jeudi 28 avril 2016

Food Product Business, Approaching Woes

Hey guys,

I'm starting a food product business with the end goal being to get this product on store shelves across the country at various retailers. But since I'm just starting out my plan is to approach small local markets and sell them the product myself. My product is suited for Cafes, Bubble Tea Shops, Bakeries, etc. Any advice on how I should approach these businesses and sell them the product essentially. Do I email them (most don't really have contact info anywhere or don't even reply to emails), do I call them, do I just show up with product in hand, give them samples, chat with them a bit, leave a business card? Do I follow up? Is this a viable strategy to get myself in the market?

I'm not branding the product at the moment, this is meant to be a market feeler. If I can get 10-20 committed vendors I'd shift focus to branding the product and I would try and approach bigger retailers at that point in time. At least that's the plan as I've formulated it now, but I'd love to hear some opinions on the matter. I also plan on selling the product at events, fairs, and farmer's markets in the near future.



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