dimanche 31 août 2014

Microsoft Surface 2

Does anyone have an opinion on this computer? My sister wants the Microsoft surface ( the cheapest version).

Owns a beauty shop and does constant online social media, facebook, twitter etc. Also needs to run quickbooks and keep a calander of appointments. Also updates her website on wix and does some light design work for flyers. I assume this computer is fine for this. She won't be doing any major graphics or gaming or anything else that requires too much. She just likes the lightweight smaller concept of this product so she can carry it easily.

It seems fine to me and i don't think she needs the "pro" version. I just want an opinion from some experts in case there are issues I wouldn't know or think about.



How to Learn from Failure

"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." --Colin Powell

Learning from failure is a choice and personal attitude. It requires a willingness to identify what could be improved followed by action to make a difference. When have you learned from failure in your business?

I Need a Review on My New Website, Thanks Everyone!

My website's banner logo have been redesigned however my concern is the content. Do you think it's a good idea to structure or create the content in a way that it resembles the feeling of an E-book? Tell me what you think. Any suggestions or feedback would be very much embraced, thanks in advance friends. Here is my site:

-> How to Start a Blog <-

How similar can a company name be without infringement?

I came up with an idea for a company a few years ago, which I hadn't been able to start due to life circumstances. Now I find out someone beat me to the punch on the idea, with a similar name and everything.

Now I have to reinvent the idea for my company, which sucks because I really love the name. And the difference is simple yet distinguishable.

For example, how does MySpace.com and Space.com exist without infringing on each other? Because that "My" is the same difference in names between this company and the one I wanted to start.

I know the best thing would be to come up with an entirely new name but I'm curious.

The right business for me

Hello everyone. Currently I am 15 years old. My uncle recently purchased my dream car, a Nissan GTR. He has taken me for many rides and I have locked down that car as my dream car. My question is, what business is right for me? The car is about 50-80k used. Should i start a product business, or a service? I have just recently started a lawn mowing business which i plan to expand. I made about 7-8 hundred dollars this year. I also want this car while i am sort of young(25-30). Does anyone have any tips, or ideas for what i should do? And also, i dont want any comments say a 4000 dollar car gets you to point a to b so why buy such an expensive car. Well since second grade i have been dreaming about cars. My uncle works at a honda dealer as a mechanic. I dont know how he has such a nice car and house, but i want to be like him someday. I will work as hard as i need to to accomplish my dream. Please help.;)

Greetings Earth Beings!

I'm glad I ran across this forum. I've been doing commercial and business financing for the past twenty years, but I'm always learning new things from other people, so I look forward to the interaction. Hopefully I can help a few people too looking for some advice. Thanks!


samedi 30 août 2014

At what point to get serious with accounting for business

I started an online site and start up costs were very little. It's been 3 months and I have made a bit of profit, but nothing too significant. At what point should I actually consider consulting with an accountant about possible options to minimize the tax I need to pay back for profits. Currently, any money made is just deposited into my personal account since it's just a few bucks here and there. I don't know if it will be worth it to get a business tin, LLC, business checking account etc for such a small venture (more like a hobby). Looking for any advice so if one day I see an accountant, I'll have some specific questions to ask


Does Houshold Surge Protection Work?

I live in the Tampa Bay area. They claim to be the lightning capital of the world. I don't know if that's true, but we get a lot of lightning.

The local power company (Florida Power and Light -FPL) has been pitching whole house surge protection. I can see it protecting surges in electricity, but that is nominal compared to what could come in via my cable tv / internet connection.

I have UPS's on all my electronics.

Does anybody have any opinion on the service provided by the power company?

You need a new website. How do you get one?

What would you do to get a new website done? What would you google? or would you do it yourself

Tool Room Lathe Machines | Facing Lathe Machines | Jpmachinesworldwide

We are the leading manufacturers & exporters all kinds of Heavy duty Facing Lathe Machine Like - Oil Field Lathe Machine, Oil Field Lathe Machines in India. JP Machines is a leading mechanical and hydraulic c-type power presses, c-frame press manufacturers &amp; exporters in India. We are the leading manufacturers &amp; exporters of Heavy Duty Lathe Machines Like - Oil Country Lathe Machine EH Series, Oil Field Lathe machines in India.

