vendredi 2 janvier 2015

Introducing Nathan

Hi guys,

How are you all?

So a bit about me…

I have recently moved from the big smoke of Sydney, six hours north, to Armidale in NSW and I absolutely love it here. After a six month whirl wind adventure around Australia, my wife and I fell in love with rural Australia and decided to move.

Before making the move I use to be a marketing manager for a mortgage broking company in Sydney. I was good at it and I loved building up teams of people to make an exceptional company.

However, my passion lies in helping people.

I have been a men’s group facilitator for about 5 years. I have also worked as a life/mens coach on the side for the last 2 years with a number of personal development companies around Sydney.

As a coach I specialise in helping men master their relationships with their women & their work. (however I have definitely helped a lot of women too).

It’s time for me to branch out. I have a very clear vision with what I want to create, and part of that is to build up my own business.

So that brings me to this forum.

I’m here because I want to learn how to create an online business from the ground up and all the nitty gritty details that are involved. I’m looking for guidance, support, and to lend my knowledge and expertise to those that can benefit.

It is a pleasure to be on the site. I hope you guys can help get my feet grounded and show me the ropes and in return I hope I can help out any newbie (or even some of the old hats) from my experience


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