lundi 12 janvier 2015

Successful services company... but stuck. Next step?

Hi everyone,

I've been lurking for awhile and finally have decided to join in on the conversations...nice to meet you!

I'm kind of in a pickle in terms of growing my company, and would love some advice..

My business partner and I own a digital marketing agency that specializes in a large industry (one that will always be booming). While we serve clients locally, we do have a global reach, servicing several clients in EU due to being internet-based. We have been a company for 3.5 years now. We have no overhead and generated $185,000 last year but now feel like we are stuck and not sure how to grow beyond that. We have a handful of clients, some small, and 1 very large name on our roster. Lately nothing seems to be doing the trick for us -- we've tried social media, SEO, emails etc. to land new business, you name it.

The real problem is -- we just don't have time for sales and don't have the skill set.

It is just the 2 of us and we wear all hats. As you all know, it's very time consuming and we feel that we do not spend enough time on lead generation. Just not enough time in the day! And to be honest.. we're just not that great at it. We're great at DOING the work, but hate the legwork of landing a client.

Is the next step to hire a sales rep with the goal of generating enough revenue to start expanding our team? To be honest, we make just enough right now to pay ourselves. Therefore, hiring someone full time would not be feasible for us. Would a lead generation company be a smarter choice, perhaps a part time consultant who puts in a few hours a week, commission etc? I fear maybe it's too early for us to start thinking about this because of lack of funds (though we can definitely put some $ aside for this), but at the same time, if we don't get help in this department, I don't know how we're going to grow. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

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