lundi 5 janvier 2015

Not Happy Holidays

Bad Thanksgiving. We never got to eat Thanksgiving dinner until Sunday night.

Christmas, a friend of my wife's got thrown in jail. Not a serious crime or DUI. So my wife was messing with that.

New Years Eve was fine other than I was sick. I was struggling to stay up until midnight. I had to because my wife has some very important rituals she does at midnight. She's Latina and its part of her culture.

January 2, my dog has a heart attack and dies. We don't have kids so our dogs fill that gap. He was a boxer. They are prone to heart conditions, but he was only 8 which is to young for that to happen. A great dog and my kid.

So I can look back on this years holidays and say they were the worst ever! Didn't even get some of the projects I wanted to get done started...

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