jeudi 22 janvier 2015

Lack of Sales - Marketing Advice Apreciated

Hi all, like many of you I've taken the leap and started my own e-commerce business, however after almost 3 months I've had almost no sales!...

I am marketing like hell, with google shopping, bing ads, facebook ads and I'm active for several hours a day on Facebook/Twitter/Polyvore/Pinterest/Instagram etc. which generates approx 100 visitors a day. My stock is similar to what's being sold on other sites and my prices are competitive or cheaper in a lot of cases, but still no sales???

Analytics tell me visitors are browsing my site and bounce rate is below 10%. I understand that e-commerce is progressive, but that implies progression, I'm seeing none!

The only thing I can assume is my website layout/design is stopping conversions? I've had the functionality checked so I know the sales process work ok, so now I'm at a complete loss.

Therefore would some of you be kind enough to have a look at my website at and tell me what you think and PLEASE BE HONEST!

Any help or advice would be most welcome.

Thanks in advance,


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