mardi 8 octobre 2013

Is this 90:10 equity split a good idea?

So I have just graduated with an accounting degree and have been having a lot of trouble finding a job. My girlfriend's uncle lives in another state and is a CPA and CFO of a company. He does taxes for extra money.

My gf's dad mentioned to him about having me do taxes for him and now he thought about it and is willing to start an accounting business mainly doing taxes for now then eventually doing more things for small businesses. This office would be out by me and I would have to find everything (office, furniture, etc.) and he would pay all the startup costs and give me a salary (30-40k) to run it. I would get 10% equity so that I benefit from more customers and growth too. He would provide me with the training and great software he uses.

I keep going back and forth on if this is a good idea for me or not. On one hand it seems like a great opportunity where I would be given money to run my own business and I have been trying really hard for a salary and i could get one this way. On the other hand, it seems like I may be taking on a lot more than I can handle if this turns into something and I am the only employee for now and he is halfway across the country. We have only talked about this once for now so I think we just need to talk about more of the details because I have some little questions. Like what if I want to leave after a few years? I also don't want to have any risk on my part which I guess I would be for the 10% of the company.


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