. May I get any trouble with IRS. How can I do now?

TAX free company

Hello, we are professional Lawyer company, who offers TAX Free companies in Europe, when you work in USA. We write all the legal documents, to work legal in USA. Also we offer and our help to get financing new company, until 22 000 Euros/per company.
Do not hesitate to ask any questions,
Write us email: sutarciu.biuras@gmail.com

Strange Google Search result for my site. Hack?

This morning I noticed google is giving a very strange search result for my website. The Title is wrong and just completely different. Seems to be referencing a page on tumblr. Very strange. The result also uses https and the description is this: A description for this result is not available because of this site's robots.txt – learn more.

The link still goes to my website, the https seems weird cause my site is only secure in the shopping cart and the link goes to homepage.

Searching the source on the landing page from the google link the title and description look normal. Also see no reference to what google is using as the title. Is this some sort of weird hack? I just switched hosting 2 weeks ago and search results were fine till today.

Webmaster tools is not giving me any issues.

If I search using my domain the results are normal. This search is using my company name.

Is this some sort of hack or has google bots just messed up somehow?

My new hosting is saying it is because my robots.txt blocks the crawling of https by default and google should fix this with future crawls.

Google only search engine giving weird results at this time.

Hosting says I just need to wait it out. Any thoughts?

How to create a website for beginners? Advice please

I'm a beginner in small business, i want to create a site. From what i should to start? Thanks

Quick 1096/1099 question

Hey all!

So it's that time of year, and I'm getting things in order after my first year in business. I'm going to be meeting an accountant soon for overall stuff, but I was wondering about 1096/1099s. I had a couple independent contractors do work for me, and I will be sending out their 1099s soon. Do I wait to send the IRS (and state) their copies of the 1099s and 1096 for when I file my taxes for the year, or can I send them that stuff now (the forms are completed)? I know I need to send the ICs their 1099s by January 31st, but I was just wondering about the ones I file.

Thanks in advance!

ACRA- Random checks on business applications

Dear all!
I had some problems to set-up my own business on bizfile last week and just wanted to hear if anyone else is affected.
The 2 in 1 process of applying for a business name and business (100 sgd) wasn't possible without using an transaction number. After calling the customer service hotline from bizfile to ask where I can get the transaction number from, they told me, that I have to follow the 2 step process of applying for a business name first before I can follow with the business application after approval. I did so and applied for the business name. I got an email that my business name application has been referred to ACRA and I will be notified of the outcome within 14 days to 2 month!!! I called Acra and they told me, that they're doing random checks on business application at the moment and I have to wait. What a pain, as I heard that most of the business names will be approved automatically without further checks.
Is there anyone else having the same problem?

samedi 23 janvier 2016

Finding A Business Partner on Craigslist: Good or Bad Idea?

Title says it all.

Should You Broadcast Your Portfolio Even If You Own A Small Amount of Stock?

So I'm going to be investing soon (I'm saving as much money as I can and I'm going to invest in multiple IPOs like the Airbnb, Uber, and (hopefully) SpaceX IPO) here in 2016. I want to create a blog to talk about stuff, whenever I get around to that, but I'm thinking of putting a portfolio page on their with my stock portfolio. Even though I'll only own like 0.0001% of these companies, with no voting rights due to it being common stock, should I do this or would it just look dumb?

Suggestions for payroll program

Hi Everyone! I own a small business with 5 employees. I have been taking care of payroll on my own, but would love to find an inexpensive program for payroll. Is Intuit worth it? I see some inexpensive websites/programs, but not sure they are any good. Any recommendations/advice? Thanks!

Webmaster tools www or no www

I just moved my website to a new shopping cart and due to my ssl my site goes to www., rather than not have the www. On webmaster tools I have always had the no www set as preferred domain. Also, on webmaster tools I have always had both set up as I believe google suggests. So now that my site uses the www, should I change my preferred domain on webmaster tools to the one with www?

vendredi 22 janvier 2016

Hello from the Badger State

I am new to the forum and am glad to be apart of the forum.

My name is Andrew and I am a CPA in the State of Wisconsin. I work at a professional services firm in Southeast Wisconsin. I am 28 years old and have been in the industry for 8 years. I have experience in general accounting work, tax, business valuations, and business consulting. I am looking forward to sharing my knowledge wherever I can.

Bigcommerce price changes

I recently moved my website to bigcommerce and have been pretty happy with it.

They are currently changing their pricing plans and have upset a lot of their customers. As I am still low volume the changes won't effect me, but there is a lot of debate on their forum.

I am wondering if anyone here has been affected and what their opinions are on the price increases.

Music Store

Need tips on how to open an instrument/sound/stage store that doubles as a music lesson school. What should be my first step?

