mercredi 31 décembre 2014

One small business for two very different methods of income?

Is there any sort of disadvantage or legal ramifications to selling two very unrelated products and dealing with the income through a single sole-proprietorship?

A couple hobbies are about to make some money soon and I just want to simplify things and apply for a small business to deal with taxes, licenses and such.

Would selling smart phone app's/videogames/software and live earthworms under the same company be wise?

Why would a customer ask for a receipt date...

to be different than what the actual date is? Someone asked if they could have it dated before the year 2015. Is this fraud related? Would they be able to dispute a purchase if their credit card draft and my store invoice had different dates?

Buying an existing business questions

Good day I'm trying to buy a business that's is existing , how ever having a hard time finding a loan and using my company info because I have not done anything with my small business. My main question is can I use the company I'm trying to buy info such as yearly income and projected income ?

mardi 30 décembre 2014

Hello World! (or Small-Business Forum), It's Me...Sarah Mullin


My name is Sarah Mullin. I have worked in Small Business for over a decade while working virtually from clients. I have been working in the Executive Assistant to Operations Management level in business for over 14 years total. My partner and I started our Administrative Consultant company in 2012. We are both Administrative Consultants at of company, Creative Solutions Together. We provide creative solutions to the new and growing Small Business Owners.

Sarah Mullin

Owner/Administrative Consultant

Creative Solutions Together


Attached Images

Car Accident Lawyer San Diego

If you are seeking for legal assistance for your accident law case, then contact our experienced lawyer in San Diego. We are always here to assist at every step. To know more call us at (619) 564-4455.

Manufacturing Measurables

We are a manufacturing company making various types and sizes of.....widgets. Over the last 30+ years the performance evaluations has been a subjective narrative that did very little to build up the team. 2014 will be no different however I have taken on the task of revamping the process for 2015.

What I am looking for are some suggestions for measurable that you would see on a Supervisors eval., does anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you

Fictitious Name?

Can anyone offer me some insight to fictitious names? Specifically PA if you know.

When I did some research it said that if your surname was in your business name you did not need to file for a fictitious name however it went on to say "The inclusion of words that suggest additional owners, such as Company, & Company, & Sons, & Associates, makes the name an assumed or fictitious name." confused me a little bit.

I intended to put the word "Group" in the name of my business. Will that affect filing for a name or not?

Thank you

Hello, glad to be here!

Hello all. I recently discovered this site by accident. I was doing a little research to find some answers and up popped this site. After looking it over I thought it would be great to join.

I am in the beginning stages of starting my own business, I will be in consulting. My business will focus on HR, general business, and safety consulting as well as Executive and Life Coaching.

Like so many other stories out there, I have worked (still do) in corporate America and it is mind numbing sometimes to deal with office politics, conniving unions, and nepotism. Like so many I decided it was time to jump off the hamster wheel and go out on my own. While I haven't 100% jumped yet the ground work is being laid and I am planning to be out on my own soon.

I hope that I can network and meet other like minded individuals who own and operate their own small businesses and share a passion for success.

Is buying a franchise a good idea or a bad one?

Just throwing around ideas. Thinking of maybe opening a Pizza place in my small town. should I buy a franchise such as domino's or little caesars? Is it a good idea to buy a franchise? or should I just go with my own name? do franchises increase sales? is owing a franchise a liability in the long run? Thanks =)

lundi 29 décembre 2014

contractor fire sprinklers central valley california

Hello everyone I am new to this site and figured a forum would be my best go to bet for information. My brother and I want to start a fire sprinkler business for the central valley California. My brother has about 8 years in fire sprinkler protection. I have a few years in supervisor/management positions but I DID not do any of the hr side of the business I was an account manager for a security business. I am working on a business plan this is a long term adventure that will take about 1 1/2years to 2years from now. We both have given this a lot of thought and really want to get it going. I have a few questions.

I have seen all these 10 steps to start your business example below

Step 1: Write a Business Plan

Step 2: Get Business Assistance and Training

Step 3: Choose a Business Location

Step 4: Finance Your Business

Step 5: Determine the Legal Structure of Your Business

Step 6: Register a Business Name ("Doing Business As")

Step 7: Get a Tax Identification Number

Step 8: Register for State and Local Taxes

Step 9: Obtain Business Licenses and Permits

Step 10: Understand Employer Responsibilities

All of these steps are basic steps to follow financing, location, name, taxes, permits ect. my question is what about the steps between the lines? How do you go about getting the insurance like workers comp? Or employee benefits? Is this all in the small business insurance? We will be doing the jobs ourselves to start and then branch off and hire employee's. Is there insurance difference between family and none family? When should we look at getting an accountant? I have been told by multiple people an accountant is one of the most valuable things you could have in any business.

Anyone that would consider being a mentor? I know having a mentor would be a big help to ask questions to directly.

I have more to add later and I will reformat this post I just wanted to get it out there to start getting feedback and idea's....any reference help would be VERY appreciated. I currently am on these sites for my information...

Grow Your Business | Small Business 101 | ShopKeep

Contractors State License Board

Owning a Gas Station

I am thinking about buying a gas station here in NC. It's pretty vague. I have a small restaurant where I have made most of my capital, and met me partner in business. Is there anyone here who has owned or will own a gas station soon ( only buying business, not property). I know there are various licenses I need. Much of the gas stations i have looked at is with brokers i have come in contact in real life. I am not a tech savvy person, but it seems like looks like a very good website. When they display cash flow, is it after all expenses?


Hello, I am a young full time student who is interested in investing in and starting my own small businesses. I am not a business professional by any means and have no real business experience or advice to bring to the table. :( I am here to learn all that I can while I build my first business. I hope that you all are willing to to share your ever so valuable time and experience with a determined, young Entrepreneur. It is an honor and a pleasure being here.

Looking for Excel compatible invoicing options

I run a small (me) maintenance company. I currently use a self designed Excel program to track my expenses and create invoices. I would like to try a free or inexpensive accounting program. Are any of the programs compatible with, or based on Excel, so that I can use my current data?

Also any feedback on accounting programs you use would be helpful.



dimanche 28 décembre 2014

Seeking for Business Partner or Distributor for Henna based Products

We are India's leading Henna manufacturer company since 1930. Company have some most consuming and trusted product of hair color. Now Looking for distributor or business partner. Please let us know your interest.


Prem Henna

Suppliers needed for online pet accessory store

I'm in the initial stages of starting an online pet store. I'd like to focus on mid-high end accessories. My problem is finding products from wholesalers and drop shippers. Any advice about particular sources?


How to Use Facebook to Grow Your Small Business and Make Your Life Easier

Hey there fellow doers and dreamers!

Just dropping by with a little social media secret that can create BIG results for your business.

Those of you who have been using Facebook to market but have gotten poor results will especially like this.

I was an insurance agent for about 7 years out here in sunny California and now have turned my attention to marketing and growing small businesses.

I want to share with you one strategy I used to market my brand, gain new clients and retain my existing clients.

(If you work for a big company they may have rules in place that won't allow you to market this way, but for those of you who don't have those restrictions, this is GOLD).

Here is what you need:

A smart phone with a camera

Facebook Fan Page


That's it!

Here's what to do:

1. When you gain a new client, obtain a smiling photo of them. You can take a photo, or you can have them send you an existing photo.

2. Edit the photo by adding your agency logo to it. You can do this with free photo editors for your smart phone that you can find on Google Play or The App Store.

3. Post the edited image to your Facebook Fan/Business Page.

4. Ask the customer to tag themselves. (If you have treated them well they will be glad to do this, after all they have already given you a photo and you have helped them save money/get protected/feel good). When the customer tags themselves their circle of friends on Facebook is now able to see the image, noticing that their friend has chosen you as their preferred provider.


You are doing them a favor. Now they tell a circle of their friends (average of 300 people) with your help, and they don't have to make a pitch.

