mercredi 20 avril 2016

How many different ecosystems are you on?

Not sure if the day will ever come where all tech ecosystems work together. There's a lot of cross over and jerry rigging you can do, but for the most part everyone is trying to win and want you to use only theirs.

With that said I was wondering how many different platforms people are using for different tech functions and features and how it's working out.
I'm sure like me none of us set out to have multiple platforms going, it's just that none are a complete solution for everything.

Currently I use products and software for both business and entertainment from Microsoft, Android, Google ( which is kind of separate), Apple ( just iTunes), Amazon (everything), Roku, and Samsung.

Probably the best working relationship between products is Microsoft and Google. Neither has everything I want alone, but together it's a good mix. They both make it easy to use your Google/Android stuff with Microsoft stuff. Which is actually kind of shocking considering where it looked like it was headed.

There's a lot of crossover of course. For instance XBOX does the basic things that I use Roku for, but doesn't have all of the channels I like. And Chromecast works better with my Google Music, but is limited in other areas. And still sometimes I just plug an HDMI into my laptop and use that to stream podcasts and such.

Google Now is great if you have a phone in your hand, but for other times and home automation Echo is pretty awesome.
Still never used Cortana.

It sounds complicated, but it's really not. And to be fair I don't need it all.. I'm just constantly curious and like trying new tech and services. For the entertainment stuff, I'm still trying to find that right mix that lets me ditch cable once and for all. I'm really sick of their crap and the archaic way that they still do business and offer services. Not to mention that paying for commercial television still burns my tamales. But that's another rant.

How many different platforms are you guys on? But the big question is does anyone get everything they need from just one?

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