mardi 6 janvier 2015

What are you most excited about at CES?

As you know the largest tech convention in the world is happening in Las Vegas right now. CES ( Consumer Electronics Show) is when all of the new stuff comes out.

I've been following all of the announcements by the minute and have videos going all day. It's more exciting than Christmas to me.

Besides seeing what's coming out...some of it quickly, I can also see just how obsolete that stuff I already have is :(.

I'm most interested in seeing advancements in voice recognition and functionality...I want to be able to choose my command. For instance instead of saying "OK Google". by now we should be able to set any trigger word. Of course I want mine to be "Computer" so that I can play Star Trek, but that's just me.

I also want to see the Google Glass technology trimmed down so that it seamlessly fits into a regular pair of reading or sun glasses.

Samsung's Virtual Reality stuff looks promising, but I'm just not ready to wear a helmet on my head to get it. When they make a holodeck call me, but you have to start somewhere.

I'm also interested in smart home automation, and faster, lighter, cheaper tablets.

Lastly, one of the great things about watching the press presentations is buzz word bingo. The first 2-5 minutes of every presentation is a glorious mash up of the industry's best buzz words and creative writing. No one just makes TV's, they're all breaking down barriers and delivering rich, immersive experiences. If you ever want to bone up on your marketing and copy writing, watch a few CES videos. They are the best in the business.

Is anyone else excited about anything, or following along?

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