What a roller coaster week...

Been totally swamped and barely getting enough sleep. Lots of stress. And a couple of project setbacks.

On the plus side, I did sell an enterprise hosting account. Beat the big players on that sale, too.

I really need to hire someone....

Hello Everyone

Hey guys,

I am Larry new to forum. Dropped by to say hello :)

iLevel Management Inc.

iLevel Management Inc. is one of the largest sales and marketing agencies in Canada, providing strong strategic approach to it’s clients in their business. We guide manufacturers to bring their products to the right customers.

vendredi 29 août 2014

Do you need a best design and technology?

Hello Everyone !

Sound Design provides Abu Dhabi citizens an thrilling and amazing experience of high-class enjoyment. High-fidelity sound, amazing picture quality, innovative design, and not least, user-friendly convenience of use are the outline of what's on offer.

Visit: - www{dot}sdesignme{dot}com for more information about my business...


Do you want a job in life science field ?

Hello Everyone !

Jordy Stravers Handling Partner and Home at Tasks Lifesciences. He is providing high top quality in designed Lifestyle Technology employment solutions and advice by the SIRE Lifestyle Sciences.

Visit: - www{dot}jordystravers{dot}nl for more information about my business...


Hello Everyone


My name is Matt and I just wanted to drop in and introduce myself and say hello.

Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday weekend!

Forex robot that creates millions

Most of the best Forex trading hours happen when you are away from your computer. If you include automated trading robots you will not miss good trading opportunities. There are numerous Forex Robots available. But many of them don’t perform as they promised to do. I recently bought and tested a robot named FAPTURBO 2. It functions well above the so called “promising robots”. Back testing and live results are far better than other trading Robots. In order to see great results, you need to modify default parameters. Optimizing a Robot is indeed a great way to double your profits. As far as my trading behavior I use Fapturbo 2 for yearly trading. Fapturbo 2 has money management and a stealth mode in order not to be tracked by some brokers. This software is inevitable for both amateurs and professionals.The real profit generating Robot Fapturbo 2 is live now. This software is worth an investment, comes with an attractive price of 149$.

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Any Niche Affiliate Marketers out there?

Hey guys,

So I`ve been blogging and doing online marketing for quite some time (2 years), more so as just a hobby dealing with things like swimming, fitness, health, marketing, some retail marketing topics. I`ve started working more regularly on a niche ecommerce affiliate sales website to see if I can get it up and running to actually make a profit. I`ve done relatively minimal work with it and have about $7.80 in commission junction revenue (2 products sold).

I used to have the website deal with the whole market (for example dog treats) but now it deals specifically with a particular brand that is super low in competition.

My plan is to build up this brand/niche site with more traffic and hopefully more sales, then when I feel I have reached a plateau of search traffic from this brand, I`ll expand to another niche brand in the industry.

Is this a sound strategy? What kind of tips can anyone give me to make sure that I`m on the right path to gain ground in niche search results and customers. I do understand a bit about creating conversion oriented design, calls to action, etc.

I was also thinking about using Fiver to promote my products through posters and cards located where my particular customers hang out.

Anyway... what are your guys thoughts so far?

Are portacabins a green office solution?

Hi everyone,

I own an eco-friendly small business and as things are going well we’d like to expand our staff and our office space. Our company has a green ethos so we’d like our new office space to be as environmentally friendly as possible, whilst still being affordable. My business partner came across a company who build portacabin offices and I was wondering how green they are?

Is a portacabin more or less environmentally friendly than a brick building? I have vague memories of being cold in my primary school portacabin so I was wondering whether they’re less efficient at retaining heat, or is my memory just faulty? I’m also aware that in the many years since I was at school portacabins may have improved drastically!

If any of you have any personal experience of using portacabins recently, especially as office space, and with any information about their green credentials, that would be very much appreciated.



I have a way to solve rat problems without poisons or traps. How do I proceed?

A long time ago, a dog called the rat terrier was invented. It is a dog specifically bred to kill rats. You pump smoke into the rat hole and as soon as rats come pouring out the rat terrier kills them.

This eliminates the need for poisons, rat traps, and unlike the traditional ways the rats are removed the same day the exterminator shows up.

