jeudi 13 mars 2014

Concern about nobody is buying my product

I am starting a business to buy/sell import goods from Asia; but I have a very very bad mind set which is the concern that there will be no buyers for my product.

In my case, I am importing construction materials such as aluminum from Asia and try to sell it in North America. My biggest competitive advantage is of course the low price that I can provide to these customers.

Lower price = lower cost = higher profit to them. I don't even know why I am worrying myself.

I am so concern about nobody is going to buy my product because of these 2 main reasons

1. Existing suppliers: My potential customers might already have existing suppliers for their materials. These suppliers might not be able to provide the same low price as I could, but they might have already established a good connection with each other. Therefore, they would not consider switching suppliers.

2. Do not trust a new start-up like me: In their minds, they might be thinking, Why should I trust someone with no previous record? Is the quality of the material up to standard? Is he going to delivery the product on time? or is he going to deliver them at all? etc.

The manufacturer in Asia and I have already gone through all the details and everything is ready to go; but I still haven't contacted any customers yet because of my stupid concern.....

This is really holding my back. Can someone please explain it to me, are these 2 problems even problems at all? or am I just being paranoid?

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