jeudi 31 décembre 2015


Okay, so this may seem like a long shot but what if SBF had a chat room/shoutbox? A lot of the forums using IP.Board use it (amazing software, another software I 100% recommend transitioning to, it's $130 a month for cloud hosted with 200+ visitors at once).

It's a great way to connect the community a little more and would be nice for those who have quick questions or just want to chat, especially when I have a question that's either repetitive or quick :P

You could make it so you have to have a minimum amount of posts to chat/shout and some of the members can be moderators like Harold, etc. and even I would love to moderate the shoutbox/chat. You can even create a special group for the chat moderators if the only thing they moderate is the chat.

What do you think SBF staff? c:

HAPPY NEW YEAR! What's your New Years' Resolution?

It's officially 2016 (at least in Maine) so what is your New Years' resolution?

Personally I have 2, to get in shape (gain some muscle, 140 pounds and 6'1" is a little too skinny :3) and to own at least 1 share in some company by 2017. :D

Xmas Pitch in. Pay hourly employees to eat? Your thoughts

I'm having an arm wrestling match.
Christmas eve we close at noon and have a pitch in meal. 13 employees.
At the end of the meal I say a bit about the year, employees give me a gift card, I give out payroll with bonuses, they help clean up and we all leave.
It is all over by 1:45.
Salary and sales are not paid anything.
Salaried service manager turns in time cards and 7 hourly employees were compensated the extra 1-3/4 hours to be at the event.
I'm calling foul. He says it is a work function.
This is the kind of stuff... if I dwell on it it honks me. Pay them while they eat?
What do you say?

Food Trailer, POS and bookkeeping

Hello, all.

I am starting a business and would like to know your recommendations for both a Point of Sale system and bookkeeping.

The business will be a concession trailer which is a kitchen that will be set on a fixed location. It will be seasonal, opening May though September. Simple menu: 2 or 3 different types of burgers, hot dogs, 3 types of sandwiches, 3 types of salads, fries and chips. That is pretty much it to start with. There may be a couple of part time employees as needed, but not on a permanent basis at first. No tables to be served. Inventory tracking, of course, is a must. Projected sales $15K per month. Accepting cash and credit cards. Customer management is not necessary.

I have been looking at Shopkeep and Square. Well, some others have already been dismissed because of price or other issues.

I would appreciate any input.
Thank you.

How well do you think you practice personal and online security?

I run into it all of the time, but don't understand business people who only have/use one email address for every thing.

To me not only is just ridiculous to mix your personal and business, but it's just a huge, gaping, security issue.
The same email for every single thing you sign up for, every newsletter, domain registration, hosting, banking, Google, your smart phone, every form you fill out both online and offline, every account you me just makes you an easy target. Now hackers only need to guess one thing, your password...and it's also usually pretty easy to guess.

I try to counsel friends and clients to be a little more security conscious, but the prevailing attitude is "I just don't have time to keep up with 'all that'". Which just floors me as much as people say they want/expect better security.

What about you? Do you use at least more than one email address?
What other gaping security holes do you see people making every day?

Corporate taxes?

Hi, I just have a few questions regarding taxes involved in a corporation

1.) How are corporations taxed?
-Is it through company income? or individually by dividend shares a-la income tax? or both?

2.) If the company fails to yield profit, are the owners still obliged to pay income taxes?

3.) Lastly, is there a minimum "maintaining balance" required to keep a corp registered?
-The business im planning can definitely run with no monetary capital. Are financial statements something i should worry about?

Thanks! any input would be much appreciated

mercredi 30 décembre 2015

Downunder New Years Greetings from a Newbie

Hello All

I find it appropriate to join a group that speaks to the future on New Year's Eve (down here in Fremantle, Western Australia it is). So hello and best wishes to all in the group for 2016.

I can offer the group my experience in setting up/running/leading small businesses as I established a 15 person design office branch of an international firm in Western Canada, and established the Department of Interior Architecture at Curtin University with 10 staff and 50 sessional teachers and 400 students, with branches in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.

What I hope to gain from the group, at least initially is feedback/mentoring on social media and web based expertise. I look forward to future chats.

I left a long term position as a Professor in a university 3 years ago (Interior Architecture, Architecture, Furniture Design), and I have transitioned my experience into these four offerings for my micro-business: Artist | Consultant | Design Mentor + Educator | Boisbuchet Fellow. These are alll around art, design, and capacity development of people and communities. I do exhibitions of my own work, and I collaborate on various projects.

I have been slowly establishing what and who I want to be in my new pathway, and growing my reputation in this new version of me.

Cheers Marina

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Attached Images

Loans without personal guaruntee?

I recently graduated from Cortland State College. It's a small public school in upstate New York, just south of Syracuse. When I was a student, I spent many an hour working on computers, smartphones, and other pieces of technology for friends of mine. As I was fluent in computer repair and had a lot of free time, I ended up spending close to 10 hours certain weeks just fixing computers. Now, 7 months removed from graduation working an OK job, I still receive an occasional text from someone asking for computer help.

There is an IT/computer company in the town, but they have little to no appeal to students. As Cortland is a small, fairly remote town with a seasonal population, a student with a computer issue has to find help on campus or drive 45 mins to Syracuse to visit a Best Buy. This has given a friend of mine and I the idea to start a student-centred electronic sales and repair company. We know our target customer, and have a largely unoccupied niche to fill.

The issue I see is financially getting started. Until we build up some business momentum and become self-sustaining, my partner and I will be on the hook to register an LLC, secure an office, acquire inventory, and still eat & pay our bills. My question is: is there financing that I do not have to personally guarantee that can help us get going? I don't want to be stuck paying off a loan years from now if it fails. I have incredible faith in our potential here, but Cortland is a very economically-depressed area.

All help is much appreciated!!

Small business financing that I don't have to personally guarantee?

I recently graduated from Cortland State College. It's a small public school in upstate New York, just south of Syracuse. When I was a student, I spent many an hour working on computers, smartphones, and other pieces of technology for friends of mine. As I was fluent in computer repair and had a lot of free time, I ended up spending close to 10 hours certain weeks just fixing computers. Now, 7 months removed from graduation working an OK job, I still receive an occasional text from someone asking for computer help.

There is an IT/computer company in the town, but they have little to no appeal to students. As Cortland is a small, fairly remote town with a seasonal population, a student with a computer issue has to find help on campus or drive 45 mins to Syracuse to visit a Best Buy. This has given a friend of mine and I the idea to start a student-centred electronic sales and repair company. We know our target customer, and have a largely unoccupied niche to fill.

The issue I see is financially getting started. Until we build up some business momentum and become self-sustaining, my partner and I will be on the hook to register an LLC, secure an office, acquire inventory, and still eat & pay our bills. My question is: is there financing that I do not have to personally guarantee that can help us get going? I don't want to be stuck paying off a loan years from now if it fails. I have incredible faith in our potential here, but Cortland is a very economically-depressed area.

All help is much appreciated!!:)

Hello - Dr. Brijesh Patel

Hello everyone,
I am Brijesh Patel, Head of R&D in an US based Personal care product company. I am interested in exploring business opportunities in this sector mainly in INDIA. Please feel free to contact me if anyone is interested.

Happy New Year.!!!

If You Bought What Would You Do?

Just a fun little question. If you managed to gather the funds to buy SBF what would you change/do?

Personally I would give it a custom design and get a new name, similar to the one it has now but just a little different. c:

Cheers ;D

How to scale my job boards?

Hi guys!

I currently have two job boards. One job board that I run on WordPress is absolutely free.
Anyone can post jobs and apply to these jobs. For these job board my target audience are studends and young professionals who look for internships or entry level jobs.

In the beginning I figured that students usually don't have much money and they will be less willing to pay for applying to jobs.
So, I decided not to charge anyone and let the job board "market" itself. Surprisingly, it did well and then I opened my second job board that has more powerful features that I can offer my customers. I want to target it for "IT project managers and other IT professionals".

Here comes the question, in your opinion whom should I charge - those who post IT jobs or those who want to apply to these jobs?

Thank you in advance for your thoughts

mardi 29 décembre 2015

FREE Merchant Account

Hey, everyone. Cool forums. I've been doing some research and it seems I need to register a merchant account so I can start accepting credit cards for my small business. I've noticed some free merchant accounts out there and I'd just like to know the best route to take for a young entrepreneur who has little capital.

Finally, the true story behind Gary Halbert's wealth

I have been wondering about this, does anyone know how he managed to make so much money copywriting? thanks

shopping business

I have also started a new business. so please your response
<a href=" product</a>

lundi 28 décembre 2015

Questions regarding marketing for a phone chatline

I am starting a new chatline, the type of chatline I am creating is not a phone sex line or party line, it is a chatline for people to free their minds, along with a few other chatrooms included on my chatline, I have a few marketing ideas, but I would like to hear more suggestions regarding chatline marketing strategies if anyone has any suggestions please let me know thankyou.

