samedi 3 janvier 2015

SEO lies, folk lore and old wives tales

SEO is hard enough to understand without all of the bad information out there.

You can save a lot of time if you don't waste time on the misinformation.

I thought it would be fun to start a thread listing all of the bad information we've heard over the years that people have wasted time on.

One of my favorites is a guy that told me that all of his links must be Google blue because it was proven that color increases click through ratios, and helps his SEO with better search placement.

Never mind the fact that his site was a train wreck in both design and content.

When I suggested that maybe he spend more time on the credibility of his information, he told me it didn't matter. Apparently Google blue holds mystical powers.

The truth is that Google did do a study on which colors people click more on their search result and ad links, and Google blue did win and is what they use, but the study never ventured into proving that was the case on all websites, nor that sites who use that color on their internal links get better placement.

But that didn't stop a bunch of hacks from disseminating that bad info all over the web.

What are some others that you've heard over the years?

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