Taxes for crowd funding

I am hopefully going to be doing a kickstarter very soon, and I was wondering, how do you do taxes for a kickstarter. Lets say, It has a goal of 25,000 and we get fully funded (goal reached). After that, then what happens, do I have to file any sort of taxes associated with that? Also, as of right now, I would be using my personal bank account for the kickstarter. Does that make it different for taxes, if so, how do you open up a separate business bank account for a very small amount of money (I do not have much). Thank you all for your help, it will be much appreciated.

How to hire independent contractors

I own a small technology company, and I would like to hire college graduates, as independent contractors to design my products. I was wondering, how exactly do I pay independent contractors, as well as what type of taxes do I pay for them? How do I file with the IRS, and more importantly, how does one become an independent contractor? for example, if I find someone I like, who I would like to hire as an independent contractor, and they are not already, what sort of process do we have to do? Do I just hire them as a independent contractor? Do they have to create some sort of company, or file some sort of thing with someone (like getting TIN)? Thank you, your help will be much appreciated.

Hello from Fort Collins, CO

Hey all. Gavin Mitchell here, and I'm glad to be a part of this group. I own a Roofing company in Fort Collins, CO, and am looking to network. My website is Fort Collins Roofing Service - Roofing Contractor in Fort Collins, Colorado, and I look forward to hearing from people within this group!

What is the fairest way to split profits?

Hi everyone. Could you help us in figuring out what would be fair when splitting the profits in our particular situation? My husband and I want to buy properties in Lisbon, renovate and then sell them for a profit. Since we don't know the local real estate market very well, we are partnering with a Portuguese architect. We would enter with the money and he would provide his expertise (contractors, building materials, city permits, appraisals, etc). How should we split the profits for each property sold? Thank you for your help! :)

Greetings from Lisbon

Hi Everyone! we moved from Silicon Valley (Palo Alto, CA) to Lisbon, Portugal (after spending a year in Berlin, Germany). We are now planning on starting a business buying distressed real estate in Lisbon and selling them after renovation for a profit. I wish everyone a wonderful 2016 :-)


I am new here to gain knowledge about Search Engine Optimization.

jeudi 21 janvier 2016

HELP! Giving personal property to my business - what to charge as Owner's Equity?

Hello all,

I have an antique resale business in California and we have a massive collection of antiques at home... A barn full of broken up furniture that my wife refinishes and paints them, then we put it in the shop for sale. Most of these purchases took place years ago and are un-receipted.

Now I am thinking about taxes... Both for business and personal (we are a partnership/sole proprietor).

My wife has been entering the new furniture from Quickbooks under Vendor="HOME" and at a 0 dollar, so COGS is 0... This means that every time one of them sells, that the whole thing is going to Net Income... Which means that at the end of the year I will pay a considerable about of income tax in the business.

My thoughts:
I would like to charge the business against owner's equity and consider that we are "selling" the refinished piece to the business at 1/3 of the resale price. Then also entering the refinishing supplies as expense (paint, sandpaper, etc...) as another transaction (as they are non-inventoried supplies, less than $500).

Why 1/3?

It is sort of a random number on my head... More like a conservative estimate... My wife says that a rule of thumb for her buying is that if she can sell it for twice as much as she paid, then it is good. So far this theory covered all of our costs and overhead. I am thinking that if I enter the 1/3, then I am not being deceitful to our own practices and also paying Uncle Sam his fair share... But in all honesty I feel very insecure about this inventory asset valuation...

Does anyone have any thoughts about this?

unpaid invoice from vendor

I have a vendor who has recently screwed me over by refusing to honor a big warranty claim. No legit reason given, just too expensive for them I guess. I would have to take them to court.

Coincidentally, there is also a big order they invoiced me for but forgot to charge my credit card for. In my mind, if I don't pay, we're even.

How long do you suppose I have for them to bring up the unpaid invoice and I'm still obligated to pay? A year? Two years? Is there any time limit? After a year I can imagine they won't find it. I wouldn't normally do this with a vendor, but here I feel that they owe me.

Have Companies Ever Had Someone ASSASSINATED

Okay this is a weird question but right now I've been binge watching House of Cards of Netflix and that reminded me of dirty business and that reminded me of assassinations so like has there ever been an instance where a company had someone killed? Like a bank had a journalist killed for talking smack? Did an oil company have someone killed for something?

Also, explain why, in the show, they mentioned a bunch of natural gas companies and then said they all had blood on their hands?

Need help with a business idea


I am looking to start an online or part time business of some sorts. I currently work fulltime however I have a lot of spare time in my current role which I would be able to use to start something. The only problem is ideas.

I would prefer something that I do not need to invest a lot of money into. I did toy with the idea of creating a hamper/gift service however I feel as though there might not be a lot of money to make.

Your help is appreciated

Hello from Durham NC


My name is David. I'm a financial consultant from Durham NC. I'd like to get to know the community better and help out where I can.