Hello gurus

Hi, i am a newbie on here. I started freelancing in Seteptember this year(I am a copwriter). I have a parttime business where i sell motivational books. I do not make daily sales because my business is new, and my location is not busy, but it is free so i don't mind. I have also noticed that people are interested in the books i sell so this gives me hope. I have a big space where i can do something else on the side so i am looking for some good ideas on what to do with it. I am looking for a good idea, something that will complement my book business, have you got any?

Draw current customers from selling avenues like Amazon to your website?

I sell clothing (mostly graphic t-shirts) on most of the major selling avenues like Amazon and my current sales on said sites DESTROY my own website sales. Now I understand this is probably expected given their traffic but I mean the major selling avenue sites I use combined for 85% of my total sales. If I were to lose any of these accounts for any reason I would be In for some very rough times. I don't like putting all my eggs in one basket and I really need to stop this trend. I have had my own site now for 9 years and I have tried year after year of getting my website to compete with my other selling accounts only to see for the first time in the past 5 years my website sales drop over 30% this year! I have tried everything you can think of including, site revamps, social marketing, adwords, SEO services, blogging, youtube reviews, expensive Instagram product shout outs, contest giveaways, sponsorships, free shipping, 800 number so customers feel safe ordering and can even give us a call, email marketing, putting sales coupon fliers for my website in with orders I ship out from Amazon and the likes, lowering the prices to more than half of what i sell it for on the major selling avenues, you name it i have pretty much tired it. I just don't understand why I can sell so much on the major selling avenues but they won't shop with my site even when I give them huge discounts? Has anyone had any success with driving customers from the other heavy hitter selling sites to their own web stores? I would love some advice and or feedback on this. Thank you in advance!

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!
My name is Ola, I'm a copywriter and social media manager.
I'm interested in everything which is connected with new media and project management, especially in increasing people's productivity.
It's not so easy to start in a new environment, but I hope I will find there lot of experienced people who will share their knowledge with me.

Have a nice day!

purchase shares by credit card

When you buying stocks online actions of a Web site, you receive from the man to gain(win) dividends of this Web site and at any time you can sell your actions to the best price(prize) (you do not arrange rights on the site Web property). Every action has its own dividend and it is paid(poured) on the daily, weekly or monthly base(basis). Your income includes dividends and prices(prizes) more and more actions. Some stocks are rising in price by 100% or 200% per month that profit from their sale can be very high. To sell your shares specify the amount you wish to receive for each share, and enter the number of shares you want to sell. If you want to sell your quick actions, you must specify the least price. The actions that have less price will be sold first. Congratulations!!! Here comes new era of online share market trading. If you are asking yourself ’how to buy shares online without broker’ there is the answer, our website is the share market online where you can buy and sell digital shares market online and get dividend from your investments. purchase shares


Hello out there!! My name is Al. I am trying to start an online business, plus I am learning a financial business, and also working for another small business in the windshield repair industry. Looking forward to talking with people on here and hopefully share some good tips and tricks along with learning as much as I can! Cheers everyone!

dimanche 27 décembre 2015

Need A Name :(

I need a name for the super duper new startup. I want to make it unique, like Alibaba or Amazon. Doesn't really have much to do with the site itself, it's just brandable. Any ideas?

What Helps You Rank Higher In Google?

I'm going to be starting yet another startup soon. Yes, I know what you've been saying for months now Harold and yes, I am actively doing that, I'm almost certified in business administration, personal finance, and marketing. School does wonders, heh, who knew?

And yes, this does have a little teeny-tiny bit of funding from my part time job (currently making $10 an hour working 20-30 hours a week), which will be going towards hiring developers (probably hourly), advertising across Google Adwords, etc.

But my question is: what gets websites to rank so high, even when they're only a few years old? What are the secrets? Should I pay for managed services like Attracta?

samedi 26 décembre 2015

Starting a Design Firm - help?

Hello, im a graduate of Architecture and a recent passer in our board exam. As i found out, starting my own firm isn't as easy as college made it out to be,lol. but i already drafted out plans on expanding my network.

For now however, i need referrals from people who are directly connected to prospective homeowners - these are real estate brokers/agencies.
In return for their referral, im planning a 20% or higher commission rate for their referral depending on the size of a project.

I also consider this an investment on the real estate broker as land value is only going up and construction is booming and i need as much referrals as i can get...

Is it too aggressive? The conventional way of architects getting clients is too passive - waiting for someone to refer them without any prior action, or until someone notices them.
Sitting and waiting is simply not an option for me.
Sorry for being a little bit too idealistic on this, but what is your take on the matter?

What bank recommended?

Hi all.
Interesting, which bank using for your business? What think have about? Which bank to have good online-banking system?

Marketing through Fiverr?

I have seen a few people do it with not much success. Does anyone use Fiverr for marketing and have success?

vendredi 25 décembre 2015

Hello From Minnesota

Hello from Minnesota. Tech Help Nation here, Joining in. Would appreciate any tips/advice in getting my small business up and running effectively.

Starting up a library for

Good evening, all...and Merry Christmas (to those who are celebrating). I'm new to this site and forum and have a question I hope to get some feedback on, as there really just aren't any people I know in real life who have any insight to offer.

So, I've got an idea to start a private library. I love to read, and I tend to like to read on what I'll label 'fringe' topics. Without getting into too deep, I'll just say that 10 times out of 10, when I go to my public library looking for these titles, I never find them in the inventory. Thus, I usually have to scour the internet for a PDF copy of what I'm looking for or just order it outright, if I can find the book at all. Earlier this year, I just got the idea to start a private library full of these 'fringe' books. I'm sure there are other people out there thinking the same thing I am, and I'd like to provide the space/service for like-minded individuals to come out and read and check out books from this specialty library. Without getting too ahead of myself, I want to start my library small but do already have so ideas of how I might be able to expand it, if it proves to be a 'successful' business in the first year.

My issue, though, is figuring out a way to actually make real money off of this library. Right now, I'm a stay-at-home mother, and I'm looking to turn what I love into a stream of income which produces, hopefully, comparable to what my spouse earns, or at least half to start. However, when I look at everything I'll need to even get started - money for renting a commercial space in the area, procuring licensing, buying furniture and purchasing inventory - I cannot figure out the details of what I'm missing. I'm at a loss for how I'll get the funds to start up (do not want to take out a loan). Furthermore, I really can't figure out how to turn this into a money-making venture, though I know it is possible...I just do not know how to accomplish it.

I'm looking for any ideas, suggestions, critiques...ANYTHING would help spark more thought as I start to really structure and refine a business plan for this fringe library. Does anyone have any idea how I can make money off of my own library? Furthermore, how might I procure startup capital for such a business? Any comment would be appreciated. Thanks!

What productive thing do you want to get done before the new year?

For me it was wrangling all of my emails and accounts. Specifically Google.

I've been with Google since before Google Voice, Google business, Google Pages, Google Knowledge graph, Google Plus profiles, rel="author" tags, Google Play Music and before Android.

So it goes without saying as all of these things came up over the years that I didn't want my personal stuff with business stuff, or different businesses or interests combined, and ended up with a 5 accounts (and emails that I don't use for anything except junk) that were a mix of personal, business, voice numbers, Android devices and so on.

I love Google and the bounty of tools that they have provided us, but managing Google accounts to keep business from personal is a pain in the ass and everyone knows it. Even Google.

I finally got it all cleaned up and down to 3 accounts.
1 business, 1 developer, and 1 personal, each in control of their perspective Google Business pages and Voice numbers and connected to the proper devices web pages and other social media accounts.

I also removed all of the gmail addresses from those accounts and changed all of the log ins to their perspective private or business email addresses. And last but not least, got everything organized properly in Outlook and on the devices that I want them connected to.

It was hours of work, especially removing business related stuff from personal accounts, choosing nicknames, rewriting profiles, privacy settings..blah, blah, blah... but it finally all makes sense now.

So what about you? What's the thing you've been putting off that you really want to get done before the new year starts?

Did you unwrap anything awesome for Christmas?

This year I finally got what I wanted from people who got me gifts. Amazon gift cards. It may seem impersonal but it's actually awesome because I can spend them on what I want, clear out some of my "save for later"s in my shopping cart, and I don't have to go through the awkwardness of people who aren't tech savvy, trying to buy me tech stuff.

