mardi 8 octobre 2013

Hey everyone, My name is Brandon Garrett I would like to say hi!!!


my name is Brandon Garrett and I would like to say hi to the community. I'm 28 years old, I have a wife, 3 kids, 2 dogs, a rental property and a house. Over the years I've tried many small business ventures and have failed at every one. But I really don't like to consider the failures as such. I would consider them to be large stepping stones that are leading me up to the next success in life. I've recently decided to start an online business and in taking this step I plan on getting out of my 9 to 5 job.

I wake up at 3:30AM every morning and get to work at 5:00AM. My workday ends at 3:30PM and after that I have to come home and do the single dad routine every night because my wife has a management job at the Local Pizza Hut. As you can see, I have quite a busy day and would like to change it as soon as possible to be able to spend more times with my kids and not be as exhausted as I currently am every weekday.

I have actually started a LLC business called Garrett Digital Services LLC. I've also branched a ebusiness blog off of Garrett Digital Services LLC called This new blog is purposed with the task of sharing my experiences with online business, as well as helping change the lifestyles of those who wish to learn along side me in my endeavors to become a more successful ebusiness entrepreneur.

Thanks for reading my personal introduction and I wish you the best of luck when it comes to what you decide to do.

Your Community Friend,

Brandon Garrett.


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