When the friends see their friend (the whole reason they are on social media in the first place) they will hit "Like" on the image. Now whenever you make a comment on that picture in the future, all of the friends that hit "like" will be reminded of You, the cool business that takes care of their friend.

Now you stay in their consciousness, and have already gained the endorsed recommendation of already serving their friend.

This works, and here is the short version of why:

1. If clients like you they want to refer you anyway.

2. The client gets an ego boost from being shown off on your page. PEOPLE REMEMBER HOW YOU MAKE THEM FEEL, not what you say or do.

3. It helps their friends. They do not have to think about who to call next for the product you're selling when they start shopping.

4. When you want to offer some type of retention gift, you can go back to the image, announce your gift to that client, and their friends will know about it.

5. It is unique (hopefully if I have my way, not for long). This helps your business stand out.

You also solve the engagement problem you may have been having on social media. It's no longer about your ads, it's about THEM...and that's the way it should be, we are here to serve the customer.

That is the short version of it. You can get more info on the powerful psychology behind why it works in the manual for this method called Instant Buzz: The Little Facebook Secret that Gets Big Results. It can be found on at a greatly discounted price. If you have Kindle Unlimited you can read it for free! (Please leave a kind review if you like it, thanks). Don't be fooled by the low price tag, I have sold the physical copy of this book for $200, and have charged a pretty penny to help other business owners implement it.

IT IS WORTH IT. If you do it correctly its an INVALUABLE process.

How do you put a price tag on a tool that helps you fulfill your dreams???

Why do you want the psychology behind the process?

So you can implement it in other social media platforms to acquire and retain customers for virtually NO FINANCIAL COMMITMENT! It's kind of like knowing how to bake a good cake. If you know the recipe of the process, you can recreate it. If you know a great recipe of creating referrals, brand awareness, and retention on Facebook, you can do the same on other platforms.

I also have a small business blog at that offers practical advice too if you want to check it out. This is all FREE!

Questions? Inbox me, leave a comment, or you can even text message 209-416-8606. I live in California so please be mindful of the time zone differences, thank you.

Do you have a business that you want to take to the next level?

Or are you tired of trying old methods of acquiring new customers that just don't seem to work?

Maybe you are struggling to keep your business afloat and scared that your dream is in danger of not being fulfilled?

I have a strategy that goes beyond what you learned here that leverages the power of the internet to inject rocket fuel into your brand expansion and customer acquisition efforts. It is based on core success principles that have worked since ancient times. My customer-focused program of social media marketing, lead generation, and retention strategy will help your business get on its way to successfully running itself and help you achieve the financial goals you envisioned.

This is with the end game in mind of achieving your real goals of being able to support all of your loved ones and impact the world around you. If you are serious about making improvements to your processes, your company, and your legacy, contact me today to see if I have answers that may work for you.

If I don't think I can help you, I'll just tell you. I am uninterested in wasting your time.

I hope I was able to provide value.

Much success to you my friends,


Smart Biz Show -- Guest Appearance by Tran Nguyen

Hello All,

Thank you for taking time to send me questions and ideas for my guest appearance on the Smart Biz Show (hosted by EG Radio and Small Business Journal).

With it all being said and done, I thought I would share the video with all of you!

Thanks again!

Where should a new copywriter be looking for business?

One thing that has never ceased to amaze me is how few people can actually write good English grammar to a consistently high standard, even in the world of business. There is clearly a market for copy and content writers but I would be interested to know where more experienced forum users feel I should be looking to offer my services?

I have looked at sites such as Freelancer but it would appear I am up against non-English speakers who are prepared to write keyword-laced garbage for a dollar a time, and I really am not interested in competing within that market.

Any information or advice gratefully received. Many thanks.

Can some on layout all the cost of doing business?

typically how much of a margin is reasonable for a product to sell for in order for the company to sustain. Now that I'm thinking about it how do companies overcome having to pay so much for the necessities to run a business and turn a profit??

Ex. selling shoes for 130 dollars made in america after every cost is accounted for is 50 dollar margin too small or would typically companies prefer for the margin to be near $70-80 for the ability to expand faster, granted that the output was a 100- 150pairs a week.

Besides the cost of materials, employee wages, taxes, accounting, cost of keeping the building running, marketing what are the other costs that aren't so obvious and how are they calculated.

Ex. insurance for company equipment and employees, 401k. Are there any more that I'm not thinking of?

Reseller for an original 3D Asian art product, why not?

Hello everyone,

Have you ever heard about the 3D fish painting art from Asia? This contemporary art has been invented by a talented Japanese artist named Riusuke Fukahori and it's being appreciated and loved by many people for its originality. If you have not known about it, I invite you to watch this short clip which shows you the painting process so that you can understand the technique:

Inspired by Riusuke's technique, we have developed and created our own artwork as you can see below. We aim to bring this contemporary art closer to all people around the world, for this reason we would like to look for business partner, reseller. We have several artworks for several purpose such as high-grade product with the big size to decorate the hotel, resort, showroom or popular product with small size to decorate your house or for individual collection purpose. Please have a look at our artwork, if you are interested in developing business with us, you are always welcome !

Hello from Vietnam

Hello all, I'm glad to find out this forum and to be here with you guys. I'm Vietnamese and I love to learn things to develop my business internationally. My friend and me have a website to promote and sale our original 3D realistic paintings which can be used for decoration or collection purpose. Hope that one day I can find an appropriate business partner so that we can build up and promote our business together :)

samedi 27 décembre 2014

Glad to be here!

I'm pretty big into online forums. I've made some great friendships, partnerships, and business contacts from these. I am an SEO consultant with over 7 years of experience and run my own SEO & ORM (Online Reputation Management) company. SEO is my passion, ORM is what I do to make money (and also because it's interesting to me and I enjoy helping people out). I'm looking forward to helping people get their SEO and internet marketing strategy on the right track. If you want to ask specific questions or just chat, shoot me a PM. Let's get to know each other!

Found an ingeniuos WordPress hack today

One of my clients called about her site being hacked. Granted I have all of the security on it possible, but I have no control over weak server security which is where I'm positive it came from. 3rd time now on this site.

This was a run of the mill code injection, where they edit your theme files or add a file to cause havoc and either redirect your URL or place porn, pharmaceutical or Cheap Ugg Boots links all over your site. The links were appearing one minute and then they weren't there the next. You could see them on some browsers and not others. The one place that it was consistent was the log in screen, even though it was hidden.

I'm usually pretty good at finding them, cleaning them out and protecting against it happening again, but this one had me and tech support at the hosting company stumped. Seriously, they had nothing other than what I'd already done the day before so I was on my own.

Finally I started going file by file in wp-content and saw a plug in that wasn't showing in the dashboard. Turns out it was a fake named "xcalendar" that was somehow in the plug ins folder. I imagine they could name it anything. I kept over looking it because we did have a calendar plug in installed so I imagine they could name it anything to seem legit when glancing at your files.

When I called that company's tech support back to tell them what I found and ask how someone gained access to the server, they really had no answer and proceeded to up sell me ( or rather my client) additional security...which to me says they've given up trying to protect your site and now it's up to you to buy additional services to make up for their weak ass security.

Anyway, that was the first time I'd seen a fake plug in installed on the server so I thought I'd share the experience. Furstrating and not exactly rocket science, but kind of ingenious hiding in plain site like that.

I don't want to call out the host publicly, but if you've read any of my posts about hosting questions it's not hard to figure out who I think is the weakest host in the business.

Gold Father

Hello everyone! I am a new member on this forum. I am excited to learn from all of you members, and hope I can impart some wisdom to those in need. I look forward to scanning through your questions, and asking some of my own. Thanks for having me!

vendredi 26 décembre 2014

Monitors Work Process and Other Stuff

I have 3 PC's including one laptop I just bought but haven't used yet. I have 2 different monitors and a 42 inch LED TV I use for both a monitor and a TV and two high end desktop PC's.