What about you? Anything good under the tree?

jeudi 24 décembre 2015

Efficient Energy Consuming Ceiling Fan

Superfan - India’s First Super Efficient Ceiling Fan gives a viable option to reduce this demand by more than half with cost less than the high costs that are involved in setting up new plants and running them. We need to keep in mind that to get one watt at demand side much more than one watt has to produce at generation. Superfan runs at power factor of better than 0.9 producing little harmonics. You can imagine the scope for preserving our precious environment with this huge reduction in energy consumption.
Of course they would also have to keep in mind that a fan that uses less energy does not heat up a room as much as a fan that uses more energy. So you can actually run a Superfan at a lower speed than you would run any other fan.
The main challenge was to run our fan with a motor that will consume less energy while remaining cost effective. The efficient permanent magnet BLDC motor was one of the option but they were expensive and posed many challenges. These motors had the additional requirements of sensors to indicate rotor positions to the electronic drive. Also, an electronic drive comes with the disadvantage of introducing harmonics to the power source which if not controlled would reduce the effectiveness of a power efficient system especially if used in large numbers as in the case of ceiling fans. Superfan has sensor-less design and power factor control.
In 3 years you can recover the differential cost of buying a Superfan built using B.L.D.C. technology with a nice remote control and blades shaped like flower petals. The conventional ceiling type fans available in market use a single phase induction motor design with a capacitor to work from standard 220V supply -- these are inexpensive but at the same time very inefficient as well.
This new design involved a permanent magnet and an electronic drive which pushed the product costs up. The ceiling fan market in India is so highly competitive that it has driven the costs down. So building Superfan at reasonably higher costs was a huge challenge. It also had to have the same wiring and installation procedures so that replacement market can be targeted, and electricians need not be specially trained for our product. We had to investing a lot of tools and find good suppliers to reduce the capital costs too.
To develop minimum energy performance standards and labelling design for equipment and appliances. A key objective of this scheme is to provide the consumer an informed choice about the energy saving and thereby cost saving potential of the relevant marketed product.

According to the SBA Small Business is on the Rise

I thought it would be nice to post some reality on the state of small business and start ups from the SBA. Too many times we listen to naysayers who say things like "In this economy?" to bring you down because they themselves don't have entrepreneur vision.

The reality is that people are opening businesses all the time, all around you. People with less than you, more than you, no clue, bootstrapping, learning and taking a chance on their dream and it's what drives the U.S. economy.

Small Business is on the Rise


Donna Davis, Regional Administrator, Region 9

Reversing a downward trend, small businesses in our communities are on the rise. This is great economic news since small businesses create nearly two out of three net, new jobs and account for almost half of America’s private nonfarm GDP. Besides being the engines of our economy, they are the unique fabric of our local communities.

The economy added 211,000 jobs in November, marking the strongest three years of job creation since 2000 with 8.1 million jobs added. Our businesses have now added 13.7 million jobs over 69 straight months, extending the longest streak on record. These records are possible thanks to America’s small businesses.
Last year SBA achieved record lending of $23.5 billion under our flagship 7(a) loan program, with loans up 18% for women, 23% for minorities, and 101% for veterans.

We’ve eliminated borrower and bank fees on small-dollar loans so more Main Street entrepreneurs can get the working capital they need to hire and grow.
Recently, the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation published a Main Street Entrepreneurship Index. It compares entrepreneurship rates among different demographic groups in all 50 states and America’s 40 largest metro hubs, providing a roadmap for state and local officials seeking to foster a climate for small business growth.
According to the Kauffman Index, small business activity is on the rise in 49 of the 50 U.S. states and 38 of the top 40 largest metropolitan areas this year.

Other valuable takeaways in this report:
•Businesses owned by women, minorities, and immigrants are increasing;
•The number of small business owners with college degrees is also increasing, from 34% in 1997 to 39% today;
•Despite the dynamic leadership potential of our millennials and veterans, young entrepreneur (ages 20-34) and veteran-owned firms are actually declining.

Several specific SBA initiatives target areas of concern identified by the Kauffman Index. SBA launched the My Brother’s Keeper Millennials Initiative to promote youth entrepreneurship in the nation’s underserved communities. We are partnering with community colleges to expose young people to innovative pathways to start a business, and we’re promoting a Business Smart toolkit to train nonprofits and faith-based organizations to teach financial literacy.

SBA’s Boots to Business initiative gives post-9/11 transitioning service members a tutorial on the basics of business ownership. The program is now active at more than 180 military installations worldwide and has introduced 32,000 service members and spouses to potential careers in entrepreneurship as they rejoin the civilian workforce. We also launched Boots to Business: Reboot to open up this innovative curriculum to veterans of every era.

SBA is partnering with cities on Startup in a Day to create an easy-to-use online tool that allows entrepreneurs to apply for all licenses and permits needed to start a business in less than a day.

Helping more Americans start and grow Main Street businesses is a core mission of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). We hope you reach out to your local SBA office to jumpstart and scale up your small business. Check out for your nearest SBA local office.
IMO there is no better time that right now to take a chance on yourself and start that business you've been dreaming about.

SBA launches video series on Millenial Start Ups


WASHINGTON – The U.S. Small Business Administration’s My Brother’s Keeper Initiative today unveiled the full line-up of the six successful millennial entrepreneurs featured in a new video series hosted by Mike Muse, the SBA MBK Millennial Entrepreneur Champion.
The six-part video series, titled “Biz My Way,” encourages millennials to follow their passion in business and highlights millennial entrepreneurs from different professions ranging from technology to fashion and music.

Learn more at Millennial Entrepreneurs
SBA You Tube Channel

mercredi 23 décembre 2015

New Business problems

hello guys,
I have started a new business this year,
it is going well, but hard to promote, my product is unique and not known to the public, thus very hard to promote.
I am making sales but not enough for me to be satisfied.
plus, I am putting lots of effort to get each customer, most of them I get physically showing my product.
well, the product is Golden Stickers, its a great way to decorate almost anything with gold, from company logos, to your mobile phone and even cars..
anyone has any idea how to pump up the sales and exposure?
I have a website: but I generate most of my business from other sales platforms.
it is new business, and I would really appreciate if anyone has some points for new and unique products on market which people don't really know, but actually loving it once they try.
Again its much more difficult to promote new product then something that is already known to public and they are actually looking for it.
thanks a head,

Is your social media helping you or is it more of a hassle?


I am working on a project for small businesses and their social media presence. I am looking to find out is it working? What are you currently doing? Do you have a plan?

After I am done with the project, I plan on putting together a free video online to cover the basics of what small business are looking for.

If you can help I would greatly appreciate it!!


What Twitter Tools Do You Use?

I was curious as to what Twitter tools you guys are using. What are some tools that you use frequently and what are some of your favorites?

mardi 22 décembre 2015

Darwin award winner in the making?

Incentive System for Distributors

For starters let me apologize if this is the wrong subsection. It seemed as close of a match as any. Anyway, I'm working on creating a new startup company that will be manufacturing an invention of mine. I'm currently in the final stages of prototyping, so some may see this as putting the cart before the horse, however I'm the type who likes to build a road map long before I get to my destination.

I am close contacts with executives within a few large distributors of wares within my field, so I should have an easier time than most getting my product into distribution channels.

That being said, I'm curious if anybody has any advice regarding what sort of sales incentive plan can be developed with a distributor. I would love to be able to write a contract in a manner that would make sure it was in the distributor's best interest to work to move as much of my product as possible rather than letting it get dusty in the shelf, selling only when a customer specifically requests it. I would like it to be more profitable to the distributor to be actively talking to their customers saying, "Hey we've got this new product that you're not familiar with, but I bet it will solve a problem you have that you don't even know there's a solution for."

Any ideas?

how to find a good accountant

Good day to all!

I need a good accountant for my little business. So, which the criteria of the professional accountant?
Thanks advanced.

How To Market My Web Design Company

I was looking for some advice on how I should market my web design company. I am just starting out and want to build a local client base of restaurants, boutiques, etc. What marketing methods would you think would work best and what has worked for you in the past?


Hi everyone

I am Shobana from India. I love forum discussion and sharing my thoughts. This my first post in small-business-forum. Hope I do get more friends here.

lundi 21 décembre 2015

Happy Holidays!

Hello Small Business Owners!

I'm an on again - off again member dropping in for my (what seems like) semi-annual visit to the forum. I'm currently working as a business advisor and certified business coach for a local non-profit that provides support and financing for small businesses in the area as my day job. Evenings I'm a Triumph Coach and speaker...I'm currently working on a deal that may have me in my first anthology for the fall of 2016.

Living life and loving it...

Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas :-)

Legal to setup a company to promote your own company?

Hello. I was wondering if it is legal to setup an investment type company, just to promote another company, which would also be my own? Essentially we would be advertising that we offer investment opportunities, but we would be promoting our own companies to try and get them funded? To most of you it might be obvious to why we would want to do this, but if it not, basically it offers more credibility to our other businesses as they are being "promoted" by an investment company, which would help to convince possible investors to go ahead and give us money. Would it be fraud? I mean, we aren't lying about having investment opportunities, it just happens to be our own.

Trip advisor

Want to create a travel review website. Nothing like tripadvisor as that's a huge website and costs big $$. Hey maybe we will grow to be that big as we have several familymembers in the travel and hospitality business. I assume I need to hire a designer for this and there's no build your own type out there that would work for this ? Thanks

Managing Employee Workflow and Scheduling with Software?

I am the owner of a small agriculture consulting business in the united states. Our work is very seasonal, depending on the growing season. During the winters we tend to spend a lot of time in the office reviewing our previous year. We explore our expenses, look at our inefficiencies and ask ourselves where can we improve. All has been fine and well in the past, but this year I hired two more full time employees. They have proved to be very valuable assets, and have shown initiative in improving and modernizing our data systems, advertising, and day to day work flow.

