lundi 5 janvier 2015

Govt. job to self employment

I have been working in the public sector now for 2 years and 3 months. I want to buy an existing business, an elderly care home. As far as my fulltime job is concern, i am still one of the new guys in the bottom of the totem pole. So im still in the lower pay rate. Honestly i dont find it fulfilling because of the culture and the fact that i go home at the end of the day feeling like i did not do anything productive.

There are no part time positions within the Dept. Im thinking of quitting and try to get a part time work at my previous job (private sector) while i run the facility fulltime. Then eventually quit the part time job and work fulltime in the business when i get it established. Im going to be leaving job security and good benefits for something i am passionate about and being my own boss. Any advice?

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