The problem is, I'm an expert on dogs, not pest control. I can train a dog to find rat holes and kill rats, but I read that the pest control guys will locate where the rats got in the house and seal it off. I have no idea how any of that is done. Do you think not sealing off the entrance will be a deal breaker with most people?

How do you think I should set my prices? A traditional exterminator charges $250+ for rats, but he also seals off the entrances. I was thinking a pay per performance rate of $50 for the first rat and $10-20 for each additional rat.

How hard should I push the "green" thing? With no use of chemicals other than the smoker, this is an environmentally friendly business.

Hello from Yorkshire!

Hi all,

I'm a co-founder of an eco-friendly business and just thought I'd say hello from "sunny" Yorkshire ;)

Emily x

Do you need job in life sciences ?

Hello Everyone !

Jordy Stravers Managing Partner and Director at Jobs Lifesciences. He is providing high premium in tailored Life Science recruitment solutions and advice by the SIRE Life Sciences.

Visit: - www{dot}jordystravers{dot}com for more information about my business...


How will you find a corporate film production ?

Hello Everyone !

We are full-fleged animation, VFX & editing studio providing end to end solution to clients for there video presentation requirements. Our in house studio equipped with latest technology & software with dedicated team creates video to impress! Our in depth experience in films & animation Provide complete solution right from concept,scripting, Shoot, Animation, Editing, to final video.

Visit: - www{dot}ellusionent{dot}com for more information about my business....


jeudi 28 août 2014

Clients not Willing to Come to Office

I run a website designing and development company. Our complete work is online and I go to client’s place for the purpose of sales. We charge 50% advance to start the work and 50% on completion. Problem I m facing is clients don’t want to come to office to get the work get completed. They prefer me to come to their place and even want web designer to visit their location. It is very difficult to visit client’s place. If we ask them to mail the details they express their inability and project gets pending. This trend is seen in 50% of the clients.

Recently a customer called for 2nd project work. I said 1rst project is pending since 1 year, to which she said she is not getting time and if I can send a person to her office she will get completed the project.

Can there be alternative solution to this problem?

Bad Salesmanship

Got a call today from someone selling web design. In her defense, she had a heavy Asian accent and probably didn't know our culture or western sales very well. I often listen to sales pitches if it doesn't take away from what I am doing. You can learn a lot listening to the pitch of a good sales person.

So she gave a 15 second pitch. I said politely 'I'm not interested'. She said politely 'ok, thank you for your time' and hung up.

There are so many counter pitches she could have done. She gave up at the first NO.

I was dumbfounded that she didn't come back at me with a backup pitch or two.

I guess it just goes to show that not everyone is a salesperson

Introduction and rules of marketing

Hi everyone,

I am Younus from Pakistan. I am a new member here and looking forward for good ideas in business field especially marketing a business. What are the basic rules of marketing as a starter?

Is there anyone purchasing products from China?

Hello,friends! i'm Enya Ko.

Many customers wanted me to purchase kinds of products for them from China.it's my pleasure and i want to do my best to serving them.then,i would like to know what do you think about the China factory and products? and which is more important for you between the prices and quality? is there any problem makes you feeling confused when you cooperate with China factory? your opinion will be very helpful for me. i really appreciate for your reply.

Thanks for your attention!


mercredi 27 août 2014

Staff Not Motivated?

Alright, so I'm trying to start a company with a couple friends. Recently, they haven't been taking it seriously. When I try to talk to them via Skype, they're always off topic and playing Minecraft or something. It's starting to get annoying. I don't want to stop the company or fire them because if I do I have nothing for this. I'm so stuck. What do I do?

How do you measure your stats? Visitors, Uniques, Hits, or Page Views?

I've heard people make the case for both over the years. Some say Unique visitors is what matters, but as we all know you can't measure accurately by Unique IP address since many people can be on one IP address as well as 1 user visiting multiple times in a 24 period is still counted once. And you can fake Unique IPs with a script.

Hits, from the old glory days when that was the only measurement, we all know are worthless as an accurate measure of actual visitors.

Visits are all requests for pages no matter if they are from the same users.

Page Views are just that. How many times your pages were loaded/requested by all users.

