jeudi 21 avril 2016

Angel Investor for a financial product - Platform Provider

Hello guys
It's my first post asking for investor so I will try to make as much clear I can.

What I have created
The last 2 years me and my team created a social trading platform for financial market. We launch it before 7 months and the statistics through google analytics are very good. The main difference of other platforms is that we have all the social facilities and basic trading tools. We did it for be an entertainment platform
Youtube video of our platform:
Youtube video of other platforms:

How I advertising my product
As I mention my mainly product is the platform but also I created 5 more products to help me on the advertising.
1) Forex VPS Hosting provider. People who owns a VPS in the Forex Market mean they are active traders. So Then I have chance to convert it to real customer
2) Binary Options Portal network: I have 20 country super domains with the market name. I create bonus portals and when I will start see results after 6 months the most of the users when they will get registered , they will come to my platform
3) Traditional SEO
4) Ecommerce shop. My uncle has got a shop in my country with more than 10.000 products and I include them in my e-commerce shop. So to make tournaments and have some gifts in my platform.
5) Social community where people can chat between them with a very entertainment way
6) Casino & Arcade games just for entertainment.

Our problem and we are looking for investor
1) We don't have real market data in the platform. For that reason we advertise our product that is a game.
2) We get leads every day but we can't convert them.
3) We need to work as much as we can in our project.

How an investor will help us
1) We will switch our fake market data to real so we can become platform providers.
2) We will hire 2 people. 1 for sales and 1 more developer.

Does the site has got any revenue now?
1) We have through media buy advertisments. That can be go much better when we will rank on keywords. For example every month we could make 2-3.000$ through advertisments. When we will rank on the keywords it wil

How the investor will make money from this?
1) We will be platform providers - If you google this, platforms providers cost at least 10.000$ + monthly fee
2) We will create a Forex white label from the day one that the investor will come. White label is the term when an other company gives you their platform. Usually cost around 10.000$ but because we have good product we can get it for free with revenue share. The main problem is that in this industry we need someone to call our clinets
2a) ***We have binary options platform and not Forex. Forex can just help us to make revenue from the first month until we build anythng we want
3) Forex VPS Hosting: I have statistics from google keyword planner that the term forex vps has got monthly searches of 15.000. I got partnership with one of the biggest VPS providers in the world. If we establish go to first page then we will start revenue.
4) Binary Options Network portals. through media buys ads.

How much we need?
We need around 50-80.000$ for the next 6 months.

If i forgot anything let me know or ask me. The opportunity is really good. We know what we are doing but to go to next level we need an investor.

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