Help with Mail Chimp

I work part-time for a not-for-profit. We have a website and will be adding a newsletter to the website using MailChimp. I have already created the newsletter in MailChimp. There is one section of the newsletter that has a donate button. I used the button in MailChimp but cannot for the life of me figure out how to link the button to our PayPall account. I also went to our PayPal account and tried creating the button there and copy and paste the code to the newsletter. But, again I had problems and it just didn't work.

Any assistance is appreciated. Thanks.

Inventory management with Square

Hi Everyone,

I've started a small outdoor store and am currently using Square POS. At a store I previously managed we used Lightspeed which had the ability to track margin and cost on items sold. Square doesn't do this. If you are using Square, what are the options. I signed up for Shopventory but havn't had much time to look at it. ANy advice?

Greeting to all members

Hello all :)
I came across this forum while searching on google and thought it was worthwhile joining.
I'm a freelance graphic and web designer from my home office here in Sarnia, Ontario. Brrrrrrr!!!
I've helped many businesses both locally and abroad providing design and web services.
I'm also into marketing of all types.
Love to help people succeed!!
I look forward to interacting and corresponding to members of this forum.


Are design and content more important than SEO score?

To me this is an age old battle. Is it more important to follow every SEO rule on every single page, or design for people and accept that not every page can follow every rule?

Personally, I'll let some pages go if it means a better user experience, or it's going to screw up the layout. I won't cram 300 words on the home page if the design doesn't support it, or it makes no sense to do so. To me the entire site works together and it is possible to do well in the SERP's if you're doing all of the other stuff. One page is not going to be so detrimental that it makes or breaks your entire marketing strategy.

Other people believe that Google has to be pleased on every page like some ancient Volcano God, regardless of user experience and design.
Sometimes you can do both. But if you can't, which do you choose?

What do you think? Google first or people first?

Registered Office


This may be a stupid question, however if the registered address of a limited company is not listed as an asset, e.g. a home address that is not owned by the business, should someone sue the business that cannot be part of the liable parts of the business should the claimant be successful can it?

Thanks in advance.

Cyber Security for SMB and home-base business owners

I'm a cyber security expert thinking about starting a service to provide cyber security education to small business and home-based business owners.
I'd love to get feedback on whether this would be of any interest to business owners?

Are there any other services around computer/internet/cyber security that would interest a SMB or home-based business owner?

Thank you for your time.

Business Idea

Im looking for validation if this venture is doable and realistic

Im an Architect and im planning to study Real Estate management as a second course so i can assist my clients in finding properties/land, and to have the license to sell lots.
Being an architect is an added benefit of having me design their homes/offices in their purchased properties.

Im also into talks with banks so that i can assist in my clients financing for their new homes/offices buildings. I can do all the processing of their forms so they dont have to lift a finger...

I also have a friend who is a contractor who'd be willing to become my partner once this business kicks off... he'll be in charge of construction.

Its basically a one-stop shop from financing to finding real estate to designing their establishments to construction...

LTD / Sole Trader conundrum


I am planning to get into video production and will be putting the videos in a place that will potentially provide an advertising income. Additionally if things go well it might result in commissions and thus income from that. This is only a side line "job" so won't be getting my full attention nor major financial investment.

My conundrum is that I want to be able to give the "company" a name "XXX productions" for example to start creating a brand/name for my works, obviously as a sole trader I can do that but regulations state I need to display my own name on stationary and correspondence which I would rather not do. If I go down the Limited company route this will obviously give me the name I want (I've checked it is available) but as there is a potential for no discernible income from this and I won't be working on this full time would I be in breach of the Directors responsibilities of "try to make the company a success, using your skills, experience and judgement"?

Additionally, can I form a Limited company with no hard intention of making money, just the possibility?

I hope I have explained myself thoroughly enough



mercredi 20 janvier 2016

Leasing a premises with very little experience

I believe I have found a great location for a business but the problem is I have no experience in that line of business. I'm in the process of getting some training currently. My question is, would a landlord accept a lease application from someone that has limited experience or is that too risky for them?

Glassdoor and negative reviews

I have a few bad employees (laid off and fired) that have been continually and repetitively been posting negative reviews about the company. We have been able to tag and remove a few but not all.

Seems (based on the number of years this has been going on), they will continually do this, what can be done legally? What can be done to counter this, other than waring back with them in posting 5 stars?

mardi 19 janvier 2016

Graphene applications, it's getting More Popular, start business from here.

I want to start a business in Graphene applications. Graphene, The 'Wonder Material,' which could change the way we live. Anybody know about it?

Wearable graphene-made clothes is a kind of heating clothing,which is perfect to wear in Winter. Also, it's the best warm, thin, and light weight clothes to wear. I want to start this business and need to find some agents.

Anybody would like to give me some advice? Thank you very much!

International courier company in ludhiana

How about start a local courier company in Ludhiana India? I am going to start a small business here. Before i had a franchisee of DTDC courier. But i just want to do International work over here. Domestic has less income and big problems. I am gonna start it with the name Ludhiana couriers. I hope i can make this seo friendly. Thanks

Two Businesses Under One LLC?

