mercredi 7 mai 2014

Starting a small business with no family support/encouragement

I'm 50. I've wanted to own my own business since I was 10. I've sold some sort of craft or something on and off all my life. Because of funding, I never was able to fulfill my dream.

I lost my (highly stressful) desk job in October and haven't been able to find work. I mentioned my idea for a small business at an in-law family gathering and to my surprise, my MIL suggested that I borrow the money from them. It put the idea in my head and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.

My dad started his own business when he was 25 and basically retired when he was 40. He tries to talk me out of starting my own business stating I just need a job as a means to an end. My husband is not excited about the idea, mainly out of fear of losing money, my daughter isn't supportive either.

But this consumes me. It's not a want, it's basically a need. I need this control, this creativity, this entrepreneurial outlet. I spend my time looking for a mortgage job, or an admin job and then I find myself looking up retail fixture suppliers. I'm excited and thinking of business names one minute and discouraged and chastising myself for thinking about doing this the next. It's making me insane.

Has anyone else had to deal with this? If it's in your blood, can you be satisfied with desk job?

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