For traffic measurement I watch the page views, time on site, and bounce rate more than anything

Which metric do you all use as a measurement of your site's daily traffic and/or popularity, and why that one?

Business Plans??

Do you need a business plan but don’t know how to write one? I can help! I have a BA (Hons) Degree in Business Management with Entrepreneurship, and experience in writing successful business plans for investment and visa purposes. Let me do the hard work for you, saving you time and stress!

For inquiries please email me at alice.archer2@gmail.com or send me a message through here!

How to attain Online presence?

I am a newbie in the online business world and want to attain online presence at the the fastest pace in order to achieve targeted customers, Please help me with your worthful suggestion to do this.

Better-quality social media marketing services:


SocialAqua(dot)com offers Quality, Genuine and Targeted Social Marketing Services for our

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Facebook Likes :

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Linkedin Connections :

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Youtube Views :

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Tumblr Followers :

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Pinterest Followers :

100 Pinterest Followers $12

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Instagram Followers :

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You can purchase the Packages from our website www(dot)socialaqua(dot)com . If you have any

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and we will get back to you in next 24 hours .

Best Regards,

Wilson Hill,


mardi 26 août 2014

How to expand my export business?

Hi, all guys here!

I'm from China and I'd like to expand our export business.

At persent, we have alreadly help clients to source products from China. But all our clients are from EU. Now we want to expand our business in USA. Can anybody tell me how to do it?

We are good at controlling quality for clients. We can source directly from Chinese manufacturers, so that cut down costs for clients.

Thank you very much!

Danny Ruiz - Fairfax, VA

Hi everyone! I'm Danny Ruiz from Fairfax, VA. I have a small business in Fairfax, which is BlueStar Air Mechanical Inc. that does air conditioning, heating and plumbing repair service and maintenance. I join this forum to know more about marketing and sales. Since we've been doing business for years, I still want have some knowledge on expanding my business and have more sales. I am expecting more to this forum and learn something new. :) Thanks everyone :)

Want to start some kind of business. HELP

Hello everyone, my name is Eric. Ive read about all of the sucess stories that come with starting your own business, and i want to make that come true. I am 15 years old, and have had a dream since i was 7 of having an expensive, loud, attention-grabbing car. i believe that i can make this come true if everything goes well. i have been thinking of many business ideas, and have ruled out services. So i narrowed it down to products. The one that grabbed me the most were iPhone cases. I picked iphone cases because they will never go out of style, and we will always need some kind of case for our phones. But i need some help choosing the right approach to start my business. Ordering from china seemed risky, but also seemed like a good low budget start. I am up for anything that a business may throw at me, and want to get moving on making my dream come true. Any tips anyone can give me will be greatly appreciated as well as other product business ideas that have a low startup cost that can grow bigger later. Thank you for taking your time to read this.



how to properly open my first small business???

Hello, my name is Agustin and I'm currently trying to open up my own business in nampa, id. And I'm in need of lots and lots of help!! I'm currently working in sales but I don't want to work for anyone anymore I want to work for myself and eventually have some actual time and money to do the things I love! I'm trying to start up a drywall and sheet rock business but I'm in need of some huge advice on what I need in order to do it because Iv been getting mixed answers which is fine I need as much info as I can get to do it right the first time!

Buying car under business name


I have two check cashing and multipurpose location. Wanted to know if it is a good idea to buy a car under the business. I do travel between both location and also go to alot of warehouse to pickup products. How would it work if I do put it under the business? would it be benefit in tax time?


lundi 25 août 2014

Video Conferencing Software

PeopleLink is one of the best ISO 9001:2008 certified Video Conferencing Software, Solutions and Service Provider in India, offering high definition HD Audio and Video Conferencing Solutions. PeopleLink is a pioneer in high definition multi-party video conferencing using a personal computer, with HD quality over converged IP networks.

We offer HD Video Conferencing Solutions for Boardrooms of large enterprises using only one third of bandwidth of comparable solutions. With our Professional, Affordable, Secure video conferencing software services, you can virtually meet anyone in the world over the internet and not just installed locations. Our Video conferencing technology works on the model of concurrent users.