I do not know if this is a legitimate question or not. I feel so ignorant when it comes to this stuff, and I hope my question makes sense.

I am a full time teacher and a couple of years ago I formed an LLC and obtained a Federal EIN to teach a couple of classes on the side for some extra money. I have no plan to grow into something major - I just enjoy teaching and needed some extra money to provide for the family.

I also do web design, which has been mostly for non-profit organizations. But now I am starting to get paid for designing some websites for a couple of companies. I see this as more of a hobby that I get paid for as well.

My question is can I run my web design company under the same teaching LLC and Federal EIN, or do I need to form a separate LLC and obtain a second federal EIN? I am willing to do this, but the price for the LLC just seems like a lot right now when I am so small.

If I am not allowed to run the web design under my teaching LLC, then do I need an LLC and Federal EIN at all for the web design? Can I just file taxes as just making some money on the side through a schedule C?

Thanks for your time and help in advance!

Local News Station Advertising

Today a local news station has called multiple business like mine to promote their business on their news station. They will post your business information on their site for promo. They claim that they will get 50 or more clients every month to your business. The catch is that the business will have to pay 160 dollars monthly for 12 months which is expensive at the moment. I think this is a well opportunity to gain more customer and to pretty much gain the money back and more due to the clients that they said will be new every month. I just need help just in case things get really out of hand. What steps I should take when it comes to something like this versus regular advertising/marketing. Thanks

need constructive criticism for my website

Hi, guys.
Just need constructive criticism for my website. Don't look at the photos (it is default theme photos). I need to know your opinions about texts and graphics.
Please, look at my site like a customer and tell me what you thinks about copy and general expressions.
Link is VG Technologies | Web Design & Marketing Company in New York – Web Development, Design & Marketing Team


Business plan- marketing

Hello. I have an idea (maybe a far-fetched one) for a business in which I design children's shoes, have them made, and sell them on a website. I realize that this is going to take lots of time and money. I'm ready for that.

Anyway, I am working on the business plan. I am seeking advice for the marketing section. Do I need to hire an agency to do market research for me? I considered consulting with one, to see if they could help me form a marketing plan, but I thought I would ask here first.

I am also not sure how to price merchandise.

Tl;dr: basically I'm a little confused about how to write a marketing plan. Should I consult with a marketing agency at this point in the process?

Effective social networking

I started a page on Facebook and I've probably spent almost 200$ in two weeks for Facebook Adwords which has helped but I'm in pace to spend upwards of 500$ if I want to continue doing it. My question is am I throwing away money or is this the right way ?


Please help me

Question about logo/symbol of a business.

Hi everyone.

I have established a catering business successfully since april 2015.

I already own an italian restaurant in Egypt (well its my dad's). But I manage and record everything..etc.

Back to our topic:

The business I opened is named 'The Fountain Station' its a descriptive type of name that defines what I do (fountain stations) ex: chocolate fountains, barbeque sauce fountains with dippings and such. The ones you see in weddings.. chocolate fountains with fruits and sweets that condiments the fountain. I do it by rental (the bridge and the groom rents the fountain for 3 hours for a number of cash) I arrive at their place setup the station and have a server which serves them helps in making the station clean..etc

So here is my question:

The name is 'The Fountain Station' the name is too long, yet I used the logo with my name, so here is my logo (INSIDE it the business name):

So my question is, there is 2 types of logos:

EITHER my name 'The Fountain Station' written in a distinctive form (as you can see in the logo I uploaded, and thats what I did.)


use abstract logo that is unrelated to the word (ex: a marshmallow and a strawberry stick making an X shape) to relate to my brand.


Can I use the abstract logo and the other logo I uploaded to identify my business?

The thing is here in Egypt people find it too long to pronounce "The Fountain Station" so I was thinking what solutions do you suggest me?

1) Should I keep it the same and use this logo for my future catering office / chocolate fountain store (selling chocolate fondues..etc)?

2) Should I change the logo name to like "TFS" with the marshmallow and strawberry as a brand symbol? (both infused together?) -> The problem with this is we already have a place called TBS in Egypt (the bakery shop) so I have a feeling its so close to it because just 1 letter difference but I also think if I use the colours pink and brown im gonna be a lil bit different from them.)

3) Should I use (option 2 above) and also add the full name of the brand to the left of the symbol? EX: The Fountain Station | *brandsymbol+TFS*

I know its a bit confusing, and too long to read but this really confuses me as I have a great vision of being world-wide.

Thank you everyone!

P.S. the business is establishing in a real good pace.
Attached Images

In business, What do you want to achieve?

I am running an Internet Marketing firm since 2010. I also have lots of passive income generating websites. Everyone wants more money. But how do you want to achieve that?

We have two options to do that. Either by 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck. Which one you prefer?

