jeudi 7 avril 2016

What would you do? We are a popular web design company not sure what the next step is

Quick summary:

We have been in business about 4 years. Our average sales income annually started low and right now were almost at 800k annually. However we do have a few issues and I hope there are a few here with experience to shed light on what we should do.

We specialize in niche markets. ie. Specific types of website designs and certain platforms. We have an actual location fully staffed office in New Jersey. However what has happened is that over the last couple of years this industry has become oversaturated. So of course there are a ton of other options plus there are premade themes out there.

Right now we don't have anybody who is specifically dedicated to our sales and marketing department. Whoever is available in the office at the time the calls come in handles sales and marketing. We do no outbound sales. Everything that we do is inbound nothing is cold calls. Even though we're still holding strong and currently generating more then 60,000 a month in sales I can't help but feel that if we don't change something that will start to go backwards. I see the trends in the market and the competition that is coming, at what point do you actually hire a marketer or a salesperson? This is the million-dollar question. I've got no idea what to do. Luckily for us everything that we get is either word-of-mouth, repeat business, or organic results. We do what we do extremely well but it would be great to figure out how to get customers who might not know that we exist. Or who might not know that they could benefit from our services.

For example I had a customer call last week because he happened to stumble on our website he was quoted over $10,000 for a site from a different company that we would design and develop for around $1800. He's extremely excited he put a deposit down we gave him a mockup and he's already asking for more business because he loves what we came up with. I want more people like this. I want people who realize that they don't have to spend a fortune to get a quality product. Problem is I don't know how to find them or get them without them finding us by accident. I've been told plenty of times our pricing is too low for what we give people however that's not what's important to me as a business owner that's why we make affordable websites for people.

I'm looking for some advice on if I should hire a full-time marketing person and what are the chances that they would actually be able to drive more business to our company? Would a full-time marketing person go out to other businesses in the area? These are things that I should know obviously because this is my industry but we focus so much on website development we've never gotten into this side.

Thanks a lot for listening have a great day!

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