dimanche 17 avril 2016

First time using kickstarter, how do I best build up "fans" before I launch campaign?

Hi, I am about to launch my kickstarter campaign in the next two weeks. I am new to social media marketing and promotion. I have read that you should have a following before you start your campaign. How do you best promote your product before it launches? I have set up a Facebook page and paid for Facebook ads and got about 37 likes in a week, but all of these are just average people, they don't show any connection with the tech repair industry at all. I am selling magnetic repair training guides to aid in disassembling electronics like smartphones, computers and video game systems. The people who "liked" my page from Facebook ads would most likely not back this product based on their Facebook page and that they have no job or education in technology.

Are there any forums or sites that let you post your campaign so others can view it or even be interested in backing it once it goes live? Its hard to find any that don't have strict rules to not post your campaign or require you to subscribe and pay a fee to join.

Also, kickbooster.me claims to "boost" your campaign by giving "boosters" a portion of your funding as payment of sharing your campaign on social media. is this a good idea or bad idea?

Thanks for the advice.

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