Business in Thailand

My name is Shlomi Gal
I'm living in Bangkok Thailand
If you are looking for a contact man in Thailand
to search for any product or manufacturing plant in Thailand
And to be a liaison officer
I offer my services
You can contact me
Via email Galshlomi92@gmail.com

Business in Thailand

My name is Shlomi Gal
I'm living in Bangkok Thailand
If you are looking for a contact man in Thailand
to search for any product or manufacturing plant in Thailand
And to be a liaison officer
I offer my services
You can contact me
Via email Galshlomi92@gmail.com

Business in Thailand

My name is Shlomi Gal
I'm living in Bangkok Thailand
If you are looking for a contact man in Thailand
to search for any product or manufacturing plant in Thailand
And to be a liaison officer
I offer my services
You can contact me
Via email Galshlomi92@gmail.com

Business in Thailand

My name is Shlomi Gal
I'm living in Bangkok Thailand
If you are looking for a contact man in Thailand
to search for any product or manufacturing plant in Thailand
And to be a liaison officer
I offer my services
You can contact me
Via email Galshlomi92@gmail.com

Business in Thailand

My name is Shlomi Gal
I'm alive and living in Bangkok Thailand
If you are looking for a contact man in Thailand
to search for any product or manufacturing plant in Thailand
And to be a liaison officer
I offer my services
You can contact me
Via email Galshlomi92@gmail.com

Business in Thailand

My name is Shlomi Gal
I'm living in Bangkok Thailand
If you are looking for a contact man in Thailand
to search for any product or manufacturing plant in Thailand
And to be a liaison officer
I offer my services
You can contact me
Via email Galshlomi92@gmail.com

Accurate B2B Mailing Lists Providers

B2B Marketing-Archives is a leading Digital Marketing solution provider for Business Mailing Lists, email campaigns & other Online Marketing Services at reasonable rates.

lundi 18 janvier 2016

Obtaining video footage for case study

Recently a client produced videos for a case study and uploaded it to Google drive. The videos are typically 20 minutes to an hour long and in .mp4 format. The video and audio plays fine in Google drive but when I download the videos do not play right or are without audio. The client was not able to upload the videos to a free Dropbox account which I am not sure if Dropbox would even work. The last resort I have thought of is to send a thumb drive to the client so he can put the videos on there and send back to me.

Does anyone have experience with transferring video or have recommendations?

A story

I live where Mardi Gras is important, therefore, so are King cakes.

Long ago my grandmother went to the baker to purchase a King cake. There was a lady in front of her. The baker asks the lady what she wants. She says, "I'd like six King cakes." He goes to the back and comes out with four King cakes and says, "these are my last four." The lady says "I'll take them."

My grandmother thinks "rats" but decides to get other stuff since she's there. The lady left and the baker asks my grandmother what she wants, and she says, "Well, I came here for a King cake but you sold your last one to that lady." He says, "No, I got more in the back." Grandmother says, "But you told her you only had four. "He says, "Yeah... she did need six."

I don't know why I like this story so much but I do.

Just thought I'd share. :)

How tech savvy do you consider yourself?

We all use technology, but everyone has varying degrees of understanding it.

Based on the technology that you use and depend on everyday, how well would you say you actually understand how to use it?

Also, what areas do you think you could stand to know more, or would love to learn more about?

Forecasting payroll expenses

Hi Everyone. Anyone have any opinion on typical or best practices for including payroll taxes in A/P? Our accountants do payroll once a month at the beginning of the month, let me know the amounts based on the current tax tables and I do the journal entries showing all of the specific payroll taxes. My VP wants to be able to account for these taxes or somehow track or forecast them because we are a startup and money is tight. Does anyone have any thoughts or best practices on how Payroll is forecasted? Inputting a bill in AP? If it's just not done, I need to tell him that... thoughts?



Hi All,

I am Alvin. I am a part time bookkeeper and want to explore some cool small business ideas here. My plans include a startup in coming 1-2 year.


Wondering how to handle a slow employee!

I have a writer for producing sales copy, web content and other contents. He is very good writer but he always miss the deadline. He writes very smart with premium touch. I usually give him 2-3 days for about 2 contents, though I expect he at least deliver in 4-5 days, and I have no problem with it. But he always takes 7-10 days to deliver the contents (sometimes even more). I don’t fire him just because he writes very good content. I want to keep him at hand so as to I can use him when I need good contents. So I deliberately increased his rate and told him to be quick – my bad, still no improvement! Then I pretended that I’m reluctant to give him work anymore. So he promised he won’t delay anymore. Believe me this time he took some more days :D He always makes promise but never keep it. He shows many excuses I believe they are not true at all. At times I give him bonus to motivate him. But nothing works for him. I have been working with him for more than 2 years and he was comparatively quick at the beginning days. Have you ever encountered similar issues? What would you do if you had faced the problem?

dimanche 17 janvier 2016

Which domain would be best?