I like big monitors. I don't like wide screen monitors because you get less on the page before the break. The monitors are a 24 in wide screen and a 28 in non wide screen. I started using the TV as a monitor when I thought the wide screen one failed. It turned out to be a loose connection on a cable. My computers and cables are all buried for a clean look, but it makes repairs a pain.

I was at my partners home / office last week. He's 60 and like me we have both been career sales people. It was slow, but I got to watch his sales style. Our phone pitch and product knowledge is similar. He has two laptops on his desk. He uses one for research when a customer calls and the other for email and quotes.

He does a couple of things differently than I do which I thought were good ideas or methodologies. One thing I do, which I think is the best for me is I try to have an email quote to my customer before we hang up. It makes for mistakes at times and a little sloppier quote. It does make sales because they have the quote and I'm still on the phone with them. I've written software that allows me to make a quote in 2 minutes or so as long as the product is in my database.

What my partner does is write down in a notepad the info for the quote and then do the quote. It could be an order as well. I've tried this, but my handwriting is so bad that I can't even read it and I'm a very slow writer. My partner also does the quote or order after hanging up the phone. This gives him the opportunity to answer another call that could be an order while in my case I'm on the phone and wouldn't know if another call was coming in that could be an order.

Both are style things and have pro's and cons. If I have someone on the phone, I want to close them. My partner wants to politely get the person off the phone so he doesn't miss a call that could be an order. I don't think there is a right or wrong to this. We can get calls on top of each other or it can be slow. Goes in spurts.

I will now have three computers. The laptop (a go fast gaming machine) will be my main computer as it's portable. One I will use with a notepad like program always open for when a customer calls. That will keep me from having to change screens while talking to a customer. I imagine a dual monitor system may be a better way of doing this, but it also gives me a backup of notes on a second computer. Over the years, I have found that by typing into a notepad type of file everything, dating things, and putting keywords in entries has been invaluable. I don't use notepad, but a similar .txt program. If someone calls with an obsolete part number or some other question, I can do a quick search and find if I have any info on it. The .txt file now has 33k lines in it BTW.

Back to monitors. My TV / monitor cost $600 ish and for me has the best resolution. My 28 in monitor isn't made anymore and similar units are several thousand. I think I'm going to just always keep my .txt file open on one PC. I can always email it or PM to copy and paste to my main computer.

Were all in different industries, so it will vary, but what does everybody else do for monitors and business methodology?

FYI - Actually a bored, ain't about to go out shopping post :)

What is benifits of learing internet marketing course

please describe me internet marketing is best for future or not ?

jeudi 25 décembre 2014

Craigslist Ad Poster Service


I am Jack Thomas, i'm new in this form website. i have good knowledge in Craigslist Ad Poster Service. Any one want to be ad posting for any services related ad posting contact this email support (at) classifieds - adposter (dot) com.

Hi I'm Albert a Network Business Intrepreneur of UNO.

good day to all of you here in this forum im albert.

I'm here because i want to share what my business is. we all know that in business it has two kind a traditional business and a network business....

Traditional Business - A traditional business operates to provide its customers and consumers with a product in exchange for compensation. The typical goals of these types of businesses all lead to turning a profit for the owners or operators, meaning that the business makes more money in revenue than it spends. Businesses spend a large amount of money on operational bills and salaries.

In traditional business, you cant start in a small capital, you need a big money to open a business. and if you only an employee of a traditional business you only have a fix salary and only the owner is profiting big.

Network Business - There is also business networking that is done virtually through the use of online Business Networking sites which are also very low cost and often free. An online Business Networking website may have the additional benefit of being able connect their members with contacts that are worldwide as well as local.

Because business networking is based on the building of relationships with people, it is a ongoing and long term method of gathering business contacts but can be very effective.

if you have question or what to know about how networking business is better than traditional business.. just reply..thanks or reach me here.

mercredi 24 décembre 2014

Mental preparation to begin business journey?

Starting a business is mentally draining and excruciatingly tough, what are some things you had to do to get yourself to first even start your business when you already had a stable job? What are tips that you have when things got tough?

Hello everyone.

I am VERY new to this owning my own business game. That being said I am going to have a lot of questions and will be asking for a lot of advice. I am located in the U.S. in Oregon and my newly created company is called Net Geek Tech LLC. I have always worked for someone else, and have always seen flaws in how their companies were ran from big corporations to my most recent job at a small IT shop. Recently the small IT shop has decided to sell to another company, this leaves me with a few options on what I want to do. 1. unemployment, 2. go to the new company, and once again work for someone else making little pay with no progression in site, or 3. create an LLC. and make a go of it on my own.

I was approached by two very loyal and trusted potential clients. Who informed me that they want to keep me around their place of businesses, however due to their budget restrictions they would be unable to offer me a proper position. They also informed me that if I were to create my own LLC. that they would be more then happy to provide my LLC. with a full time position at a very substantial rate of pay. This morning I have decided that I am going to "go for it!" and see what happens. So far I have submitted the necessary paperwork for the state, purchased my domain and set up my company email, created my invoices, income and expense reports, along with mileage reports. So far I feel this is a pretty good day 1 start.

I do feel as though I am missing out on a lot of valuable information, and I am probably overlooking quite a few things, so that is why I am here to seek the knowledge of those who have already done and succeeded at what I am attempting.

Nice to met you all and I look forward to hearing and giving advice as I can.

Opinions about a business name


We are about to open a local gym for women only.

What do you think about the name "Pink Lady"?

Imagine it with a logo based on apple symbol (looks a little like Apple's logo)

Thanks in advance!


Are Promotional Bags a Worthwhile Investment?

Hello all,

I've been tasked with putting together a promotional marketing campaign starting next year in prep for the holiday season. My company wants to offer a luxury travel set with the aim of increasing brand awareness. We'll be running an on and offline campaign that will target succesful professionals, male and female, 30 - 50 with disposable income. Seeing as there are probably a few of you here I wanted to ask what you thought of the idea?

Also, this is the best bag I can find: Bags of Ideas | Elegance Travel Bag | Supply UK. What do people think of this as a prize? Would it, combined with some other smaller travel items, be enough for you to part ways with some basic contact information such as email address and postcode? If we're going to do this I want to do it properly and get some data collection out of it.

Overall, has anyone had considerable success with promotional items and do you think this campaign is a good idea or is it destined to fail?

Thank you everyone.

Also, Merry Christmas! (It is Christmas Eve after all!) :o

Supplementing Pub Income

Hi all,

I'm going to open a new pub in the New Year. I'm pretty nervous about the fact there's no money in just selling alcohol any more so I'm going to be serving food and showing sport as often as I can! I don't know how many bar or pub owners visit this forum but I was just wondering if they could give me some advice on fruit machines!

Rumour has it: New Law Allows Venue Owners To Make More Money From Fruit Machines | TVC Leisure jackpots have increased by 180% this year so that's something I'm going to be mentioning to punters. However, do you think fruit machines are worth the investment? I'd have to rent one so I'd either be doing fixed rate or revenue share. Revenue share seems like the safer option but then again, if things went well, fixed rate could end up being more lucrative. Does anyone have any experience in this?

Thankful for any feedback. Cheers.

mardi 23 décembre 2014

Want to apps developer


I want to develop a android apps so please suggest me a best and cheap developers..........

Depreciation of an Asset during Business Structure Change

Hi, Here is the Story and a question:

In Sept 2012 A Two memeber LLC purchased two vehicles for Taxi Service.

That year is a short tax year for the LLC.

Depreciation Detail Listing looked like below:

DescrDateCostBiz PercentageDepreciation BasisLifeMethodRateCurrent DeprAccumulatedAMT Current
Lincoln2012-09-12739110073915200 DB HY20147814781109
Buick2012-09-1312619100126195200 DB HY20252425241893

Question is: is it correct for the short tax year of 2012 when the LLC existed since Sept 2012?