There initiative has been well received, but during the previous week both have expressed concern over similar issues, at different times, and in different meetings. Both have pointed out a lack of planning. In the past with only a few employees, planning wasn't exactly a top priority. We all worked in tandem on the same project. With more employees now, working on separate projects simultaneously, and sometimes on separate parts of the same project, I understand their confusion.

To address their concerns, I am looking for some type of planning and employee task management software. Something akin, but more flexible than the outlook calendar. What employee management software have people used in the past, and/or can recommend to address employee management, workflow and scheduling?

Thank you,

Biggest Mistake

This has probably been asked before so forgive me if I'm being redundant. I launched my business in February and have been trying to do it on the side until I can sprout a couple roots but along the way I am finding it more and more difficult to work FT for someone else and try to run a business. That isn't really the point of this post, I am just trying to establish I haven't had much time to see my mistakes. So my questions is this, when you started your business what are a couple of the biggest mistakes you made? How did you overcome them?

Thank you

Use of Google Trends

Google Trends is to see trends on potential market size based on the line-graph and bar-chart on cities on my country. When you’re doing research on a person, industry or particular topic or product, digging through Google’s search volume data can put your searches into historical context and give you a lot of insight into human behavior and reactions. After all, search volume data (how much people are searching for a keyword or term at a point in time) is a great measure of how interested people are in a particular topic over any given time period.

How to do email marketing?

Hi Guys!

How to do email marketing?

What are the limitations of title and description tags?

Hello friends!

What are the limitations of title and description tags?

dimanche 20 décembre 2015

What is Social setting in Google analytic?

Hello Guys!

What is Social setting in Google analytic?

Just Successful StartUp

My name is Mikel . I live in Russia and I'm keen on start up projects. Well, In our country every year held the start up competition
And the main prize is 1 100 000 $ . At the same time during the presentation projects , many investors interested in it . To sum up,
I participated in this competition , My team took the 4 th place . But this result not satisfied me and i sure you will too.So I need clever man
or team with ambitions and fresh ideas , I sure we will present our future project to high results!

If you interested let me know! Write me on email -

Requires an investment of 1400$

Good day.

I want to open your online store selling souvenirs and textile products, including handmade dolls.

It requires to purchase goods and work material.

Payback store 1 year.

There are two variants of cooperation.

1. 30% per annum over 5 years from the date of return of the store.
2. Partial income reinvested for expansion and advertising, with the further aim of opening a store in my town.

Advantages of cooperation:
Without stability in world markets and reducing the value of the ruble. Those. Your interest will be influenced by exchange rate and therefore the expected revenue to be between 30% and 50%.

Interested please write me

samedi 19 décembre 2015

Is there too much information on my site? Optimizing navigation for a target audience

I offer pet sitting and waste removal services to local customers. Pet sitting is charged on a per visit basis, while waste removal is a monthly subscription service. I decided to offer both services in order to keep busy, in case one of them has an 'off-season' time. My long-term plan would be keep the service that is most successful (consequently dropping the other or outsourcing it).

I am also trying to target a high-end clientele. These kind of pet owners refer to their animals are their 'babies' ;) , frequent or are involved in dog shows, etc. The problem I'm running into is perhaps my 'net' is spread to far. As a result, I'm having difficulty maintaining a consistent message and organizing information on my site as far as navigation goes. I'd really like users to be able to get to an answer quickly.

What are your immediate thoughts about my site? Any feedback would be helpful and very appreciated.

Animal Care for All Arizona Pets - Amber's Animal Care

I am a private Lender

Hello sir / madam
I am a private lender willing to work with you. Flexible repayment terms and a timely closing schedule. We offer at minimum rates of 4.70% APR. Get back via email for details.E-mail:

Do you need a loan? look no further, we are here for you

Hello sir / madam
I am a private lender willing to work with you. Flexible repayment terms and a timely closing schedule. We offer at minimum rates of 4.70% APR. Get back via email for details.E-mail:

Hello To All

Hope you are doing well. I am new in business and have shop on ebay. I am looking for products to buy. Can anyone provide the contacts of suppliers?


Mirza Azhar Abbas

How do you handle customer phone calls?

This may sound like a simple question, but how do you handle a call from a customer that asks what do you charge?

I got an unsuspecting call this evening from a lady inquiring about my services and what I charge. I'm not used to receiving calls like this (usually customers have already done research and most don't call for prices are clearly listed online) and was caught off guard. In short, I was afraid to give her a quote....the way she asked for price right away made me think she was looking for some kind of deal. I do my best to give an impression that my business is not cheap, it's premium-priced for premium service. Anyway, I fumbled a bit and quoted $$$ based on the info she gave me. When I got a few pauses, I immediately told her that my business is growing, values reviews and I would love to work with her. I quoted half of the original quote and still got a bunch of pauses. She said she would call back. But I doubt that now. Hmmm just wondering what I should do next time. I admit sales is not my strong suit!

Should I have a script for all situations? What do/would you do?

vendredi 18 décembre 2015

Hello from Russia


I'm a newbie here. Here I have to find interesting business idea, and if I'm lucky, then the investor.
Sorry for my English:rolleyes:

Hello and Help LOL

Hello Everyone,

My name is Stephan. I recently started a new business (got my business license and everything) and built my website using Prestashop and integrated it to allow new sellers to sell their items as well. Here is how I plan to make it work and would like some input on this area as well:

1. The seller lists their item on my website
2. The item sells and Payment is made to me (Much like Amazon)
3. The seller ships the item.
4. The buyer gets the item.
5. I release the money to the seller (minus a 5% fee) to their PayPal account on a weekly basis compared to twice a month.

I do believe that if I target the right people to sell on my site, this can work. Do you have any ideas that I can do to my site or for my business to help market it on a very limited budget. I am not looking to compete with Amazon or Ebay, but I would like to run an alternative to their high fees.

jeudi 17 décembre 2015


myself jely and recently i'm working as a SEO Expert

Hello Friends, Oliver Queen Here

Myself Oliver Queen I am a Jr SEO Executive in Aegis Software In Ahmedabad, I am looking out for a challenging Work in SEO and At Internet marketing field.

Where to start?

I have a great idea, with a prototype already created. The idea for a business model of a BBQ sauce company. How do I get started from here what is needed? I'm confused how I can find analysis of this market, etc. As someone completely new to this can anyone refer me to any articles etc.

GOG Event Management Promotions

GOG Promotions is basically a marketing consultants cum event management group based at Trivandrum the capital of Kerala, India specializing in social and corporate events. Event management is the co-ordination, running and planning of all the people, teams and features that come together to create every kind of event.

Exchange Rates

As the year draws to an end and I go over the books, I see a major discrepancy in conversions.

Exchange rates posted on the Bank of Canada website at the close of markets today show the following:

US to CAN = 0.7168US to $1CAN
CAN to US = 1.3950CAN to $1US

I like to think that I understand these things to a certain extent, yet I can't seem to figure out where the extra $0.075 comes from. If I use the Daily Currency Converter - Bank of Canada the exchange numbers seem to be opposite of the numbers I posted above.

Is my understanding wrong or is there something else at play here?

Removing Website Files No Longer Used – How?

I take care of a website for a small part time town library on a volunteer basis. The site was a first put on line several years ago and since that time the librarian and one or two other volunteers have frequently changed the content. The problem is they all add files to the server but no one physically removes any when they are no longer needed. As a result there are now a lot of files on the site that are just adding clutter and taking up space. How do most people deal with this? Do they feel hard drive space is cheap and let the site grow indefinitely or do they have an easy way of removing them without creating problems?

I am sure if I try to do this one file at a time manually, it would be a monumental task and it would undoubtedly result in some files being removed that shouldn’t be incurring the wrath of more than one person. One solution might be a free software program that looks at all the files on the site and determines which ones are being used (have links calling them) and which are not, but I am not aware of such a beast.

Whewww! Last Resort Financing

I just got approved for a merchant cash advance after being turned turned down by a few local banks. I'm a little hesitant because the interest rate seems high. Has anyone used a merchant cash advance before? What are pros and cons?

Hello from France

I am French living in Paris.
I have been working around 25 years in hotel and restaurant business (all position, mainly as chef, maitre D, director, owner) for traditional, brasserie and some gastronomical experiences (3 diplomas in this aera and participation in some cooking contests).
I've worked in a training company and trained people on sales and recruitment. I also hired for others. I lectured on many management and business subjects and still do when I see the opportunity to help.
I've had a business of importation and sales of scooters. Had position of business development for a European car wash company. Recently I sold a company I created 5 years ago which was a cleaning company (cleaning awnings).

My present situation : I'm in charge of commercial contracts for a Kuwaiti company in the luxury retailing industry mostly Franchise Agreement. I work as support staff in a lawyer office (one of the big 5). I learn (by myself as I always do) how to program and create applications. This will be my occupation for my retirement (I'm 53).

I am active on a similar French small business forum. If I can be of any help on this one too... I saw many good and pertinent advices on this forum, so I registered.