As many users can get connected simultaneously equivalent to the number of licenses purchased, irrespective of their location. For example, if you purchase 10 licenses, you can simultaneously connect any of your 10 locations and not just any fixed locations (unlike other competitor products, where you can connect only installed locations on video conference meetings).

Any Body Tell Me How I Post A Classified ?

Tell Me How I Post A Classified.

dimanche 24 août 2014

Advertising Strategies

Hello All,

I am an owner of a new retail business that sell discount products. Being new to the business, we are learning and adjusting on a daily basis. I recently had a little time off from graduate school, and work. Given that time I was able to raise a bit more awareness to our business through our new website, and social media forums. Although this is working to a point. I would like to target advertisement to the local community as priority number, since we are really a neighborhood store.

Any suggestions? What are your thoughts on direct mailing? Flyers? etc. What are some tools that you use and the content?

Thanks, any comment and/or suggestion is greatly appreciated.


Hiring your first employee

Hi all!

We have been discussing hiring an employee and ran into many questions... I'm sure we could Google the information, but wanted to get some input from some of you that have experience.

Thinking back to when you first started your business, what did you all do when you hired an employee?

We will do criminal background checks, drug screens as well as MVR's. We will also have WC, General liability as we as bonding and insuring each person.

What are the steps to make it "official"? Do we need to send information to anyone? Should we start off doing the payroll ourselves or hire a company for that?

And of course, anything else you can think of.

Thank you!

Christina and John

Hello From Los Angeles

Hello All,

A little about myself, I am engineer by trade. Real Estate Investor, and a new owner of a new retail business. I stumble across this forum, and thought it would be nice to meet a few others that share the same interest.

New to the business world, I am seeking mentorship to navigate the murky waters of business ownership.



Taxes when deliver from one country to another


I am Belorussian living in France. I would like to start little delivery business and deliver things that people can buy online from France to Belorussia. French online shop normally do not deliver to my country, so i would like to help people to shop online and delver things to their home in Belorussia.

Could you please help me to understand if i have to register my company in France and if i have to pay taxes in France or i can just pay taxes in Belorussia since all income will come from there?

I am sorry in advance for my English.

I will be very thankful for any information.

samedi 23 août 2014

hello everyone! I am a small business supplier wishing to know more friends here

HI,I am yilin from china,mostly I sell things in china,also I have some of my things exported in small amount,I wish to know more friends here and learn more about online marketing, I am also very happy if I can be helpful to some who wish to creat small business but without product resource,thank you!:)

vendredi 22 août 2014

Acoustic bar/venue

First off i would like to say hi to all members! I have been intrested in this idea for a long while and would like some input from others around. I am from the KCMO area and would like to open/start up a Acoustic venue hall/bar or coffe shop.

I would have ameture/open mic nights 2 times a week and local music entrepanuers/college students, etc... to come in and promote their talent and also use it as a way to maybe spark an intrest for others to enjoy music as much as i do. i would like some constructive input on this idea from all. Also i have no clue as to where to start and who to talk to any help would grately be appriciated. thank you all and i look forward to hearing from you!



USN (Ret)

Expedia Scam

This happened to me with Expedia, but I suspect most online booking services do this.

My mothers 90th birthday this weekend. I booked through Expedia for my wife and I weeks in advance. I entered the wrong date and couldn't change it online so I called them. They changed the dates and sent me a confirmation. I didn't verify the dates when I got the confirmation. My error.

So we got to the airport and the dates were wrong. I called Expedia to see what could be done. On a $1200 dollar ticket they wanted 400 dollar change fees. Not only that, they would not just charge me the $400 dollars. They said I had to buy completely new tickets and cancel the ones I originally purchased for credit that could not be applied to the tickets I already had. That would mean that they would have 2400 dollars of my money plus they will charge me 400 dollars should i use the canceled tickets within the next year. Otherwise I forfit my 1200 dollars. So they lock me into using them within the next year or forfit the money.

I'm sure this is all in the fine print so they are covered.

They also play the eternal hold game. Someone answers the phone right away. I discuss it with them and they say I need to speek with a supervisor and there is a 30 min wait. Only a supervisor can transfer you to a manager and that is another 30 min wait. Of course it was much longer than 30 minutes and I never did get a manager. I hung up and went through the process several times. I finally did get a supervisor. She told me there was nothing she could do.