Should the Rate of 20 be used from table B1 at all?

My problem understanding this is the method and convention that was set here.

Now 2013 is the real Problem because of the Business Structure Change that occured.

On Sept 19 2013 one member DISSOCIATED from the LLC taking with him the Lincoln Car as part of his dissociation.

Member "A" retained the Buick and Terminated LLC/S-Corp Status with the IRS on Dec 31, 2013 (closed LLC on state level, too).

Member "B" kept the Lincoln and continued the Taxi business as Sole Proprietor effective Sept 20 2013 (another short tax year for him?)

Depreciation Detail Listing (Form 1120S) for 2013 was as follows:

DescrDateCostBiz PercentageDepreciation BasisLifeMethodRateCurrent DeprAccumulatedAMT Current
Lincoln2012-09-12739110073915200 DB HY3211832661942
Buick2012-09-1312619100126195200 DB HY32403865623218

Is it Correct that Lincoln is shown here after the dissociation? I understand that Lincoln was depreciated in the LLC from Jan 1 to Sept 19 (when two members worked togather). Is the above correct and does it follow regulations on depreciation with the IRS?

On top of the above, member "A" continues the taxi business as Sole Proprietor in 2014 (having terminated LLC/S-Corp Status). What should be the cost basis for the Buick car in 2014?

FMV or the Purchase price minus "erronious" depreciations?


thank you for any answers.

What do you hate most about email?

Hi guys,

Looking for your thoughts and feedback on (business & personal) email.

  1. What are all the problems you've had with email?

  2. Of all the problems you've had, which one is the biggest (for you)? Why?

  3. What do you think would fix your biggest problem?

Thanks in advance!


How Far Should I Break Down My Buyers Options?

Hello my name is Gary,

I am new to this forum so hello everyone!

My question is this: I produce 1 product with 40+ designs each having 60 color options , 5 length options. Several of those have up to 20 additional accessory options. Is this to much for the consumer to take in and process?

The real question I'm asking here is would it be a good idea in your opinion to have completely seperate products with each individual option set already selected and just a BUY button?

And if I were to create said pages ,how in the world do I create enough unique content to cover them all?

Example: 1 product available in 60 colors. Should I creat 60 new products , one in each color? And if so then how there do I create enough unique content as to not get hit by Google WMT duplicate content?

I hope I've asked this clearly enough. If I can do better at asking questions in the future please advise. Thanks for your time, Gary.

Product Testing Companies

Hi All! We have the finished product and now the next step is to get it tested and preservatives added. I found a website that lists licensed product testing companies. What questions should I ask to make sure they are the right company for us to work with? What's the average cost to have a product tested and preservatives added? Should I already have a list of preservatives I would like to use? Do I need to have them sign a non disclosure agreement? Is it a good idea to ask the chosen company to refer me to a manufacturer?

Product Testing Companies

Hi All! We have the finished product and now the next step is to get it tested and preservatives added. I found a website that lists licensed product testing companies. What questions should I ask to make sure they are the right company for us to work with? What's the average cost to have a product tested and preservatives added? Should I already have a list of preservatives I would like to use? Do I need to have them sign a non disclosure agreement? Is it a good idea to ask the chosen company to refer me to a manufacturer?

Hello You Business Owners

I'm Cecee,

my husband Anthony and I have a small skin care business based from home and we are gearing up to officially establish the company. In the past few years we have seen consistent growth and profit to make this a reality.Any information and advice that is given is gold. Thank you in advance and hopefully I'll be able to answer any of your questions as well.

lundi 22 décembre 2014

Using English - Copy Editing for persuasive writing

How to edit ad copy and persuasive letters to make English correct and also feel good to read? This is my question because maybe some of you also are learning English and have this same problem.

English Editing websites help me because I am an ESL professional and I never know how good the quality because I must trust them to change content so it makes customers feel good and make an order. These websites are academic English and not sales. Right now I am writing articles for SEO and promotion, and I do forum marketing. Sometimes I do not need to edit, but sometimes I send all copy for editing and I am not satisfied.

Hello from Tom, Chinese Herbs

Hello everyone, I am here to learn and connect with professionals to network. I am glad to be here with all of you, and I look forward to promoting our businesses together.

A new business with sotial business network!

I am seeking for the investors to the new project of international online loans without any risks.You profit will be over 40% per month.The project is international thats why no scams and cheeters there.

Service Plans

As you guys know I have a upcoming IT business and I want to start service plans ie. preventative maintenance for local businesses. Hpw can I accomplish that. What do I need to do this, what paperwork or contract should i have ready.

dimanche 21 décembre 2014

Financing your business

IN NEED OF URGENT LOAN? IN ANY FINANCIAL CRISIS? Urgently in need of fund to start up an investment or expand your business, money to settle an unscheduled situation, money to put into your children's education etc.

You can get over it here @christiantrustfund. A 100% trusted and government approved organization well known for its prompt delivery in a time duration of 48hrs. Formed by some very devoted christian Brothers and Sisters with th sole objective of helping out with people in financial problems.

We offer loans ranging from $1,000.00usd to $10,000,000.00usd. Loans are for cooperate bodies, organizations as well as individuals at just 2% interest rate. We do both local and international business.

Do not fail to send us your request via as we are very much ready to offer our possible assistance to help you out with your financial problems through Christ. GOD BLESS US ALL.

samedi 20 décembre 2014

most effective way in attracting applicants

I am a 4th year student from Father Saturnino Urios University and my father and I are likely to put up a small business. And I want an advise from you guys on what is the most effective way in attracting applicants. Thanks :o

Great idea

I have a realy great idea, but i need to know something if somebody could give me answer on it it would be great.

My question was if i let a company but a video on my website/page and daily alot of people would watch this video.

How much would this company would pay me, to put hes advertising on my page?

And i mean like how much each second, min whatever you know.

Great idea

I have a realy great idea, but i need to know something if somebody could give me answer on it it would be great.

My question was if i let a company but a video on my website/page and daily alot of people would watch this video.

How much would this company would pay me, to put hes advertising on my page?

And i mean like how much each second, min whatever you know.

vendredi 19 décembre 2014

Sending media messages to cell phones via website - abuse

I am setting up a feature on my site to allow media message to be sent to cell phones. The message will consist of a property photo, listing information, a link to a customer map for the property and a link for more photos and information. I will be providing all that information. In addition, the sender will be able to add in a short comment.

My questions, is how much do I need to worry about abuse? I have added the new re-captcha to prevent robots from sending messages. But should I add a limit to how many visitors can send in a specific time span?

How much to pay for another company's marketing?

Hi - my first post!

I am a sole trader, and my business is personal coaching/personal development and healing courses.

I work with a small college who recommend me and from whom I get students for my courses - probably about 12-15 students per year.

My question is how much, what percentage makes sense to pay the college for their marketing? I've heard that 15-20% of profit is about the going rate.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


Looking for ideas with wood scrap

Have a lot of wood scrap at our work. Mostly edged boards 17*100*600mm. The main problm it's not dryed (KD about 20%) and unable to make any furniture from this, because glue will not work.

Can't find good ideas what to do with all of this.


One time start produce kindling, but our wholesale buyer from Germany is dissapear and we already 3 month can't find new one.

Our local retailers not interesting in such goods.


I made such home for our cat. But it's take too much time for produce 1pc. So I think it will difficult to earn a lot of money with this.

Attachment 541

May be anybody have an idea. What else we can make from our wood scrap for sell to any wholesale buyer?

I think nobody will interesting to buy this ))


Attached Images

Hi from Belarus!

Hi, I am Dmitry from Belarus.

Now I have wood sawing business.

I register here to find a new friends, partners and fresh ideas for my work.

Troubling in watching movie online?

