lundi 4 avril 2016

Funding investor

Hey guys, so I am trying to find an investor for my client. My original investor had to pull out funds due to family emergency and left me in a pickle.

Any help would be very appreciative. I'll even pay a referral fee if a person you know takes on my client.

I am presenting Sportzfund,  a fundraising website who obtained a partnership with WhitePoint and United fundraising. The key to this project is this partnership where whitepoint  provided a network of 4 million donators and their success history with plugging a company into their network and receiving high sales.

An investment of 80-250k will be used to create ad pieces (see attachment ad) that will bring the 4 million donators to the site to donate and bring them back with incentives. The more investment achieved the greater of those 4 million people we can reach.  Sportzfund can generate around 2 million in sales in  the first full year conservatively. One ad piece  is bought for 10 cents.

Collateral - This company  is also back by KLG consulting (his consulting busines) with yearly revenue at 180,000. He will provide a base of 4200/month return guaranteed plus additional returns to meet the agreed upon ROI time frame.

My client cannot provide the funding on his own due to the quickness nature of the partnership and taking advantage of the upcoming football season.

Terms and conditions  are negotiable and we look forward to speaking with you more. 

For example - investment  of 80-250k he is willing to pay a premium return of 35 percent. Within 15-18months.. Or is willing to give equity into the deal.

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