jeudi 21 avril 2016

Mobile App for your small business - Native or Web?

Hi all, just wanted to ask everyone's opinion and feedback on this subject. As a small business owner, if you find that you would like to have a mobile application built around your business, would you prefer a web mobile friendly version of your website, or would you rather have a "Native" application instead? What I mean by "Native" is that the application will be written in the programming language specific to the device's Operating System (OS). For example on Android devices, it'll be Java or Objective-C for iOS.

I ask because it seems to me that most prefer to have a mobile site instead of native. I've had 2 clients already talk to me about creating a mobile application, but both times the idea of having a native application built is shut down, or they were completely turned off by the idea. I tried to explain to them both having a native app for their target device has advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantages of course is that a native app will have the "look, feel and behavior" of any other app on the device since it's "running" directly on the device's OS. Second, native apps can be submitted to the app market such as Google Pay Store and iTunes. On the other hand, I've told them that an obvious disadvantage is that we would then have to create a separate app for each device they want to target. There are ways around this however, and you can make native apps that target multiple platforms under one single source code, but it's a little more complicated than that.

I'm not simply just trying to make a sale off them and try to pitch to them that they should have a native app, but sometimes a mobile web app just isn't doing the job. For example, one of the clients' app does some heavy calculations behind the scenes and takes advantage of the phone's camera. I think this should be a good candidate for a native app as opposed to running it on the phone's browser, where you can see the "sluggish" behavior clearly, correct? Or am I just being too picky here maybe? =)

Anyways, I just wanted to get feedback from everyone to see which they would prefer. Thanks.


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