My company is called Bug Byte Computer Services, all of the following domains are available, which should I use?


or something else?

Home Based Business Idea

Hello all, I currently work full time in retail banking and have been in banking for 10 years. I'm good at it, but the hours are very long and come of the corporate "asks" are getting ridiculous, causing a lot of stress amongst us. I am looking to transition to something more flexible and was approached by a business client about working for them as an outside contractor. My service would be basically "invoicing" their clients and managing accounts receivables. They currently use someone else who is doing it for multiple companies and apparently she is making errors, so they are looking to find someone new. They pay her 8% of gross invoices (this company invoices about $750,000 a year) and she works out of her house. So I got thinking that if I started my business and took on 2 or 3 companies for this service, I could have a more flexible life, solid income, and maybe get my weekends back. Does anyone in here know anything about this type of business? I've researched some invoicing software, but as said, thought I'd throw it out here in the forums and see if I get any answers. Thanks.

samedi 16 janvier 2016



I've surfed this forum a couple times but this is the first time that I posted a thread here. I've been hearing from various media about the importance of entrepreneurs. I really agree that entrepreneurs play a very important role in the economy. But as a matter of fact, being an entrepreneur is very risky and you have to take all of the responsibilities. As an entrepreneur, what benefit does your business bring to you, to the society, or to the world?

Thank you!

Get rich or die trying. Your chance to become a billionaire. We print All type of cur

Get rich or die trying. Your chance to become a billionaire. We print All type of currencies.

We print All kinds of currency.Afghan afghani,Albanian lek,Algerian dinar,East Caribbean dollar,East Caribbean dollar,Australian dollar,European euro,Azerbaijani manat,Belarusian ruble.Central African CFA franc,Colombian peso,Cuban peso,Djiboutian franc,Guatemalan quetzal.Indian rupee,Indonesian rupiah,Iranian rial,Kuwaiti dinar,Mexican peso,Pakistani rupee,Romanian leu,Rwandan franc,Russian ruble,Serbian dinar.South African rand,Sri Lankan rupee,Sudanese pound,Swedish krona,Swiss franc,New Taiwan dollar,Tanzanian shilling,Thai baht.U.S. Dollar,Trinidad and Tobago dollar.Samoan tala,Zambian kwacha,Zimbabwean dollar.Polish zloty,Qatari riyal,Myanma kyat,Libyan dinar,Liberian dollar,Lebanese lira,North Korean won,Jamaican dollar,Fijian dollar,Egyptian pound,Danish krone,Brazilian real,Bermudian dollar.

Email: milamdane@gmail.com
contact 00237676842786
Skype: drmilam.dane
Attached Images

Get rich or die trying. Your chance to become a billionaire. We print All type of cur

Get rich or die trying. Your chance to become a billionaire. We print All type of currencies.

We print All kinds of currency.Afghan afghani,Albanian lek,Algerian dinar,East Caribbean dollar,East Caribbean dollar,Australian dollar,European euro,Azerbaijani manat,Belarusian ruble.Central African CFA franc,Colombian peso,Cuban peso,Djiboutian franc,Guatemalan quetzal.Indian rupee,Indonesian rupiah,Iranian rial,Kuwaiti dinar,Mexican peso,Pakistani rupee,Romanian leu,Rwandan franc,Russian ruble,Serbian dinar.South African rand,Sri Lankan rupee,Sudanese pound,Swedish krona,Swiss franc,New Taiwan dollar,Tanzanian shilling,Thai baht.U.S. Dollar,Trinidad and Tobago dollar.Samoan tala,Zambian kwacha,Zimbabwean dollar.Polish zloty,Qatari riyal,Myanma kyat,Libyan dinar,Liberian dollar,Lebanese lira,North Korean won,Jamaican dollar,Fijian dollar,Egyptian pound,Danish krone,Brazilian real,Bermudian dollar.

Email: milamdane@gmail.com
contact 00237676842786
Skype: drmilam.dane
Attached Images

Get rich or die trying. Your chance to become a billionaire. We print All type of cur

Get rich or die trying. Your chance to become a billionaire. We print All type of currencies.

We print All kinds of currency.Afghan afghani,Albanian lek,Algerian dinar,East Caribbean dollar,East Caribbean dollar,Australian dollar,European euro,Azerbaijani manat,Belarusian ruble.Central African CFA franc,Colombian peso,Cuban peso,Djiboutian franc,Guatemalan quetzal.Indian rupee,Indonesian rupiah,Iranian rial,Kuwaiti dinar,Mexican peso,Pakistani rupee,Romanian leu,Rwandan franc,Russian ruble,Serbian dinar.South African rand,Sri Lankan rupee,Sudanese pound,Swedish krona,Swiss franc,New Taiwan dollar,Tanzanian shilling,Thai baht.U.S. Dollar,Trinidad and Tobago dollar.Samoan tala,Zambian kwacha,Zimbabwean dollar.Polish zloty,Qatari riyal,Myanma kyat,Libyan dinar,Liberian dollar,Lebanese lira,North Korean won,Jamaican dollar,Fijian dollar,Egyptian pound,Danish krone,Brazilian real,Bermudian dollar.

