mardi 12 avril 2016

Inventory tracking

Hello All!

We have had issues keeping track of inventory and currently use a spreadsheet to update what we have in stock. It has become quite a headache as things do not add up properly and when pulling parts from inventory we're either missing a few or end up finding out we don't have any in stock even though the spreadsheet says we got 5. What I need help on is basically finding a way to manage all of this and making sure they're accurate. Just to give you an idea, we're a service center and pull parts frequently to make repairs on units. We have about 4 technicians that update the spreadsheet and most likely it is human error causing the miscount on what we actually have. It's understandable that they may forget sometimes when you're doing many things at once to be sure that they have updated the inventory with parts used.

I'm trying to find a solution whether it is web based or software I can install on a separate machine where people have access to it, to manage all this stuff. Ideally I'd like to have a form that would be filled out with drop down selections that deducts from the stock inventory when the form is submitted. Is there some kind of software out there that could do what I want? Any guidance pointed to the right direction would be greatly appreciated. I apologize if what I'm looking for sounds confusing.



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