My business history is somewhat different than usual (for French people at least). I have always focused on adventure, it is not a long peaceful way to do things but it is the way I like to live. There have been some failures and many successes, I've met extraordinary people and I am happy about that.

If I can be of any help and advice for members I'll be happy to share. And if I have questions or doubts in one of my adventure I'll ask. Beleiving we know all, and incapacity to learn are ennemies of progress...

Have a good day,

Help with multiple owner question

I'm hoping someone could point me in the right direction.

I am starting a business and will have an area. An associate of mine will have an adjoining area.

We would like to place all the costs of materials/insurance/etc., under one company name.

However, due to our financial positions, he would be doing a lot of work, where I would be doing less, because quite frankly, I don't have to.

This arrangement works out great for both of us, as we have worked together for a few years but need to join up. This way we could help each other out with bigger jobs and cover for each other if needed.

How would one go about setting up an LLC where each person, in sort of a cooperative would contribute to the operating expenses accordingly, say 10% out of what they earn but maintain their own businesses for tax purposes? Think about a main company as an umbrella with two operators working separately like contractors, but contributing to share the name.

This is the biggest struggle right now.

mercredi 16 décembre 2015

Hello Everyone

I'm new in this forum

I join this forum to discuss for business ideas and business promotion tips.

Can a foreigner (non-US citizen) register a sole proprietor business in CA?


I have a question, can a foreigner (non-US citizen) register a sole proprietor business in CA?
While this is registered, can the foreigner operate the business outside of US?
And as a piggy-back question: just in case I need to be physically hands on with the business, is there anyway I (as a non-US citizen) can be in US to operate the day to day function?
I really appreciate your input and feedback.


Wisconsin checking in!


Just thought I'd poke around and decided to join. I have a few questions to ask as I am launching a new business. This will be my third, but a lot has changed since the last one and my partner handled a lot of the details that I didn't, working out in the field on projects.

I'm hoping to gain some knowledge on setting up a specific type of LLC. I'm totally confused on this and it will take a while to sort out.

Anyway......I'm glad to be here.


Quickbooks Desktop vs Online? What is preferred?

Quickbooks Desktop vs Online? What is preferred?

QuickBooks Desktop user counts are approaching 5.2 million. Even with the move to QuickBooks Online, current Intuit forecasts expect no more than a 25% decline in QuickBooks Desktop licensing through 2017, which would be around 3.9 million users. It is clear that Intuit has made notable progress on improving QuickBooks Online with the revisions in September 2013 and the developments in the product since that time. With Intuit’s QuickBooks Online installed base of 683,000, they have the largest installed base of any entry level SaaS product. With Intuit’s publicly stated goal of having 3 million users by 2017.

But, what is the sentiment of the small biz crowd? On-line or desktop...?


CEO @ paygorilla

Is it true e-signatures close more sales?

Hey all, I'm starting a new real estate brokerage. I was wondering if anyone works with quotes, contracts, proposals, etc had any experience with e-signing and document tracking services? A friend of mine in the commercial real estate business SWEARS by, says her sales conversion increased when she texts or emails the letter of intent and listing agreement...

4 Little Known Ways to Achieve Better WordPress Security

A lot is said about WordPress security as if other kinds of websites are any safer. Anything can be hacked. Generally the annoyance hacks or infiltration, no matter how the website is built, is the fault of the website administrator's lack of knowledge.

If you do use WordPress and are concerned about security, it's not actually rocket science. Just like with any website, knowing how to use your tools and a little common sense can save you from a world of hurt and inconvenience.

While it is true that strong passwords and proper permissions on a WordPress site can help provide good security there are a few little known methods of enhancing your WordPress security, while maintaining both sides of the security vs. usability equation.

What is your work and personal phone set up?

Do you have separate phones for work and personal?
What phones do you use?
What is your carrier and plan?
What kind of work hours do you apply to work phone usage?

Just interested in other people's systems!

Halimex - vietnam uniform supplier

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Have a nice working day !


Our company specialized in producing and supplying UNIFORM with high quality, reasonable prices, good service for export demands.


· Officer Uniform

· Worker Uniform

· Hospital uniform

· School Uniform

· Restaurant and hotel Uniform

· Caps, bags, staff name card

· Others as required

Please feel free to visit our website to know more about us

We company will always give you the best quality products, very flexible in payment and delivery as your need.

Hope to have a chance to get in co- operation with you in the future

Thanks and best regards.



Tel : (84) 462 934 946 - ( 84) 934 515 480

Email :

Skype : lanle1213

Cafe Business Start-up

Hi everyone. Pretty new to the online forum world, but figured it could be a great resource to get feedback and meet some fellow entrepreneurs!

So, my husband and I have been talking for a while now about opening a cafe. Is there anyone who has ever started a cafe or business in the food/beverage industry? If so, how would you recommend we begin this process?

All feedback is the welcome. Thanks so much! :)

I have recently moved to Bahrain and am on the look out for a property.

I have recently moved to Bahrain and am on the look out for a property. Where can I get good contacts?

mardi 15 décembre 2015

Hello Friends, Sandeep Here

Hello Friends,
I am sandeep, Tech and Java Updates blogger.
i am here to know more about promotional activities for my recently launched blog.
I want to know and learn more about digital marketing and something about java and other coding languages.

Nice to see you all here.

Is it a good idea to incorporate a private C Corp in order to do stock trading?


I was reading Rich Dad Poor Dad, and Robert Kiyosaki told his personal story of starting his own business and becoming a successful investor, he talked of investing in real estates and stock market.
So I was curious, did he invest in properties and stock through his company? Does anyone do that? Is this smart (I have heard Hollywood Stars live in houses that are legally owned by some random/unheard-of/untraceable company)? Is it advisable? Does doing this have any benefits (i.e. tax advantage)?
Translating the question on to myself, I am foreign and broke, but I want to have some investment in the US; when I set aside USD$1000 and say purchase some sort of asset (growing it, acquiring more with time), should I start a company (C Corp) in US and purchase assets with this separate entity that is under my control?
It is sort of an odd question, I appreciate any response.

Thank you!

10 Year Sole Prop - Hello!

Hi all. I found this forum when googling questions about the best time to restructure from a sole prop to an s corp, which is looking like it will be this year. I haven't been a member of a forum in a long time but this one looked to be smaller and full of quality people so I thought I would join and say hello!

I don't have many small business-owning friends locally so it would be nice to have a few online! I'm sure I will have some silly questions but hopefully I can help others in return. Thanks for reading!

The sad economics of internet fame

I wasn't sure whether to put this under Internet Marketing, or Blogging since it covers it all.

It's a great article about the internet economy, social media fame and real world economics. It talks about people's unrealistic association that lots of followers, somehow means lots of money and how many people that you may know online struggle to make ends meet.


She likened trying to get famous through social media to shelling out money for college—in each case, one suffers through hard work and zero-to-negative income in the hopes of a later payout. The difference, Beggs said, is that YouTube is more accessible “because there’s no admissions committee.” The technical term for this is the Dunning Kruger effect, where unskilled individuals believe themselves to be more adept than they are.

“It’s not surprising that the failure rate on YouTube would be higher because people aren’t good judges of their own abilities,” Beggs said. The result is that the market is oversaturated, and subscriber numbers, which rarely make any sense, become the gatekeepers of financial success.

It's a good article.
The sad economics of being famous on the internet | Fusion

lundi 14 décembre 2015

Struggling with overhead

This is my first post so be gentle.
My business partner and I are struggling with the cost of WC insurance and payroll services fees. We operate a small general contracting company and are trying to find ways to keep our overhead down. We are paying 28% WC rates and after our employer taxes are finding it hard to make a profit. I'm basically looking for help to determine if we have a structure problem or maybe our pricing structure is off. Any assistance is appreciated.

Finding Capital for my Business

I have seen many funding capital programs for small businesses. I was considering " I Know We Funding!" Has anyone heard of them? Does anyone now of any downfalls to getting a merchant advance? Thank you.

Publishing revenue vs. Ad Blockers. What's your opinion?

Ad Blockers are shaking up the online publishing industry. Publishers who rely on advertising think ad blockers should be done away with, and consumers who are tired of intrusive ads want ways to stop them.

IMO, everyone knows that ads support "free" media and most people don't mind. However, online publishers have shot themselves in the foot by, in many cases, making the ads more important than the content. Even "reputable" websites have become a nightmare to visit. Most have so many ad scripts loading that even if you can finally access the content, it's a miserable experience that makes you not even want to be on the site, let alone come back. Basically the sites take so long to load that no one can see the ads or the content. So what's the point?

This actually started a few years back and I mostly blame Google. Google made is easy for anyone to put up a website that had no other purpose than ads, and they had no standards as to how many ads can display on one page. And from there it only got worse with video ads, auto play ads, pop ups, whole page take overs, things sliding in, out, left, right, down and whatever they can do to shove an ad in your face before you actually see anything on the page.

Personally I don't see that use of ad blockers will end. Even if all of the major publishers got together with some standards, smaller and individual publishers won't follow along and will keep building crap websites and flooding social media with the links, which is now how most people get alerted of information.

