mercredi 14 janvier 2015

How do I approach small businesses effectively?


This past year I’ve realized I have a passion for creating automation tools to help businesses. I’ve gained a considerable array of skills that allow me to quickly look at inefficiencies in a company’s (computer) workflow, and identify areas that can be automated so to save the company/employee considerable time and money over the long-run. For instance, I helped a small (but very successful) real estate company automate their process of adding new listings to their website. It used to take them 1+ hour, but I got it down to around 7 minutes, at the click of a button.

I truly believe there are tons of small (and large) businesses that are wasting precious time/money doing tedious, repetitive tasks that should be automated instead.

My question:

What would be the most effective way to approach businesses to offer my skills? Should I simply approach the manager of the business with a portfolio of services I can offer?

In my mind, I’ll have to do this:

1) Get a business number

2) Create and sign “non-disclosure” agreements that will bind me to confidentiality in case businesses show me “sensitive” data in the course of teaching me their inefficiencies.

3) Go from business to business offering a free one-hour consultation where we sit down together to identify potential areas that could be automated.

4) I propose a cost to implement the solution

5) They accept/reject

6) I complete the project, and get paid, adding them to my portfolio.

I suspect I’ll need legal help to construct non-disclosure agreements and the such, but I’m asking for advice of any sort as to how I can make this idea come to life. Is there an effective way of integrating my services into a company?

Please offer any advice or criticism that comes to mind.

Thank you!

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