I then went online and looked for reviews. I could not find one positive review for any of their services.

Apparently the strategy is if everything goes well online, things are fine. If you make an error, they try to screw you over as best they can. They usually already have your money.

My brother says he uses them only for finding itinerary. He always books through the airline directly. He fly's a lot and has not found the prices to be much different from the Expedias of the world and going to the airline direct.

Live and learn, but I would sure like to make the media aware of this.

Quick VAT Question


I've got a quick VAT question for you -

I am starting up an e-commerce business. I will be getting UK suppliers to ship directly to the customers. I live in Guernsey so we don't pay VAT. However, I will need to charge UK customers VAT (as our suppliers will charge it) and Channel Islands customers without VAT. Obviously I will need to make something as well.

Am I allowed to specify an incl and excl VAT price if I'm not VAT registered? or with a 20% difference in the prices.

I am not sure the best way to charge UK customers 20% more (equating to VAT amount). Any advice appreciated.


Stainless Steel Round Bar SS Round Bar Suppliers India.

We take please in introducing over selves as one of the leading Exporter, Stockiest & Suppliers of Ferrous & Non Ferrous Metals. We deal in Tubes, Pipes, Plates, Sheets, Shims, Strips, Patti, Circle, Round Bar, Hex Bar, Square Bar, Wire & Fittings in Various Grade & size.

Web Design Business

I m planning to start web designing business. I already worked with 2 companies and have better understanding for web designing and client’s interaction sessions. My concern is I m mainly here to target non-Google traffic, specially from Social media. But I m unable to make a plan.

1. How many hours per day I should spend?

2. Proper strategy on social networks. I did on Facebook, but no results.

3. Which site can get me quality traffic ?

My company is located in a city so out of city traffic will not give me projects. Off line marketing is very expensive for me.

commodity online trading tips

  • I think Gold and silver after some time trade low price. Indian Gov. work for decreasing the 2% import duty on gold.

  • Gold trade at Rs 27762 move over with 15 points and trade positive zone. Silver move above side with +36 points and trade Rs 42116. Copper price 426.4 with 0.38% above side.


jeudi 21 août 2014

Start Up Finances!

Hey guys, so I am trying hard to start my business, I just need a financial boost. I have fairly new credit so it's difficult to get a loa. My question is; what are some helpful tips are far as getting a loan, or some type of start up money to get my business rolling?

I have my plan, my costs, everything basically.

Also, I'm even signed on to one of those sites where people can fund your idea.:D


hai everyone!! :)

hello members

ravee kumar here,

i m a Diploma student in certified business administration. :cool:

mercredi 20 août 2014

Business Programs for Sale

I have a couple of programs that I have no longer use for if anyone is interested.

Zero to Launch-Ramit Sethi

Finishers Formula-Ramit Sethi

Product Launch Formula-Jeff Walker

PM me if you are interested

Buying Products Abroad to Sell in US

I want to sell products from abroad. How to do I find places that I can import from? I want to start an ecommerce site to sell them.

Mega Kegger

So, you have a giant milk truck tanker, decorate it, paint it with the words "Mega Kegger" have speakers on top with lights and music. You have 4 taps on each side of the tank where people can fill their cups with whatever beverage (beer).

Instead of filling the whole tanker up with beer you just insert kegs inside for each tap. You would hype up the "Mega Kegger" as kind of like the Wiener Mobile of beer. You hire a driver, some security, figure out the legality and licensing for selling beer. Communicate with event managers (fairs, concerts, festivals, etc) and pay for a spot.

Charge a certain amount per cup and you can drink as much as you want.