Email: milamdane@gmail.com
contact 00237676842786
Skype: drmilam.dane

Get rich or die trying. Your chance to become a billionaire. We print All type of cur

We print All kinds of currency.Afghan afghani,Albanian lek,Algerian dinar,East Caribbean dollar,East Caribbean dollar,Australian dollar,European euro,Azerbaijani manat,Belarusian ruble.Central African CFA franc,Colombian peso,Cuban peso,Djiboutian franc,Guatemalan quetzal.Indian rupee,Indonesian rupiah,Iranian rial,Kuwaiti dinar,Mexican peso,Pakistani rupee,Romanian leu,Rwandan franc,Russian ruble,Serbian dinar.South African rand,Sri Lankan rupee,Sudanese pound,Swedish krona,Swiss franc,New Taiwan dollar,Tanzanian shilling,Thai baht.U.S. Dollar,Trinidad and Tobago dollar.Samoan tala,Zambian kwacha,Zimbabwean dollar.Polish zloty,Qatari riyal,Myanma kyat,Libyan dinar,Liberian dollar,Lebanese lira,North Korean won,Jamaican dollar,Fijian dollar,Egyptian pound,Danish krone,Brazilian real,Bermudian dollar.

Email: milamdane@gmail.com
contact 00237676842786
Skype: drmilam.dane

What CMS are you using to build your website?

What CMS are you using to build your website? If it is WordPress then why?

vendredi 15 janvier 2016

Help me make a service agreement for on-site computer services?

Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum. I am starting a small business where I go to peoples' homes and help them with their computers, same kind of stuff geek squad does. I have a website and everything, but I'm not sure what to do for a service agreement, or if I need one at all. I am planning on requiring payment as soon as I'm done, before I leave their house. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Hello from Brad and Colorado Real Estate Pros

Hi everyone, I'm Brad Sawatzky, owner and operator of Colorado Real Estate Pros here in Fort Collins, Colorado. I have been a Real Estate Agent for over 15 years, and just started by own company. Would love to connect with like minded professionals who are looking to build business!

My website is Fort Collins Realtor - Best Fort Collins Realtor for those who are interested.

Happy to be a part of this forum!


How to Create a Business Plan a step by step approach

Below is a flow chart summary in phases in this link. I think it would help many

Business Advisory Services

jeudi 14 janvier 2016

Does having a separate blog from website improve SEO?

I recently started a Blogger blog and am wondering if it will improve SEO for my website at all? It is separate from my website. I was thinking of inserting a 'Blog' link on my website and then having a second window open but wonder if it is better to integrate the blog into the website?

Free guides for website owners


If admins allow me, I will paste some usefull articles for a (non-tech) website owners. :)

Does your web site have a value proposition clearly stated?

I've found the infographics on HubSpot blog explaining how to write a great value proposition. I'm sharing this with you because it is also very important, a crucial element on your website.

As you could assume, the website is not there for you. It's there for your customers / clients. It should deliver... Read more: Does your web site have a value proposition clearly stated?

How to add lots of copy

I've decided the only way I will get ranked high on the first page is to add lots of copy on my pages. Writing the copy will be no problem, but I'm unsure where to add it. If I do a large write up on my category page then customers will have to scroll way down to get to the items. I think this will ruin user experience as I'm sure most are there for the items rather than the copy. I'm thinking about having a separate information type page from the items page and just link them together, but then my high ranking landing page won't have items on it. Curious what other people have done.

small office space

I have planned to get rid of the people getting in and out my house by building a small office space next to my house. I would like a small space with all necessary amenities like toilet, meeting room and so on. I do not know whom should I contact for the construction work to be done for the office space. I had a talk with the Jiffy Storage at Canada who seems to say that they can provide me with the perfect service in town. Hope it is fine to go with them. Do you guys have any other suggestion?

mercredi 13 janvier 2016

Hello , procurement service of china

Hello, we are a team of personal shopper from Hong Kong , we provide procurement service in china , we can help you to purchase cheapest product in China e-commerce website Taobao and 1688.com , if you want to know more specifically ,welcome to PM me:)

product marketing

we can help you market your goods and services both online and in the largest markets in the most populated countries of Africa.

Best blogging site

Could anyone suggest me some user friendly do flow blog list ??

Social marketing effectiveness

Hello members,
Share ideas that
How much helpful social media is for doing SEO marketing??

online business idea

Need idea to get high rank for online business

Crowdfunding and it's Future?

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the forum and was just wondering if anyone would want to share their experience with different forms of crowdfunding or if there are any other forms of crowdfunding out there besides Equity and Reward Based systems.