The creator of AdBlocker Plus, one of the most popular programs because it's free, open source, and it works has a system where acceptable ads are let through, while intrusive ads are blocked. But the standard is his alone.
Wladimir Palant of Eyeo and Adblock Plus Are Winning the Fight over the Future of Online Advertising | MIT Technology Review

Maybe if publishers and ad blockers got together with feedback from consumers they could come up with a compromise that takes consumers into consideration instead of what it is now, just cram as many ads and scripts on a page as possible.

What do you think?
Do any of you publish websites that rely on advertising and do you consider the reader at all?

Mobile Receipt Printers

Hey all, long time no post.

First off, if this is not the correct place for this question, I apologize. We are looking at buying a small mobile/portable receipt printers for events like craft shows and farmers markets. We use the Paypal Here card reader. Any suggestions on a small receipt printer?

dimanche 13 décembre 2015

My name is Kevin


My name is Kevin. I am a luxury real estate agent. I am trying to start my own business.

Is your business blog doing it's job?

What's your opinion about using a blog for your business?

New business owners

Hi all,

I just want to know the growth strategies you use for attracting visitors to your business blog?


Breaking the Chinese Firewall

I am trying to market my clients properties in China. Real Estate website with lots of high end properties.
The problem: Chinese Firewall.
For most of the US website it takes them anywhere from 20 seconds to few minutes to open up a regular website (on a good day, sometimes it's blocked totally)
Anyone here experienced with Chinese websites and hosting your website in China?
Any other way to break that firewall?

I know Apple has lighting fast website, even the US one is fast in China ( I guess they hate google but love Apple)

Any other marketing ideas for China?
Social media is only QQ and other Chinese social media which for me is hard to get into (I've tried with google translate to sing up, and I did, but after that it was hell in using their social media - ringer or something like that)

On a good day I can send emails to them, on a bad day they don't receive anything and those emails are lost someplace (not in a spam folder)

Anything that you can give me on China I would really appreciate it ( in terms of marketing and websites)

P.S. I've checked on local hosting - you need licence, and companies offering SEO, hosting etc. are way too expensive for a starting project.

New, needing a mentor and all the advice I can get!

Hi, over the past year iv been pondering the decision to open my own business. I love fitness and photography, but want to do something different. We have enough photographers here in LA, and we have enough gyms. I want to own a business that i can run from home. So after tons of ideas, tons of plans, i know what i want to do. Iv looked up my competitors and from what i can see, theres only one other business like the one i want to start.
I don't want to share too much but its something along the lines of a monthly delivery services that caters to every woman needs. Women from ages 12-70 could use it. Think of an ipsy bag or fit box but comfort items ,snacks, personalized gifts, etc. delivered once a month to you house.

Im just not sure where to even start now that i have the idea.Iv tried posting a few other places for responses and thoughts but got nothing.. Iv started looking up packaging. I definitely think i should start small. So about 100 boxes, and id need items to put in the boxes. I know what i want in these boxes but how to go about getting them at the absolute best price so i can actually make money off each box.

Here are a couple of my questions.
How to go about getting items at whole sale prices? (Snack foods, lip balms, ect.)
How to get customers? marketing marketing marketing.. but you need a product to show ... right?

Mobile Receipt Printers

Hey all, long time no post.

First off, if this is not the correct place for this question, I apologize. We are looking at buying a small mobile/portable receipt printers for events like craft shows and farmers markets. We use the Paypal Here card reader. Any suggestions on a small receipt printer?

Social media for small business

Hi everyone. I need advice on how to approach social media for small business or small business owners. Any thoughts? what is the best strategy? Thanks a lot

paygorilla (Fernando)

The Best Way to Expand My Business?

I started my business as a local SEO about a year ago and have watched my client list slowly increase over that time.

I've used adwords and various forms of social media, but my best results have come from cold calls.

My "hook" - I will build and rank a targeted lead generating website for free and I am only compensated based on the leads the website generates.

My clients (especially those with minimum marketing budgets) have reacted favorably to the fact that they only pay for the results.

The problem is that - even though, yes, cold calling has yielded the best results so far - most business don't seem to respond well to cold calls. And while I would like to scale up to pull in more clients I would like to scale down on the cold calling. Which is why I created this thread.

I would like to here from small business owners about what you feel would be the best way to reach out and contact perspective clients (or more specifically "how would you prefer to be contacted")?

Thanks in advance, I look forward to your ideas.


samedi 12 décembre 2015


hi i am new to this forum , i am Australian 82 y/o , still working ok , i am seeking advice as to a good online source to sell my turnkey / ready to go sports arbitrage trading program , either by a business agent or directly online .
any country acceptable , UK / USA etc , only around 60k USD, will sell on 50% deposit , balance over 12 months no interest , to a suitable buyer, i am looking for selling sources not necessarily buyers in this post , the program , with the source codes had never been traded or marketed, it is fully featured ready to go , thanks , donar

I am getting traffic but no sales.

I have got 3 websites and 3 blogs I get the traffic, but I haven't got a singe sale I don't understand the reason.
website -

To offer free shipping or to not offer free shipping...what say you?

I really want to offer my products at 68$/ea but I am eating it when it comes to shipping. Shipping costs are about 3.50 a piece within the US. (we wont discuss international shipping as I know I have to charge for that)

-my options are eating the shipping costs so it can be free,
-raising the cost per item and offering free shipping
or what I'm thinking is...
-raising the costs to 69$/ea and having the consumer pay two dollars shipping total and eating the other .50 cents.

what do you think a good idea is?

Hi there, I'm new

I really liked this forum so I signed up! I'm In my early 20's and am the CEO of an anatomical poster company. Our posters are in 15 languages and ship all around the world as I target only dentists. It sounds not time consuming but it really is. I spend most of my time filling databases with leads and sending postcards out. I like working for myself because I can have bahama mama's any time of the day. I am one of those kids that lives at starbucks. Some days I dress to the 9's even though I don't have anyone to meet. :) Does anyone else have a company or is starting a company that allows them little freedoms? It's nice to be here.

Am I off to a good start?

I've got an ecommerce site- that is short and links to my quick shopping cart (which I havn't touched yet). Buttons will direct to separate pages where the user can find dental posters in their desired language via the country flag buttons on the home page.

I had to put keywords on each page even if it looks odd so I might end up on google (I don't have alot of competitors). I don't know anything else about seo.
It's a godaddy site.

vendredi 11 décembre 2015

What kind of Loyalty Program do you use?


My name is Yakov. I work in a company called SailPlay. We provide a Loyalty Platform which can be integrated with POS system as well as with sites.

A few months ago we launched an additional office in US and right now we make a research about SMB pains in loyalty/rewards software.

jeudi 10 décembre 2015

What kind of Loyalty Program do you use?


My name is Yakov. I work in a company called SailPlay. We provide a Loyalty Platform which can be integrated with POS system as well as with sites.

A few months ago we launched an additional office in US and right now we make a research about SMB pains in loyalty/rewards software.

So, if you have troubles or looking for a solution could you please post a comment to this post:

1) What kind of pain do you have?
2) What POS/software do you use?
3) What kind of reward scheme do you use (bonus points, punch cards, level/status based schemas etc)?
4) If you already have a loyalty program does it multichannel (works for both your site and a stores)?

Thank you!

My website

I have just started creating websites and blogs, please give me your opinion about my blog Thank you very much in advance

Do I really need an ERN to publish an iOS in the app store?

I'm new to this forum, so I'm not sure if this is the correct place or way to ask. Forgive me if it's not, I am getting desperate about this issue. I have an app in the app store that uses the Flickr API and a friend of mine recently pointed me to this blog post about how if I use an API I need an ERN or something like that:

I asked the freelancer coder that built it for me and he said that he knew nothing about it. I'm confused. Is this true? do I need to get an ERN to publish an app in the iOS store when it's using the Flickr API?

mercredi 9 décembre 2015

Why would we continue to use those two meta tags in today’s world?

Please tall me answers ,

Why would we continue to use those two meta tags in today’s world?

What search engine provides the most accurate results?

Please tall me answers ,

What search engine provides the most accurate results?

What are the metrics you use to highlight success or failure for an SEO campaign?

Please tall me answers ,

What are the metrics you use to highlight success or failure for an SEO campaign?

When is organic search a better fit for a client than paid search?

Hello Guys Please tall me answers ,

When is organic search a better fit for a client than paid search?

Have you ever had a page or site reach the front page of Digg? What would you do to g

Tall me answers ,

Have you ever had a page or site reach the front page of Digg? What would you do to get there?

LLC Member removal or withdraw

Recently an member of our LLC has decided he does not agree with the direction that the majority of the owners wish to take the company. Unfortunately we do not have an operating agreement. The rest of the members wish to continue the LLC. The member in question has publicly posted on social media that he and the business have "parted ways." We are not provisioned to remove him. Was this public declaration enough to prove he wishes to remove himself. We have told him that if he wishes to withdraw he is entitled to his fair share of his interest in return for that interest. Any thoughts on how we can handle this situation?