....thoughts? :D

mardi 19 août 2014

Clock Repair Business

Hello to everyone. Long time reader but first time posting. I enjoy working on old clocks such as the Seth Thomas mantel clocks from the 1920's or so. Working on and repairing these old clocks is almost a lost skill, not many people can do this work. The area I live in has a population of around 300,000 people. I know of only two others that even try to work on these old clocks and it seems to take them forever to actually do a repair. My idea is to start the business in my home, offer a reasonable turn around time on a repair and possibly offer to deliver the repaired clock. As far as pricing, I would have a set price to disassemble, clean, oil and reassemble the clock. Customers wouldn't have a clock repaired so they could tell what time it is, they could see the time on their cell phone, they would have it repaired because of the memories they associate with the clock. I did a search but was unable to locate anything related to clock repair. Does anyone have any experience in this area? Would you consider having an old family clock repaired if it was a quality repair? Thanks in advance for all replies.

new employee annoys me

I hired a new guy this week....after 6 weeks of looking he was the best i could find

boy is he annoying....i cant stand the guy in many ways......i work with him all day long and have to listen to his BS all day

his work is decent if he would just shut up...

not sure what im going to do with him.....he is talking too much with homeowners too......which i cant have....he goes on and on with his BS to homeowners...he isnt just answering questions from homeowners...he starts the conversations so he can say the same BS stuff over and over.....he want everyone to know his business....arrrrgggggg

also he isnt putting stuff away very well...he throws my tools all over the place and ive been cleaning it up...that will stop tomorrow though...im going to make him clean his mess up before the job is done...i will inspect it all......

today he even left his garbage between the front van seats

he also left a full can of soda in his lunch box between the seats ontop of my water and folders (its a pile between the seats, not a nice storage place)..when i went to get my water i tipped his box over and yellow liquid went all over everything...he got to eat a soaked sandwich..

its only his 2nd day.....i hate to fire someone because i dont like them, but its looking like i may have no choice..

how do you tell an employee to stop talking to homeowners??? how do you tell him to stop his BS talk???.......it will hurt his feelings for sure.....its offensive for someone to tell you that you talk to much and keep telling strangers your stories

Taxing, Reciept / Bill of sale, Selling, Products

I have an issue I'm running into, and I'm supposed to file paperwork for my sole proprietorship very soon. I want to start a motor assisted bicycle business, and as far as receipts/bill of sale and tax is concerned, I'm hitting a road block and can't find the answers I'm looking for on google. I'll be having a tax preparer do my taxes every year, but as far as billing and sales are concerned, I'm stumped by these questions:

1) I purchase the items and assemble the bikes, do I need to call the company I'm purchasing parts from and get authorization that it's allowed for me to resell their products?

2) Is there a way I can go about this so that I can just charge for service and not the product itself?

3) Where can I find the tax rate where I live? (Lufkin, Texas)

4) What needs to be on the reciept/Bill of sale?

Any feedback, input, advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all in advance!

Dirty Joke

I'm not going to tell the joke. Wasn't that funny anyway.

Got a call from a chick selling give aways like refrigerator magnets etc. Her intro was a joke that is bound to offend some. I wasn't offended, and the humor in it was the pitch started out with a dirty joke. Never had that approach before...

Here's what's wrong with Affiliate Marketing for the small guy

Over the years I've seen, signed up for or worked quite a few affiliate marketing programs with varying results.

Amazon, Ebay, Diet Pills, Health Products, Music, Travel and so on and so on.

Affiliate marketing on the surface for the average publisher is flawed in so many ways that it's almost like it's a front for free banner advertising.

Most affiliate programs are not set up for small publishers to actually make any money, and here's how you can tell:

  1. The Tools Suck

    Most affiliate programs pretty much consist of banners and that's it. A new affiliate will never make any money with these tools and the programs have to know this. In all my years of doing this it is amazing that anyone who is serious about having affiliates direct sales to them hasn't created better tools for them to do so. It's as if they don't really want you to succeed.

  2. The Rules Suck

    Most programs frown on you creating your own tools without special permission. However a new publisher will never get special permission. Larger/Super affiliates get all the best tools, and permissions. The people who run programs know they are treating smaller publishers this way, but they don't care.

  3. Communication is almost non existent.

    I've had a few affiliate managers reach out to me, but for the most part communications to affiliate managers go unanswered. Even though they send you the latest promotions frequently, good luck getting a question answered about promoting it. Most times as an affiliate you are on your own to read the rules and implement your own creativity on promotion as long as you don't break the rules on keyword bidding, spamming, trademark violations and so on. Trust me, they'll start talking to you when you start driving sales.

