mardi 4 mars 2014

How Slow is your Email Response Time?

This subject is obviously a pet peeve of mine.

Some business are just horrible at responding to emails in a reasonable time. I see now that it has nothing to do with the size of the business, that it's a flaw in how it's managed.

But what is a reasonable time to everyone?

I answer emails all day long as they come in. Some immediately, but generally all within the hour. It doesn't take but a minute or two, and I go back to what I was doing. No Problem. I'll even answer some while on a call about something completely different. It's really not that hard to respond to people.

I have a on again, off again client who takes days or even weeks to get back to you. I'm sorry, but no one is that busy. That's just indifference to other people's time.

The most perplexing thing to me is companies that actually invite you to contact them for more information, and then take a week or longer to get back to you or even worse...never respond at all.

I've contacted companies via Social Media..same thing. No response. Really? Then what's the point?

What do you think is an acceptable email response time?

How fast do you respond vs. how fast you want to be responded to?

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