mardi 20 janvier 2015

Would you be interested in Free Wordpress training?

Hey guys I am a new I came to this forum because it is a great community of small business helping each other out.

I figured I would start things off right and offer my help.

So lets start from the beginning.

My name is Naeem Scott, and I know WordPress, social media marketing, web design and a bevy of other things.

I am curious if anyone would be interested in a Free WordPress training webinar?

If you are, well I need your help to develop it because, it does not yet exist.

Basically if you are interested I need to know, what you would like to know.

Some ideas I had on what to cover were.

  • What WordPress is

  • Who it is good for

  • What it can do

  • Guidance for common Worpdress tasks

But I am absolutely positive you guys want to know more than those things.

Please let me know.

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