mardi 27 janvier 2015

Help with market analysis/online sales videos

Hi all!

I am starting a business that will craft high-quality sales videos for business websites. They will be designed to help explain the companies product/service aswell as increasing the number of conversions and purchases online.

For this reason, I am currently looking to do some research to find out more about my target market – small to medium sized business owners who utilise the internet to sell their product/promote their brand.

If possible, I am looking to have a short chat with anyone that fits this criterion. With the aim of finding out their true needs and concerns in regards to selling on an online platform and adding to their online presence.

I understand that you are all are busy, thus this needn’t be long (15 minutes or so), but if you are interested in having a chat, please get in touch. Via phone or Skype is preferable, however if you would like to go for a coffee (I live in Manchester) that would also be great.

Contact me via PM - any help is massively appreciated!


Anuj Kotecha

NB: I am not looking to sell anything right now, although once my website is up and running I will want to get some real life testimonials and a generate a portfolio of my work, which I will be looking to do at a heavily discounted price from the normal rate.

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