mardi 8 octobre 2013

Thoughts on Naming a Business

We always get a lot of questions here about what someone should name their business. About a week ago I came across a post by Marco Arment talking through how he named an app he's developing. Some of you may know who Marco is, but for those who don't he's currently an iOS developer. He developed Instapaper which might be familiar to you. Before that he was the developer behind Tumblr, which I'm sure you've heard of.

His soon to be released app is a podcasting app and he named it Overcast. The post I linked to above describes his thought process for choosing the name. His goal was to satisfy as many of the following as possible.

  • Memorable

  • Short

  • Easy to pronounce

  • Easy to guess its spelling if you heard someone say it

  • Related to podcasts somehow

  • Available on Twitter

  • Domain available on a major TLD like .com or .net, or at least .fm

  • No trademark conflicts

  • Not too crowded of a meaning in Google

He offers a bunch of other names he was considering and why he discarded each before choosing Overcast.

While the post is about naming an app, I think most of it applies to naming anything business related, including the name of your business. It's definitely worth a read.


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