samedi 2 avril 2016

How To Start a New Web Design Studio?

Hi all,

Decided to start a new thread to say a couple of more words about the upcoming project of mine. Frankly speaking this is my 3rd startup because the previous two bursted up although they had been quite promising at the very beginning. A couple of years ago I was involved in one forex project where we were to provide consultancy, signals service, trust management and a few minor things. It died in 6 months due to conflict of interests between the traders. Maybe I was not that good in entrepreneurship but I don’t give up and try out other promising startups.

I don’t know what forces drove me to pick web design as a business industry but at the end of 2015 I purchased both the domain name and the platform for my future website. It was quite a spontaneous deal but I recalled my previous projects where hiring a reliable designer was tough and realized why don’t I have my own team of designers, huh?

I met my bud in January and told him about the project. He was really excited about it and wanted to get into the biz.

At the moment there are 5 of us. A couple of our members have an experience in currency trading (me), MLM and e-marketing and the rest are professional designers. So we’ve decided to combine our knowledge to come up with the design studio. Pretty much that’s it.

As of now we are at the following stage.

Things done:

  • Landing Page
  • A couple of contexts
  • Service list
  • Blog

Things to be done (a lot)

  • Portfolio section
  • Service description
  • About Us
  • Team page
  • Contact Us box
  • SEO texts
  • Feedback section
  • Online store
  • Back office (in future)

Guys I would appreciate any advice, questions, critics from your side. I am here to learn as web design is kinda new business for me. Does anyone of you have a design studio? How you promoted your first startups? Where did you get your first customers? I will definitely keep everyone posted on my progress. By the way have you ever worked with the people who did not believe that a project might be prosperous in the near future? Some of my team members saying if we’re not unique we won’t get any customer then. Sounds very pessimistic to me however it might be true. But I think both hard work and patience will definitely pay off. What you think?

Thanks for your time!

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