Microsoft Releases Windows Live Writer as Open Source

If you remember and used Windows Live Writer back in the day, it's back.
Today Microsoft announced that it's releasing Windows Live Writer as an open source software that you can download right now.


To download the latest version of Open Live Writer, visit our website: Open Live Writer. Open Live Writer is designed to sit side-by-side with Windows Live Writer so installing Open Live Writer won’t impact your existing version of Windows Live Writer.

For the latest news and updates about Open Live Writer, you can follow us on Twitter as @OpenLiveWriter and find other ways to connect on: Open Live Writer.

Here's the official release statement:
.NET Foundation - Live Writer is now Open Source

Working capital financing for small biz in the U.S.... easy or hard?

After reading a lot here and there and trying to finance my own start up in multiple ways, I wonder what is the true state of small business financing today in the U.S.? Factoring, Merchant Cash advances, Bank loans, SBA loans.... are the options out there working? Now we have a platoon of internet lenders coming on-line. Is that really closing the gap? Any advise on options that really work..?

Phone Systems: Ring Central vs 8x8, or others

We just started to discuss changing our phone system. Right now we are using VOIP through Comcast and basically have regular phones without a lot of extra features. We are paying about $ 340.00 a month for 4 phone lines, a fax line and an 800 number. I have always liked to see the phone answered by a real person but making the change would save us some money as far as payroll and make the people we have more efficient in that they would not need to answer phone calls that need to go to another person or department. I plan to spend the next 30 days doing some research and then try to get the new system after I get back from a trade show in early January.

Doing an internet search I came across 8x8. There was a recent thread here and Vonage and Ring Central were recommended.

Based on my short time trying to learn about the topic this is where I am at.

1. I used to have Vonage for my home service and liked them. Their website was however the least informative and least helpful.

2. Ring Central seems like it has most of the features I would want. The only thing I didn't like was to get detailed info you pretty much have to give them full contact info and I am not at the stage where I really want to do that.

3. 8x8 had the most informative web site and seemed to offer virtually every feature I would need. The hesitation here is that some of the forum members here have used Vonage and Ring Central and like it and I haven't heard anyone mention 8x8.

I would also be open to looking at other options.

MountainBack Funding - business funding solution made simple

MountainBack Funding provides quick funding solutions to grow your business when opportunities knock. Typical funding are approved generally within 24 hours.

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What is your recommendation about tweet image ratio?

It is obvious that tweets with images get more attention.
Plus, they are added to your profile sidebar. It is worth using them in your tweets. I know that.
But I was thinking about moderation.
Do you think it is recommended to have more than 50% of tweets sent with images?

Cant create adsense account

I am trying to create an adsense account for my website. The problem is I have previously worked for a company who I set up and ad sense account for. I set up the account with the email adress I had with that company and linked my gmail email adress to it.

Now I cannot create an adsense account because my email is link to another adsense account. I cannoot get into that account anymore and neither can I reset the password cause I dont have that company email any more.

Can you suggest help?

Need help with conversions on Dating website

Hi there.

I have a website

The site is growing very rapidly. At the moment we rank no 3 for free online dating. We get tons of traffic and we get almost 50 - 100 sign ups a day.

The problem is we are not converting the sign ups into sales.

We have a free 1 month membership as well as 3 premium membership packages.

I would like some suggestions on how we can get more sales.

We are also looking for ways to monetize the site with affiliate ads.

mardi 8 décembre 2015

What SEO techniques would you use on a site which uses a lot of video content?

Please tall me friends answers me i requirement this answers,

What SEO techniques would you use on a site which uses a lot of video content?

Explain what an XML sitemap is. How do you structure the file?

Hello Guys please tall me answers ,

Explain what an XML sitemap is. How do you structure the file?

Is link buying an effective strategy? Should we do it?

Hii, Guys Please tall me answers

Is link buying an effective strategy? Should we do it?

Do meta description and keywords still affect search engines?

Hello Friends Please tall me answers ,

Do meta description and keywords still affect search engines?

Cash Reserves

I am curious how much cash reserve I should have in my business. I have read that 3 to 6 months worth of monthly expenses is a good rule of thumb but I am curious if this includes variable COGS expenses. I assume the number one reason for cash reserves is to prepare for a major slump in sales. But when sales slow down so too would material costs and since they're on net 30 and since I am quite aggressive with my receivables (average is 5 days), should these variable costs really be included in the reserves?

What search engine provides the most accurate results?

Hello Friends,Please tall me answers ,

What search engine provides the most accurate results?

5 Best SEO Practices For High Ranking Small Business Blogs

I thought I would share this on here. First as a disclaimer, yes I am part of the CanIRank team (the company that wrote the following post). However I am sharing it on here not to promote it but to hopefully of be of actual value and help. Since obviously this is a small-business associated forum, this post is relevant to many of you that have a website and blog.

We've had countless people contact us over the years asking us "how do I keep getting constant traffic to my old posts? It seems as soon as I post it, my traffic boosts for 2 days and then shoots right back down again...". So best way to answer this common question we thought was just to write a public post on it with some answers:

Hope this can really help some of you: 5 Best SEO Practices For High Ranking Small Business Blogs

lundi 7 décembre 2015

Strategic Partnerships -- how to create your own networking group?

I'm not sure where this thread should go...

Anyway, I'm sure a few of you go to or have tried networking groups. Networking has been fun and I've met a lot of interesting people. However many of the businesses represented are not related to my industry. The women's groups I go to have businesses related to beauty products, health advising, insurance, travel sales, etc. Mary Kay is great, but I feel I would be more useful to the group if members had products or services that would benefit pet owners.

My services are pet-related. It would be wonderful to know other professionals in my line of work to bounce ideas off of and share referrals. So I'm interested in starting my own networking group, much like Steve B did here

The only problem is I have no idea how to start. I don't know anyone in a pet-related industry and new to business. I put an ad in my city's Craigslist community section but that's all I can think of. Does anyone have experience in creating your own networking group? How did/would you start?

Any input would be very appreciated :)

Hey there!

I've been sniffing around this forum for a few months and love what I read. I've been looking for a small business or startup forum for quite some time. This one is great!

My name is Amber (...of course) and I'm in the pet business. I've only been in business for a few months. Although looking for help...I look forward to helping others in biz as much as I can too :)


Production of souvenir goods on your individual order of BEST PRICE

We offer a collaboration for those, who exclusive souvenir products interesting. as magnets, trinkets and other wares from Polymer of vinyl chloride (soft rubber).you show any image to us, we prepare an individual matrix for you. And further in her we produce for you finish product on a that image that you chose or thought of, as you will wish. Similarly specialists, that specially under your event or idea or brend will help to create YOUR PERSONAL INDIVIDUAL and UNIQUE image you or picture, or series (set) of pictures on that subjects that you will want to interpret in a souvenir or bijouterie, work for us!
Topically for certain events, holidays (New-year, national, sport championships and other) Exclusive suggestion for креативных and creative people! Excellent idea for business! Prices you will surprise! The methods of delivery and term of payment we discuss separately. Will please you!
Sorry for possible grammatical errors

dimanche 6 décembre 2015

Small business financing by paygorilla

To my fellow small business owners, my name is Fernando Diaz, I am the CEO of a start-up called I have a baking career in trade finance and later in internet/tech applied to trade finance. I have decided with a team of brave colleagues to take on small business financing in the U.S. as a Transformative Massive Purpose. We believe we can do this by connecting companies via free electronic invoicing. To do that, among other things, I am writing a blog to talk about small business finance and share ideas with the small business community. I will try to write as often as time permits, but no less than once a month. Please give me feed back. Anything, you can share (needs, ideas, comments, facts, stories, etc) works for me.
<edited by Mod>

By the way, we need feedback in Use it (its is FREE) and give us feedback. Those with quickbooks, we will select some small businesses that give us good feed back and give away gift cards

All the best !!

Best Ecommerce Accounting

I own a small ecommerce business and am looking to decrease my workload. Let me first explain what I am doing now:

I use QuickBooks pro for my accounting and Paypal payments pro for payments on my site. I receive orders through the website and then enter each order into quickbooks manually as a sale receipt with each different customer having it's own record. After the order is entered I then use QuickBooks shipping manager to print the label and ship. The funds from the order are entered as undeposited funds in QB. Once a week or so I transfer the money from the orders into my checking account from my paypal account and then move the payments in quickbooks from undeposited funds to my checking and subtract the paypal fees. This process works fine, but it is getting more and more hard to keep up with. I want to spend more time marketing and less processing orders.

I'm moving my site over to Bigcommerce in the next month or so and am looking to have a more efficient process. While researching integrations with Bigcommerce and QuickBooks I have found several references to how most people just transfer all orders to QuickBooks as a web order? So the individual customers are never entered in QuickBooks? I've also read QuickBooks slows down with too many customers? I have about 4,000 now. I've searched for more details but am not having any luck. But it has occurred to me that maybe I don't just need an integration, but should change many of the ways I am doing things. With bigcommerce there are several app options for printing labels and quickbooks integrations. So what are most people doing? Is quickbooks pro the right thing? Should I be using an online accounting? I look forward to responses.