Watch Exodus Gods and Kings online free which is going fantastic this year, the reviews are going fantastic every one praised this movie and rate it mostly with five star ratings...!! which is good to be the block buster movie of the year. Here is another watch night at the museum 3 secrets of tomb online free putlocker is also getting good reviews and also wants to watch this movie.

jeudi 18 décembre 2014

Working with my manager - tips?

Hello. I am wondering if you can give me tips or insight in improving my working relationship with my manager?

I started doing virtual work (social media management) for a car wrapping company (relatively small company, 8 employees) earlier this year and after a few months I was asked to come into the office three days a week to help with organizing paper work. It's been about 4 months now since I've been working in the office and I have been asked to do everything from organizing files to answering phones to managing their clients' social media accounts (three clients). I've been chewed out a few times by my manager who is the knowledge base of the company - she keeps track of everything such as production, design, incoming payments, etc.

Today she said she is unhappy with me because I have not been actively involved in management and that I should know the primary contact to every client by now and be answering the phone more efficiently (such as answering the client directly rather than putting on hold to hand over to her). I understand where she is coming from but I am wondering how do I have her share her knowledge with me efficiently? I don't inquire about activity so often because I feel I am burdening her and she has also told me to "figure it out on my own" in the past. Not to mention a lot happens in the office during the two days I am not there and I do not have access to her email which is where she does most of her work of communicating with clients, sending files to the correct department, etc.

It's weird because I don't really know what is expected of me so I have fallen back on direct work like paying bills, personal assistant work, filing, etc. but they've actually been testing me to see me take the reigns in management.

How Do You Feel About Business Xmas Gifts?

I'm really not a fan. Not at my level anyway. If I was doing 250k+ a year, I would probably consider it for some clients.

In a twist, I get gifts from certain clients. They feel I'm a quasi-employee.

How do you feel about it - who do you send / receive business xmas gifts with?

Can I get some opinions on my Press Release guide?

Hey, folks,

So usually I would write an article linking to this, but truth is: I could use some feedback.

I just published, which includes some information on making sure all is well re: your press release as it pertains to Google Panda/Hummingbird.

Critique is welcome (good and bad). Share it if you like it.

Thanks, all!

Give me advice on free press release sites. I am getting paid pr sites only.

I want to submit press release for my villa based website. When I searched I got lot of list of PR sites but most of them are paid. I read that paid backlinks are harmful to our websites. So I want some free press release sites which having some page rank and page authority. Please help.

what is cloaking?

what is cloaking?

mercredi 17 décembre 2014

Having a large company and being married?

I'm just curious on how this works: people who are incredibly rich are married, but how do they protect their assets and make sure their wife can't take a lot of money? I read prenups destroy marriages, so how do they do it?

US business directory - low cost/free?

I am Canadian professional who would like to market to US companies manufacturing/designing industrial automation equipment.

Since my offering is fairly unique I was thinking that I could use some old fashioned marketing methods, like fax and direct mail, etc

So I am looking for dependable US business directory that I could use to find the companies to market to.

Unfortunately I don't have the funds to get Scott's at the moment so I would like to find some low cost or free directory.

Any ideas you can offer?

A competitor is copying my website.... what to do?

Hi all,

I started a new small business in 2012 and it has been doing as well as the efforts I put into it over the last 3 years. It has been on and off in 1st place on google serps. I have not ever paid for advertising other than the associated costs involved with hosting, domain name and adwords here and there. It is a small business that is at a point where I incorporated and am looking at hiring an assistant manager.

A direct competitor popped up about 2 years ago and has methodically copied my website, copy, adwords, second website, google + page etc.

What can I do to mitigate the damage he is doing to this sector?

He charges 2/5 of what I charge.

I believe that he has no business licence or insurance.

He changed or added a secondary yelp page so that the address shows to be in the city my business is located at. The address does not even exist in the city GIS map. The municipality confirmed it.

I understand that the people that choose to hire him are probably not the type of people I would like to work for and I am not fretting about that other than all the quotes I spew out and never hear back from them........ its been going on for a few years now and we have decided to investigate if there is anything we can do legally to get him to back off and stop being such a blatant cheese&^%$ With the 2/5 that he charges, he could at least think to charge them a little bit more??

Thanks for any suggestions....... your thoughts are appreciated!


hi friends,

Happy to join here.

Wish me all the best.

Pleased to Join this community.

Hi All.

This is Chirag, based in Southampton UK. I run an e-commerce business Welcome to Paradise Lifestyle - Womens Shoes, Mens Shoes, Children Shoes & Accessories. selling Fashion Footwear.

I'd be happy to meet local businesses through this community and welcome any advise/suggestion to grow my business.

Many thanks

Kind regards


How to Subcontract with a established business.

How can you subcontract with another small or large business, I am in the IT (Computer Repair, Cell Phone Repair, and etc.). I just heard this from so many people to actually get the word out because I am a new business and to have income that will be steady etc. How can I achieve this and what tips and tricks can I use to do this.

NDA Question

I have been looking to buy a small online business. Have reviewed several of them but none have jumped out at me. Question in regards to the NDA's I sign for these businesses. Does that prevent me from opening a similar business albeit without using any confidential information, products or vendors? In reviewing the NDA's it does not specifically say you cannot open a similar business just that I can't use any confidential information moving forward. Maybe I should call a lawyer on this question next but wondering if anyone has any experience here. I want to explore all legal options to make sure I am not getting in hot water.

Need some help on the startup

I'm in need of some help I don't exactly have all the knowledge I need to get into the business and would like some feedback from other entrepreneurs or indie video game developers. I want to start my own indie video game company, however the issue is that I'm not sure what all forms I would need to fill out. Basically the steps of it all. Do I start with trademarking the name either through a lawyer or a site like legal zoom? Then off to the IRS to get a EIN? Do I then need to go to the county office to get a business licence? any help would be greatly appreciated.


currently living in United States

have taken small business administration courses at college for now,

business will be entirely online

mardi 16 décembre 2014

Hi! I'm Emily

Hello everyone! My name is Emily. I have recently started a new website for local services. Reading and researching everything I can to help grow a start up and just looking to connect with others.

lundi 15 décembre 2014

Nice Introduction to EntreDupe

Hello everyone !

So my name is Andrew, and I live in Boston, Ma. and I am a freshman in college. Don't judge me off my young age because I know more about business than anyone my age and more than the average business major in college.

I am really into business and I love finance, and I plan to pursue a career in finance, specifically a financial advisor. I want to build my network connections and I want to meet people with the same aspirations and ambitions as me. I'm looking for relationships where I can bring something to the table and expect the same back. So if your someone who is really passionate about business and looking to expand their network, then contact me.

Thank You, Have a great day everyone!


How do you, as a web developer, handle security?

When I say "security" I mean, sanitation of form input, encrypting passwords, etc. Most security methods should just be standard with all websites, but as we have seen with Sony, everything can be hacked. When you develop websites for a client what kind of clauses do you have in your contracts? Say you design a website and later the customer gets hacked and they lose business, data, etc. Do you have a clause to protect yourself?

Government Contracts

Good or bad idea?

I'm trying to find a foot-in-the-door opportunity to just start this business and I'm wondering if bidding on contracts is a good idea.

Also, what sites offer government and/or local contracts? I found and

Are there any independent sites where people can go to look for support with their businesses? i.e: A small business looking to beef up its cyber security.

Do you look up new contacts online before doing business with them?

Anytime I'm contacted by a new potential client I search for them online to see if there is any mention of them.

There are many times someone comes off as Joe Businessman, and yet I can't find any mention of them on any Social Media websites including Linked In, or the company that they claim to represent and to make matters worse they've emailed me from a free email address.

When that happens I'm usually a lot less likely to trust getting paid by them and either adjust the terms, or don't do business with them altogether.

