mercredi 6 avril 2016

How well do you practice online/tech security?

I'm kind of an "enthusiast" about keeping people out of my stuff. I encrypt, I back up multiple places, I don't use offline storage for important items, I don't use the same emails for everything, I have alarms set, hidden cams, "self destruct" software, and about a million other things that I do. I'm at the point now where I don't event trust the crap ware on a new computer. First thing I want to do is replace the drive and install my own OS.

Much of it is because I'm online all of the time and probably read more than I should about threats, vulnerabilities and attacks. And also because I work on at least one hacked website a week and have for about 2 years straight.

When it comes to my devices I don't like anyone touching them. Even just passing a new phone to a friend to let them check it out makes me nervous. I also don't trust other people's computers and would never do anything sensitive on someone elses device. "What do you mean you don't have a VPN? I'm not touching that thing."

I'm also a total privacy nut when it comes to the people vs. the government and don't trust anything until a court rules on this issue. I've seen too many, even local police, violate the privacy of someone's mobile device under the excuse of "suspicious behavior" and it's out of control. I remember when having a pager was suspicious enough to prompt police to put you in cuffs and search. Things haven't changed much depending on who you are. I'd rather destroy it than to have it accessed without a warrant. And honestly, there's nothing on it. Just a regular phone with music and contacts on it. It's just the principle.

I'm also of the opinion that most people have crap security and all of their devices are infected because they don't know what they're doing. I know it's not a correct assumption, but that's just how approach everything.

On the other hand I shop online all of the time, use mobile payment systems, use some public wifi, love NFC and Android bean, and generally trust technology as long as I'm in control of setting it up.

I know I'm just a paranoid freak who thinks if you let your guard down for a second some script or virus is out there ready to get you. If there was an equivalent word for hypochondriac as it pertains to tech security, I probably have that. I accept that as my issue and understand that there is no such thing as completely secure. But it's also kind of fun.

But what about you guys? How well do you practice online and tech security overall? Do you care?
Is it one of those things that you know you need to get around to but never do?

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