Hello I am New to this forum!

Hi there...I am Hein and recently joined this great forum. I am experienced within the business and web development field and currently are doing consulting services for individuals and business.

I hope I can add some value based on my knowledge and experience to the small business forum community, and also to learn more from this community.


Please give your opinion on my website

Hi everyone,
I would love feedback from both developers and regular users.

The purpose of the site is to work as a portfolio and show of a bit of variety when it comes to color and design but still look professional. The whole site have been manually translated to both English and Swedish to avoid any misconceptions. If you find any errors in the English we would like to know.

A basic form you may follow if you like.
  • Do you like to overall look of the site?
  • Is it easy to browse?
  • Is something missing?
  • Something else?
  • Found an error?

The reason to chose us is mainly the price.

We are a new started company by students and we greatly appreciate any help we can get!

Commercial Property For Sale

Very nice!Here i found many tips how to take care of eye that's help me very much.Vestvox is a crowd sourced commercial real estate marketplace that helps brokers, investors and tenants discover, market, purchase and lease on a value driven platform.

samedi 5 décembre 2015

Hi Everyone! New to forum talks!

Hello! I am a producer, and am beginning a new SEO Agency, so I hope to learn as I help folks here on this forum. I am already fascinated by the questions, issues, and small business happenings that are shared that we can all learn from.

Please give your opinion on my website

Hi everyone,
I would love feedback from both developers and regular users.

The purpose of the site is to work as a portfolio and show of a bit of variety when it comes to color and design but still look professional. The whole site have been manually translated to both English and Swedish to avoid any misconceptions. If you find any errors in the English we would like to know.

A basic form you may follow if you like.
  • Do you like to overall look of the site?
  • Is it easy to browse?
  • Is something missing?
  • Something else?
  • Found an error?

The reason to chose us is mainly the price.

We are a new started company by students and we greatly appreciate any help we can get!

Cloud Software for Business Management and Sales

This is a question for business planners and owners which I hope will give me answers for my business plans.

If you have already decided to use such software, what made you choose a specific one?

I develop a product that have most of the features which competitive products have,
but I do not feel that's enough to go alive.
My strengths are purely technological. Clear and light interface, well thought out architecture
and various other improvements that create comfort in the work process like no extra clicks, delays and so on...

Unfortunately there are many similar products. I'm trying to figure out how to beat them.
So if you're in the mood, reply me with your thoughts.

I wish you all a successful business!

Divorce: Real Estate ?

Hi there !

Still married, but want to get divorced.

Besides my little business, I am also having a house together with my wife, fully paid, no mortgage.
I can't sell the house without my wifes permission, because we are both owning it and both of us are on the title.

So what can I do in order to proceed selling the house ?
She is not willing to do anything, she is not willing to sign an agreement.

So what can I do ?
Do I have to file a case on court ?
Or how do you do such a thing ?

Thank you for any little help, appreciate it !

American Market Share Greenville south carolina : Business Consulant & Contractor

Here you will learn how to start your own business. So first of all know about US.

American Market Share :Who we are! We provide a simple way to judge the best for you, we're a very powerful tool for any company to use;

if they desire to succeed in the Government Marketplace.

We provide a variety of services. From connecting companies with the Government, to gaining more exposure for a company. The one thing we strive

for every day, is making an exceptional economic impact.

Know more and ask about How we help American Companies for Business Lead.

Government Marketplace LLC Simpsonville South Carolina-SC

Government Market Place LLC : Who We are ! Know about Private Project Contractor , Government Marketplace LLC Simpsonville SC(South Carolina), One of best Business adviser.

How we help American Companies for Business Lead.

Ask any query if you want to start your own business and want to know tips for lead

Government Marketplace LLC Simpsonville SC

Government Marketplace :Who we are! We provide a simple way to judge the best for you, we're a very powerful tool for any company to use; if they desire to succeed in the Government Marketplace.

We provide a variety of services. From connecting companies with the Government, to gaining more exposure for a company. The one thing we strive for every day, is making an exceptional economic impact.

Know more and ask about How we help American Companies for Business Lead.

vendredi 4 décembre 2015

Hi there!

Hi everyone,

I'm Hans.
I'm a freelance business writer and grant writer in upstate New York.
I'm looking forward to getting to learning about small business in this forum and getting to know you all.

Basic questions about doing business in USA

I'm thinking about buying stuff in China and selling in USA through solutions like Amazon Fulfillment.

1) Do I need to open a company in USA or can a foreign company operate in USA? Is it possible / does it make sense to open a company in a tax heaven?

2) If opening a company in USA, does it matter which state? Why startups are usually from Delaware?

3) What kind of companies can help with the logistics of importing the merchandise into USA and forwarding to a fulfillment center? Any recommendations?

4) Besides Amazon, what are other fulfillment players?

been trying everything and still not seen by Google dearch engine, need help!

I built a new web site and published it, but I done show up on Google. I have tried several SEO programs and have gotten no where. I have no idea what a back link is, I do have a blog and have Google analitics, ad-words, a mobile site and running Bing adds, Facebook like button, pintrist, but nothing. can't afford to spend any more on the site. I need some help! What happen to the days of just writing the HTML code and putting in the right Keywords? I don't have employees and I am the one doing all the work. There is not enough hours in the day to keep up with all the social media, there must be some solution for a small business that doesn't have millions of dollars.

Carjackers Steal The "Circumcision Ambulance"

i truly believed this was a joke until I clicked on the link and realized this not only happened, but an actual "circumcision ambulance" exists:



Mr Josovic was ambushed by three men who 'pounced' on him as he left a patient's house and stole they keys to his car, which is believed to have been purchased privately and is needed in case of emergency after care.
It has been reported Mr Josovic's watch was also stolen during the incident...

....Mr Josovic, who owns the Circumcision London business and charges from £180 for a local visit, performs circumcisions for several different communities.
Religious circumcision is largely unregulated in the UK - but medical professionals who have botched private operations have faced sanctions from the GMC.
When the picture of the stolen car went viral online, many social media users questioned why a private circumcision surgeon has an ambulance complete with emergency vehicle markings and flashing lights.
A CQC spokesman said: 'A person who is not a healthcare professional who drives a vehicle in which, or from which, he or she undertakes circumcision purely for religious reasons, is not classed as a 'regulated activity', which would mean that they would not need to be registered with CQC.
He added: 'However, were the circumcisions to being performed on medical grounds or were the person to use the 'ambulance' to transport people to hospital who require treatment, then the service would probably be classed as the regulated activity of 'transport services triage and medical advice provided remotely', in which case it would need to be registered with CQC.'
Scotland Yard confirmed they were investigating the theft and said no arrests have been made.
The car was found this morning abandoned in a pub car park in nearby Newham.

London carjackers steal circumcision ambulance after ambushing medic | Daily Mail Online

Forex Market

Using FOREX TRADING SIGNALS is a way you can generate a significant income and avoid the need to educate yourself, to trade independently and a method of avoiding the markets' potential pitfalls. However if you wish to gain knowledge in the markets yourself then you should follow these tips. Play around with a demo account until you become comfortable in the market. Read on for some valuable FOREX trading advice.
Pay close attention to the financial news, especially in countries where you have purchased currency. Currencies can go up and down just based on rumours; they usually start with the media. Get some alerts set up so that you'll be one of the first to know when news comes out concerning your markets.
Do not use any emotion when you are trading in Forex. Emotions do nothing but increase risk by tempting you to make impulsive investment decisions. These can end up being very poor decisions. While your emotions always impact the way you conduct business, it is best to approach Forex Trading Signals as rationally as possible.
Too many trading novices get overly excited and greedy when they are just starting out, causing them to make careless, sometimes devastating decisions. You can also become scared and lose money. It is key to not allow your emotions to control your trading decisions. Use knowledge and logic only when making these decisions.
Look at the charts that are available to track the Forex market. Improvement in technology and communication has made Forex charting possible, even down to 15-minute intervals. However, these short cycles are risky as they fluctuate quite frequently. Longer cycles offer a great way to avoid anxiety and stress, and false hope.
It is a common belief that it is possible to view stop loss markers on the Forex market and that this information is used to deliberately reduce a currency's value until it falls just under the stop price of the majority of markers, only to rise again after the markers are removed. This is totally untrue and you should avoid trading without them.
Do not put yourself in the same place in the same place. Some Forex traders will open with the same size position and ultimately commit more money than they should they may also not commit enough money. Make changes to your position depending on the current trends of the market if you want to be successful.A common beginner mistake is to try to pay attention to too many markets at once. Start out with just one currency pair. Begin to expand slowly, as you learn more. You'll save your money this way.
Once you've learned all you can about FOREX, you'll be ready to make some money. Remember that your research should always be capped off with the most recent information you can find, as the market continuously changes. By reading only the most recent Forex tips and news, stay ahead of the game. If all this seems too much effort then use FOREX TRADING SIGNALS and benefit from the knowledge and experience of a professional trader. Check out more on above discussion