lundi 8 décembre 2014

"...with the holidays and all..." and other procratination excuses of Business Owners

Every year I'm amazed at how so many businesses completely cease operations or lose the ability to make any decisions between the Monday before Thanksgiving till after New Year's Day. If I had a nickle for how many times I've heard "well, you know...with the holidays and all...", I'd be wealthy.

What does that even mean? That you've checked out from doing anything because there's a holiday coming up? That you have so many personal responsibilities that you can concentrate on anything business at all?

And this isn't the only time that people use the calendar to justify doing nothing. It's kids starting school, kids on break from school, kids getting out of school, Summer starting, Labor Day, Memorial day, Veterans Day, President's Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Snow, Rain.... It's never ending. How do people get anything done if they spend the entire year preparing for the next break from work?

If it's a matter of budget, then say that. But don't lead me to believe that Thanksgiving (which is literally one day) is the reason that you can't make any decisions for the entire month of November.

Thankfully not everyone is like that, but for the people who are I have no idea how they get anything done if every upcoming date is an excuse not to do anything until after it's over. Why even go to work or open for business? Just set up an email auto responder and voice mail that say "we aren't doing anything till after ( insert holiday here)" and just let it play all year long.

Are you one of those "well, you know with the Holidays and all..." people, or are you the kind of person that feels that if you are at work, that you should work?

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