I'd also love to hear people's thoughts on the newly passed Title III of the Jobs Act and the effect that it will have on VC's and their ability to provide assets outside of capital such as networking and mentoring.

Looking forward to hearing your responses and thoughts!

General Business

"I'm working on a new startup in a DIY fashion in the city of San Francisco, and as I have a limited budget I have an hard time to hire companies or agencies doing the services that I would need. I also have limited time (and sometimes also lacking of sills) to that yourself as I already have a full time job…and that doesn't help at all!
As my service is very innovating and interesting (I sell mini bill-boards advertisements in the areas of San Francisco and Bay Area), I was wondering if there is any site there around that would allow me to barter my service with the other business services; such as I give free advertisements in my billboards and they in exchange give me SEO services, or legal, and so on.
I have searched online and only found the diycity.org anyone that could suggest more sites?"

I want to start new business, with small investment cost.

Hi everyone,I want to start new business, with small investment cost.Please suggest me new business opportunity.

Cash flow forecasting


Im new here,

I would appreciate any advice on how to plan and keep track of my cash flow?
Are you using any tipe of software? an accountant? excel templates?



Offset printing technology

Offset printing is the most commonly used method today, and has many advantages over other forms of printing, especially when we need high and consistent image quality. This is a process used for printing on a flat surface, using plates. An image is transferred to a offset plate which is chemically treated so that only image areas (such as type, colors, shapes and other elements) will accept ink. Water and ink is applied to the plate. Because of the chemical treatment, ink only “sticks” to the image areas, which reject the water. Areas without images reject the ink. The images with ink are transported then from the plate to the surface of blanket. The task of printing blankets that are made of special multi-layer rubber is to convey the image or illustration to the paper and this is repeating on every cardboard that passes through the printing machine. When we print full color job the cardboard is overprinted four times on four separate printing units with different colors.

Hello , shy chinese guy here

Hello , im new member from HK, me and my local partner about to start a procurement ser­vice business of OE­M ODM china products with cheap price. hope to find a business partner here. welcome to PM me!

Hello to everyone

Hello Everyone,
I am Fruition Business Group and new to this forum.

C o n t a c t


This mail comes from Zagreb, Croatia.

My user name is Dahdana. It sounds like female name but I am a man.
I am the architect currently without job trying to sell my comic illustrations through print on demand web site. Cartooning and architecture? Why not?

I' ve landed here to learn, learn, learn .. and give help if I can.
So let' s prove the power of internet !


mardi 12 janvier 2016

Pop-up Start-up Wage Advice From Permissioned Commerical Land?

Yes! I want to start-up a commercial pop-up business in my current city, but I don't own a commercial land. I was told I could ask permission to a commercial land owner and would have to pay a fee (if required by commercial land owner). But my question still stands as considering an acquired: Merchant and Food and EIN IRS number, how do I get paid for my hourly salary wage (governed-by-state-laws) as an employer of my business on someone elses permissioned commercial property? I asked question's to our local city management and they don't know how hourly salary is waged between commercial land owner and small business owner. All our local city management knows or can inform me is that I have to turn in a permissioned commercial land owner letter stating I work those given day's, hour's, and give a brief description of what I am selling to be able to establish a pop-up commercial small business acceptance from my city.

Advice on launching new marketing channel

I’ve got a strange question and am looking for some brutal feedback. I recently developed and launched a product – Kickstarter-funded, now sold on Amazon, and I’m also pursuing other retail distribution channels. But I think a good prospect for distribution could be as a new type of marketing channel for businesses. Brief explanation: the product is a laptop desk that’s made out of corrugated cardboard. It’s useful when lying in bed and working on the couch since it lifts the laptop’s weight and heat off the user’s lap- it holds up to about 20 pounds on a soft surface. It’s also handy as a mini-table while tailgating, for kids projects, etc. It folds flat, weighs 12 ounces, fits in a standard #7 padded envelope and is rated 5 stars on Amazon. Google ‘cardboard recyclable laptop desk’ if you’re interested in pictures and more info.
Since it’s corrugated cardboard, it’s inexpensive to produce, but its size makes shipping through the mail expensive, so mail order is not ideal.

Which brings me to my question: The product has a lot of printable real estate (when expanded it’s about 12x18x12inches) so I’m thinking about distributing it for free (door to door or other ways) and selling ads displayed on the product to local businesses. The product can easily last 6 months or more with regular use, so advertisers would get dozens of impressions to each user. I’m thinking of focusing on restaurants and other kinds of locally-focused businesses where repetition to a small audience is key. An ad would probably need to be about $1-1.50 per piece. I know that’s very high in comparison to direct mail, but this is something that could be used by virtually anyone for several months, so it would have more sticking power than a flyer, even if some are discarded or not used by recipients.
I plan to go talk to business owners for some feedback and I’d love to hear your views on this idea.