Of course there's more to it than that. Some people are just not online and are just getting started. But others seem to be intentionally dodgy and not having any mention of them online is just too risky.

I was wondering if anyone else does the same thing, or if it's just me?

Do you investigate new clients and contacts online befoe doing business with them?

Anytime I'm contacted by a new potential client I search for them online to see if there is any mention of them.

There are many times someone comes off as Joe Businessman, and yet I can't find any mention of them on any Social Media websites including Linked In, or the company that they claim to represent and to make matters worse they've emailed me from a free email address.

When that happens I'm usually a lot less likely to trust getting paid by them and either adjust the terms, or don't do business with them altogether.

Of course there's more to it than that. Some people are just not online and are just getting started. But others seem to be intentionally dodgy and not having any mention of them online is just too risky.

I was wondering if anyone else does the same thing, or if it's just me?

Thoughts on this type of business?

Hello everyone,

I have had a small idea that's been burning a hole in my head and can't seem to get it off the ground and was looking for some suggestions, and ideally someone to find holes in the process.

My experience has allowed me to be involved in a LOT of responses to tenders, RFPs and mechanical estimating with heavy machinery manufacturing.

My idea includes the following:

- starting a business where I would act as a proposal writer for companies to respond to RFPs. This would include me scouring the various tender sites (such as MERX, BIDDINGO) for clients and preparing responses for them to sell their wares and submitting packages to either contractors (from take-offs, or direct to the purchasing party)

- Preparing quotes for manufacturing and tendering for certain clients who do not have in house reps. This would also allow me to prepare quotations for their sales force as many do their own quotations. I would have a standard timeframe for delivery of quotes depending on the dollar value.

Issue I am fighting with:

- would a company outsource their costing / estimating duties to an outside party as I know it's sensitive information and they may not want to be have this in the public domain

- I have seen freelance estimators post their offerings on such sites as Kijiji and Craigslist but not many in my area which may state that this isn't a viable business.

I've looked to be a manufacturer representative but the majority of products I'm interested in (tunnelling world) are already represented by agents within the Ontario market and they want to see big $ purchases in order to provide any type of cut on the price meaning I would have zero margins until I get to a stage where I can get some type of discount.

Not sure how to get this one off the ground, or if it's even viable but would highly appreciate your input.


HELP! I need some advice on my Webstore

Hi, I built a webstore on (first site) and am not getting any sales. I have spent about $300-$400 on advertising on Facebook & Google Ads but have only had 1 sale. I have also posted on Facebook & Twitter on my own. I need to know if there is something wrong with my site or what I can do to improve sales. I think my items are well priced but... All help wil be greatly appreciated as I have a limited budget and have gone into debt to stock my store.

Thanks to all!

Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukka


Opening up a new company with a 80/20 split

When I usually open up companies everything is split evenly amongst the founders but I have a new client who wants to have his company split with his partner who helped him come up with the idea but isn't going to be able to put any money in, have it split 80/20 %. How would I do this? I know what to do as far as taxes and everything in that manner just need help in setting it up 20/80. If anyone can guide me or point me in the right direction that would be awesome. Thank you in advance. It shouldn't matter but the company will be a LLC.

Need help with business name

Hello everyone,

We are on the verge of creating our business name. The business will be online management courses in Spanish. Online business courses are a great market, but we rarely see any courses offered in Spanish and a lot of Hispanic business owners, although they understand English, would prefer something in their native language.

We were thinking of the name "Nestrain" derived from busiNESs TRAINinig. However, I've heard from a lot of people that when they see that, they think of a chocolate train like Nestle Train. Somehow, I can't agree because when I say the name out loud, it reminds me of "let's train". That was automatically what I heard instead of Nestle Train. Am I the only one? Or should I consider other name ideas?

Someone had mentioned using "SiBiz" or "BizNish" but honestly I don't like that at all. SiBiz sound like I'm thinking it's a business that has to do with science. If you say that one out loud, I head "side biz" and we don't want that either. The second one, BizNish, sounds like a bad representation of business. Like someone couldn't think of anything better so they went with that. Moreover, the "nish" part makes it sound horrible when you say it out loud. The person who gave that idea for Biznish was thinking of combining biz from the domain ends (.biz) with nish from Spanish. I'm sorry, I don't see that correlation at all.

We need some help to say the least, lol. Any ideas?

Thanks, Giulia.

dimanche 14 décembre 2014

Hi there, nice to be here. I'm working in the scarf factory located in China

It's really nice to be here with you guys, this is Regan, from China. working in the scarf factory, Longland, specialized in high end quality fashion scarves. from the design, sampling to the production.

Your own new scarf artworks or designs can bespoke in our scarf factory, you know, very little costs, you could see the real scarf with your own prints. It's amazing, also now there's a very convenient way to show your pics or designs, that's the digital printed technique, you know, just offer us a very clear pics, you will get the scarves with your own pics.

Especially for some shops or companies, if you like to send the old customers with the gifts for the holidays, the scarf with the pics more people like no doubt will be the best.

Only to say thank you for everyone that helps me..........

Hello everyone!

How are you guys? Im very appreciated about your feedback about my new site. And i would like

to thank all people that support me. Thanks a lot :) :) :)

anyone wants to share or have some interest in doing some business online to get extra income?

If interested in some of you guys reply me. As always im available to offer you the best opportunities in

internet. Expert in best profit areas and business solutions with no scams!

Support 24/7 always.

Best regardss


Hi from France

Hi guys,

Just joined this forum because I started my own company recently.

I'm 21, and I'm an Internet Marketer.

Looking forward to discussing and learning new things about other people here.

samedi 13 décembre 2014

Best piece of marketing advice or Video?

I recently saw a video where steve jobs talked about marketing and his philosophy about it. Are there any pieces of advice that you received, not necessarily any technical advice (although thats ok too) but, general philosophical advice or any good speeches or talks that you have seen that you can recommend?

Also for the aspiring entrepreneur whats some honest advice that they typically don't want to hear? What are some ways for them to improve.

One great advice that resonates with me was a marketer, a famous one that set levis on the map. he didn't say it in a profound way but it goes something along the lines of "I enjoy when other people don't completely agree on what I'm saying, and have apposing viewpoints". I took it as a revelation that you hear all the time when people say the moment I gotten better was when I stopped doing X and start to do what I believe works. even if someone you highly regard and take notes from has a viewpoint and you have contradicting thoughts they aren't necessarily wrong. Sound very basic but it helps in the end to create original ideas and venture to areas where other people aren't willing to, by playing it safe by using philosophy that you don't believe in.

New here. I'm Alex.

Greetings everybody. Like my title says, I'm Alex and I'm new here. I joined this forum because I know I want to start my own business. I work in a shipyard working 7 days a week and 13 hours a day. I want out of this lifestyle and to control my own destiny. I don't know what kind of business I'd like to start. I was thinking maybe something with tug boats or use my experience here in the shipyard to make my own shipyard business. But I'm really open to anything. I look forward to talking with everyone here and learning from you all.

Getting capital.

Hello everyone. I'm new here and this will be my first post. I currently work a 7 days a week, 13 hours a day job in a shipyard so I have limited time for everything. Even now I'm typing this on my break. I want to start my own business. What kind of business I have no idea yet. But my main concern is getting the required capital. Bank loans are out of the question since I don't have the credit for that. Plus if the business were to fail and I did have loans, I'd still have to pay them back. I was curious if anyone had any ideas out there about alternative ways of gathering start up funds. Something else that has been on my mind is a book I read recently called "The $100 start up" by C.G. He focuses more on micro businesses in the book and I believe that a good start, but eventually I would want to build it into something bigger. Any ideas you guys could throw my way would be much appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you all.

vendredi 12 décembre 2014

Dale Carnegie courses

Does everyone recommend them?

If you could only take one program, which one would it be?

