samedi 24 janvier 2015

Due Diligence with Manufacturers in China

Hi All,

I am trying to get a novelty product manufactured as inexpensively as possible, and therefore I have decided that manufacturing in China is probably my best bet. The novelty item is a dancing "doll" very much like a singing/dancing Santa Claus doll that you have probably all seen during the holidays.

I have made a non-mechanical prototype so it is very clear what the outside of the doll should look like. For the internal components, I need a dancing module along with a recordable voice module. These are readily found on Alibaba and I have found companies on these websites that supply the modules AND provide OEM services.

My question is: has anyone gone through the due diligence process with any Chinese manufacturers? I am not able to travel to China to check on the factory. Therefore I am looking for ideas to do the following from the states: make sure the company exists; make sure the company delivers what it says it will deliver; make sure the company has sufficient quality control processes, etc.

I would love to have my product produced in the U.S., but at this time it's simply too expensive. I would love any advice from anyone just starting out who has dealt with companies on Alibaba or Globalsources.

Thank you!


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