mardi 5 avril 2016

Hi All!-they call me Brian Davis

They call me Brian Davis, which isn't really that significant since that is my real name. Sometimes I kinda wish I had a more unique or memorable name, but hey, ya gotta work with the hand you're dealt, right?

So, Hello there. Let me tell you just a tiny bit about me. Not too much though, cause between you and me, I'm sure you are the more interesting one. :) I have had a couple of businesses during my career. I have worked with and for a bunch of other people's startups and helped them get off the ground and expand their territory. I have been involved in just about every part of the security world and have just recently started I am working on a new podcast and developing resources and content to help both small businesses in general as well as security professionals who want to start and grow their own businesses.

Why small businesses? I personally believe that small businesses and family are two corner stones that make for a strong economic foundation. I believe that small businesses and families need to protect themselves not only from the real risks to their peace-of-mind and prosperity, but also from falling prey to fear tactics that would cause them to spend more and sacrifice more freedoms on security than they really need.

That's basically why I am starting this new business. I want to make a difference. I know quite a bit, but I don't know everything; about business or about security. So the site, Grinder Media, and the Podcast Show will help me continue to learn about two areas I think are so very important while at the same time helping others take care of what they have and are building.

So please, drop me a line if you have any questions about security for your business. I am not selling anything. I'm just looking to help and for some help. I am currently building content for the website and working on a book for small business owners. Your questions will help me as much as hopefully my answers or directions to others who have the answers will help you.

Thanks so much, and lets talk soon.
Brian Davis

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