Building a client base for IT Security

Cyber security is a huge issue these days and isn't about to become any less light. With concerns from a local business owners server being hacked to the entire US power grid suddenly becoming compromised, cyber security is in high demand and will increase over time with experts predicting that the hardest hits of foreign cybers attacks on the US will occur between 2016 and 2018. Hell, even Microsoft has switched to a Linux-based Operating System. Obviously I'm not trying to run before I know how to crawl. In no way, shape or form am I anywhere near qualified to put in my hat with the big dogs.

As forementioned in my introduction post, I'm a partner in a new cyber security company located in Bensalem, PA. We're offering a multitude of IT support from system builds and deployment to security. The CEO of this company has 6 years in the USMC in cyber defense, the CCNA and the CISSP certifications, as well as other distingushed awards and accomplishments. Me? Why, I'm the noobie who's in my second year at ITT Tech and just got my foot in the door with a level 1 help desk position. And of course there are others, but I won't really go into that, unless you want to know, of course. :)

Anyway, we were working with a tire distributing company whose company was only running on one server was being attacked by hackers all over the world at a rate of 24,000 attacks every 7 days! The owner of this business talked a big game, but when push came to shove he brushed us to the side and instead hired a network administrator and an engineer. I don't really blame him because he's in the business to make money, not spend it and our solution to his problem wasn't exactly as cheap as hiring a couple people off I think that ship has passed, but it's neither here nor there.

Essentially what I'm trying to ask is how do we get a foot in the door with customers and clients? We truly have the potential to explode into a booming, successful business, but we need a foot in the door. We need to build a reputation and prove our worth. How do we even start?

Need a fresh set of eyes

It's time to update all of my web properties. I've been letting the URL of my names sake fall into disrepair and it was time to get something on it.

It's a theme and I didn't do a lot of customization on it. I just wanted to get something simple, or at least that's what I'm going for...something really simple to understand and understand quickly.

Target market for this particular site is small businesses with not a lot of tech savvy.

Any feedback is appreciated.


Thanks in advance.

By the way, I'm aware of a few responsive issues. Will get them fixed over the weekend.

Hi everyone, my name is Kerry.

I have a television show in BR, LA called Haunted. Right now we're doing pretty well with nearly 80,000 viewers per week but hope the show will get picked up nationally. I am hoping to get some good ideas and share some cool insight on here.

Hello all!

Hi everyone!

My name is Cory and I'm from Bensalem, PA. A little bit about myself, I'm a US Army veteran, still serving with 8-years under my belt. I was deployed with the Infantry to Iraq in 2009 and again in Latvia in 2010. I got out of the army for a little bit, but then re-enlisted to the Army Reserves where I currently do one weekend a month. At the moment I'm also a student at ITT-Tech pursuing my Associates for computer networking. I should be done Sept 2015.

Right now I'm pretty noobie at all the technical stuff. School doesn't quite give the same kind of experience that the real world may. That being said, I'm growing more and more confident in my abilities with each course. I'm also studying for certifications. Right now I'm studying for Net+, Sec+ and I have a huge program available to me for my CCNA. And in additional to all of this, I'm currently working at a level 1 help desk center supporting Sodexo.

About the business, it's not really my own, but I'm a partner in it. My closest friend started his company: Divergent Tech Solutions; LLC and was kind enough to involve me in it. We're a technical company specializing in cyber security, supporting client computers and networks as well as hardware and software deployments. We're also partners with Cisco and Microsoft. Right now the company is in it's infancy, but that's why I'm here. I want to learn how to help him grow this business and to be successful. I look forward to communicating with members and picking your brains for information and ideas that may help us become successful.


It's newyear want celebrate..............

Reply here.....................

Hi from East Africa

Hi all,

I am from Tanzania found East Africa, a country with the highest mountain in Africa.

Our national language is called Swahili.

I'm here to learn and share different issues concerning business since we have a lot

of unexploited opportunities in my country.

Thank you and you are warmly welcome in Tanzania.

jeudi 11 décembre 2014

401K question

I'm setting up new 401K, and I'm wondering what is the minimum W2 pay I need to do for my self in order to get the maximum combined contribution. I came up with $140K to get to $53K ($18K employee/$53K employer).

does anyone know if this is correct or what would be a good source for this to find out?

Thank you,


Review our website

Please take a look at our site and tell us your opinion. It's


Branding and how important is it to you?

Hello to the community - I hope this post isn't against the rules - I'm doing some research into what the small business community needs as I start to develop my own small business - a brand consulting business - aimed at helping small business and entrepreneurs optimize, clarify and manage their brand. Most of what I see in terms of marketing questions from small biz relates to lead generation, sales funnels, advertising, social media questions -etc. But I believe if you don't optimize and manage your brand experience you're missing a key element to your success.

So - when it comes to branding - what needs do you have or did you have as you've built your business? Where do you go to get help and are there ideal products or services that would help you in this field if they were available? Would you pay for a branding coach? What about an e-course?

Thanks for the feedback from the group - super valuable to me as I work on my own biz. David

mercredi 10 décembre 2014

Hello! I'm Chris


My names Chris and I just started a web development and graphic design company. I signed up to learn more about entrepreneurship and to help others in my area of expertise. So right now I am just saying hi!

How Compterized Accounting Works

We all know that what is accounting but some people still don't know that what is accounting, if they know than we are very sure that some people is not aware about computer accounting. In this blog post we will give you the information about computer accounting and after that we will explain the categorization of it.

Accounting: Accounting is the process of where we maintain our records, classifying and summarizing the records systematically in terms of money. All of these activity will be entered in a software called tally. Tally is most important tool or software where we can keep our accounting entry safe and secure. So without tally software we will be handicap t to maintain our accounting data.

categorized of Accounting: Accounting is to be categorized as:

Basic Tally :

1. Journals

2. Ledger

3. cash balance

4. Trial Balance

5. Final Accounts

Advanced Tally:


2. TDS

3.Service Tax

4. Debit credit note

5. Rejection out

6. Challan

So we all do above on the software by name Tally ERP 9.

Tally:Tally is a action name of accounting software to maintaining accounts, and for performing additional accounting and other interpretative operations which is more helpful in management of an organization.

Tally software have so many versions like Tally 4.5, 6.3, 7.2, 8.1, 9.0, Tally ERP 9.

Tally software is mainly used for maintaining vouchers,financial statements, taxation in so many industries. Tally has some own specialized packages for businesses. Tally ERP 9 , ERP is abbreviated as Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP has advance capabilities package.

what we do in basic Tally?

1. Journals: In journals we do journal entries on behalf of business transactions.

2. Ledger: A ledger is an accounting book where we transfer all journal entries in a sequence way to individual accounts.

3. Cash balance: Cash balance is appear on the balance sheet on accounts of both the debit and credit side.

4. Trial Balance: It is to be generating with the ledger accounts. Trial balance is run at the end of the accounting period

5. Final Accounts: In final accounts we do trading accounts, Profit & loss account and balance sheet.

What is VAT, CST, TDS?

VAT: VAT is Value added services, VAT is applicable on total amount.

CST: CST is Central sale tax which is also applicable on goods.

TDS: TDS is tax deducted at source, which is applicable on the salaries.

web placements Dehradun

mardi 9 décembre 2014

Lean Lead Generation

Hey Ya'll

So I've been trying to think of ways to make the most of my time as an internet marketer/lead generator/salesman. I still currently go to school and am in a sport so my time is pretty limited.

What I have now is someone who finds email addresses for me (20 per day) and I simply send an email of info and interest in their business.

My main objective is to utilize LinkedIn more, however I believe LinkedIn to be a more constant and time consuming strategy since you have to foster relationships all the time and publish posts and participate in groups.

I know there's huge potential win LinkedIn but I'm looking for help as to how I can spend maybe 20-30minutes a day on LinkedIn while still getting some results. I don't mind writing LinkedIn posts and do sometimes. I think it's a matter of becoming an authority which might just take time.

