mardi 6 janvier 2015

Who pays shipping on customer error?

I run an agribusiness branch, where a large part of our online business is Christmas gift baskets and gift boxes, half or more of our Christmas sales are from corporate orders where people are ordering gifts for their clients. For corporate orders, they usually call or email me what box/basket they want and a list of addresses to ship to. In this case we shipped to each individual customer (which is usually the case). I had a customer that ordered around 50 gift boxes and we've settled up the bill already, but when I got my UPS statement, there were 5 addresses that were incorrect that the my customer sent me. UPS charges $12.35 per shipment that has to be corrected and it was all done without notice to me so now I have $61 in extra charges for that one order. We've decided to eat the $61 this time and next year tell people ahead of time to make sure their addresses are correct or they will be responsible for the extra charges after the fact. What do you guys think and have you ever had this happen?

Thanks in advance!

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