So as far as productivity and LinkedIn or other automotive techniques for lead generation... Thoughts?

How to send a press release?

Have you ever sent a press release? What did you find effective about it? How did it benefit you?

Successful marketing strategy ideas - Helicopter Training

Hi there, I would be really grateful if I could get your thoughts and feedback as fellow business people on some ideas for a successful marketing strategy.

We are a small helicopter company based near Brisbane and our core business is flying training, i.e. helicopter licencing.

I'd like to build our client base and as a small company we do not have $1000s to throw at non-targeted marketing, which I see all too often.

The client base we are aiming for fall into a few main categories:

1) Business owners who want to to learn to fly recreationally

2) People looking to change career to become a helicopter pilot

3) School/College kids with wealthy parents willing to fund there helicopter training

4) Guys out west looking to learn to fly for helicopter mustering purpouses

Clearly, learning to become a helicopter pilot is not a cheap activity and it's not an impulse buy, so marketing the product I have found to be incredibly difficult especially on such a low budget. Our website is looking good (I personally believe) and SEO is set up pretty well (Feel free to test this).

My question is, how would you go about marketing such a product/service bearing in mind a low budget? I.e. What channels would you use and why?

Thank You in advance.


22 year old -- Carpet Cleaning business start up

I have been networking with a lot of carpet cleaners outside of my area and have decided to start my own business.

I am on a low budget, because I have a son due in January and just bought an engagement ring and proposed last weekend.

I have a lot of things ready for my business already, but they are all out of order! (that is what happens when you price shop, you jump on the deals even if they are out of the expected order)

Here is what I have:

-A work vehicle with a partial wrap on it displaying my services and contact info

-A work phone

-A website

-A majority of the equipment I'll need for the business

Here is what I need:

-A few more supplies/equipment totaling $500-$1000

-Business License

-Business banking account

-ways to accept all payment types

-A solid marketing approach

-Contract/Agreement work orders

-Business cards

Can you all think of anything I may be forgetting besides supplies and equipment? This is my first business venture and I feel like my biggest challenge will be marketing! Thank you for all your help!


guerrilla marketing - illegal or not?

Theres a company out there named obey which started out as street art (posters and spray painting) and now they are a clothing company.

It made me start thinking about the exposure that they got from the street culture and basically having billboard advertising without paying. I don't know if they still do any street installations but if your a street clothing company and you get some street artist to install some big posters on walls, on bus stops, and around busy spots would that cause any trouble for the company.

In general would handing out stickers of the logo and people putting them on their cars, laptops in washroom stalls and where ever be a cheap way of marketing a product and would this type of marketing work best for small companies rather than large companies?

Want to start a different type of cafe.

Hello everyone, my wife and I have been looking into starting our own cafe, it's been one of our goals to do for a long time. We want it to be a bit different that a cafe that is inspired by the Asian culture or in other words a Maid Cafe. We did research about it and we also went around asking local people about the idea and they seem to love it. We want to sale not only coffee but baked goods as well, and also helping out local farmers too. The cafe would also have monthly events to bring in more customers with something like seasonal themed drinks and pastries. We also have a good list of friends who has experience with the jobs we are looking for (e.g. barista, baker, waiter/waitress) so it would cut down hunting time for employees.

Is there any advice you guys can lend us?

lundi 8 décembre 2014

"...with the holidays and all..." and other procratination excuses of Business Owners

Every year I'm amazed at how so many businesses completely cease operations or lose the ability to make any decisions between the Monday before Thanksgiving till after New Year's Day. If I had a nickle for how many times I've heard "well, you know...with the holidays and all...", I'd be wealthy.

What does that even mean? That you've checked out from doing anything because there's a holiday coming up? That you have so many personal responsibilities that you can concentrate on anything business at all?

And this isn't the only time that people use the calendar to justify doing nothing. It's kids starting school, kids on break from school, kids getting out of school, Summer starting, Labor Day, Memorial day, Veterans Day, President's Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Snow, Rain.... It's never ending. How do people get anything done if they spend the entire year preparing for the next break from work?

If it's a matter of budget, then say that. But don't lead me to believe that Thanksgiving (which is literally one day) is the reason that you can't make any decisions for the entire month of November.

Thankfully not everyone is like that, but for the people who are I have no idea how they get anything done if every upcoming date is an excuse not to do anything until after it's over. Why even go to work or open for business? Just set up an email auto responder and voice mail that say "we aren't doing anything till after ( insert holiday here)" and just let it play all year long.

Are you one of those "well, you know with the Holidays and all..." people, or are you the kind of person that feels that if you are at work, that you should work?

Feeback / Suggestions for Business Name

Hi everyone,

New here and I want to take some time to look around. I used to make dog collars and leashes as a hobby and sold them at craft fairs. I did pretty well so I'm considering starting up a business. I'd like to branch out into other dog items as well - placemats, harnesses, treats, etc. I'm having trouble coming up with a good name. I want a .com website so the name must be available. This is by far my biggest challenge in naming the business. Here are a few ideas I've come up with so far. Looking for feedback on what you like or don't like about them and any suggestions you may have.

Naughty Dog Gear (this is similar to the name I used at craft fairs)

Bean's Barkery (Bean is the name of one of my dogs)

Southern Biscuit

I like the last 2, but they make it seem like I focus purely on treats ....

Thanks for any thoughts or feedback you can provide!

Business Car Insurance - I Wasn't Covered

Hi everyone,

I feel this is a pretty important post. I've recently found out that, for the year and a half I've been running my business, I have been uninsured for every business related trip I have made. This is despite the fact I have personal car insurance. I started looking into this subject after meeting a man at a networking event who had found out the hard way. I have not had any information regarding this provided to me by anyone, whether that's from an insurance company or government representative.

I found this page that summarised everything quite nicely: Business Car Insurance Explained :: Keith Michaels Insurance PLC

Was anyone else aware of this? I'm actually pretty angry as I see myself as a law abiding individual and would never intentionally drive around uninsured. Not to mention how much a crash could have cost me!





I'm Jerry, from New York and new to this forum. Just wanted to say Hello to the members :)

SEO optimization of pagination pages

A clue to Pagination for SEO. Have you guys seen this video?

Hi Everyone from Hong Kong

Hello everybody,

My name is Kin and I'm new here. I grew up in New York City but have been living and working in Asia for the last 20 years, including Singapore, Bangkok, China and now Hong Kong. Just started a company to help businesses that are interested in selling their products online TO China.

You can visit my website: Taobao Bridge - Selling on Taobao China if you are interested.

dimanche 7 décembre 2014


I have a friend who is way over qualified as a network security expert (last job was a major newspaper) so he works at Best Buy Geeks. He needs to move out of the area to get a decent job in his field but has strong ties here.

Anyway, some interesting stats from what he has seen regarding viruses a Best Buy:

He will see 20 PC's a day with viruses a day. He see's 2 Apples a week with viruses. They range across the board from good virus protection to nothing installed.

He says there is a particularly nasty virus from Russia that he is seeing from time to time. It heavily encrypts all data on your hard drive. Best Buy doesn't even try to fix it and with his background, he says it would be very difficult to fix. It's not that common though.

I thought the Apple vs PC stats were interesting though.

FNG- Just checking in

I forgot to introduce myself earlier so I guess I'll get this out of the way now.

I spent 6 years in the military serving one tour in Iraq and then I transition into a career in law enforcement working as a Police Officer in the San Francisco Bay Area. Currently I am a full time graduate student and working full time with a newborn in toe; so my plate is pretty full at the moment. After college I would love to start my own business and work for myself, so I'm here to pick up whatever knowledge I can from people who have done what I'd like to accomplish. My interests include veteran center advocacy and real estate investing.


Check out my new video

My daughter playing at The Bluebird (audio), my son's TV show appearances and other photos.