  4. The payouts are horrible.

    It goes without saying that affiliate payouts aren't what they used to be. You have to read the fine print to truly understand what you get paid on and how much. While some are straight forward, others fluctuate payouts and many times special promotions aren't included in payouts at all. It's just free advertising for them if you put those banners on your site.

So why do I ( and others) keep doing it? Because if you know your way around the rules, and have a good marketing plan in place you can still make money at it. Once you've proven yourself as a sales driver, you can renegotiate a better deal..and THAT should be the goal of every affiliate marketer. Not the deal that everyone gets, your own deal based on what you deliver. But you have to take the crap payments for a while before you can get there.

Small Business Ideas

I want to establish my new business. Please help me and give me information about the small business ideas.

lundi 18 août 2014


I am new here

Looks like a nice community

Plan on being active

Could you do this survey for my eco-friendly laptop bag startup company? Thank you!

Could you do this survey for my eco-friendly laptop bag startup company? Thank you!

International Taxes??

Hello everyone. I am a professional landscape and ocean photographer. I am from Florida and currently living in Australia. I am planning on building a website and selling my images to People in the USA and Australia. I do not plan on making more than 50,000$ during my first financial year.

My questions are

1. Do I need to register my business in both countries

2. Do I need to pay taxes in both countries? If yes. Do I pay taxes on revenue generated from just the sales from that country or all of the money I made that year.

Thanks a lot for the help. Jim :)

Questions for start up business owners

Hi everyone. Seems like we have quite a lot of startup/small business owners in here. I want to hear from you. What is the most frustrating part of your business and what is your #1 goal? Thanks!

Questions around why you started your business and alternate revenue streams

1. What led you into setting up the business you have now? Was it originally developed from an interest or skill you had, or some other reason?

2. Away from the business, do you have any other skills or interests?

3. Imagine if there was a way to generate additional revenue for your business or yourself using other skills or interests you may have that are separate to your business.

a) Have you thought about this? Does it ever cross your mind? Do you think about it often?

b) Have you done this, if so what else have you tried? What worked and for how long?

c) If you have thought about it but never tried it, what would you say are the reasons preventing you? What’s so hard about it? Which parts? Why?

dimanche 17 août 2014

Writing an "About the Company" section for a brand new company?

Hello, I am new here and this is my first post. I am starting a web design company and am almost done with making my companies website. However my "company" will only be a one man operation until I get some business and can afford to hire my first employee. I chose to actually register a business in my state with an actual name, which I won't name at the moment instead of being a freelance web developer. So this website is for that business entity but since I am the only one at the company how would I write my "about the company"? One of the reasons I chose to register an actual business was to look more professional and not look like some guy making websites out of his parents basement. The plan was to write goals of the company, the future path, etc but I find myself using the words "we" and "us" but I don't want to lie like there are employees when there isn't. Does anyone have any advice for me on this topic? Thanks!

Fullment side of ecommerce

I have an ecommerce business. But 60% of my orders are taken over the phone and closed there. I'm a direct distributor, not buying from a master distributor. The manufacturer I represent drop ships to my customer.

Does anybody have any experience with fulifullment in other types of ecommerce?

I wanted a backpack with wheels. Fairly large. I bought one from 'ebags'. I couldn't find one at the local stores here. I bought one. It was smaller than I wanted. They made returns (haven't returned it yet) and customer service easy. I suspect they will just send me a sticker for UPS to return it. They have a bigger bag that I will exchange it for.

They have various manufacturers they supply. My order arrived in days. They really have the fulfillment side of this down.

Are they inventorying products? I doubt it. What processes and procedures do they have in place to provide such great customer service?

I can sell stuff. I can have a good sales website put together. But commodity or psudo commodity product sites I have no clue about the fulfillment side.

Hi from Anahad Solutions - software firm

Hi All,

We are in the software business - consulting, maintenance and new development.




Alternative revenue stream for small business

Do you already have or if not, have you considered setting up alternative revenue streams for your business?

The idea being that by having revenue generated from multiple sources, your risk against any one is considerably reduced.


I would appreciate any information regarding closing by doors and going bankrupt. Unfortunately i think it is something we have to consider. The only dept that would be the remaining lease of 3 years. We are in corporation and from that account I pay the rent and common area maintenance. We are also a LLC and all bills and stock get paid with that account. I am not throwing in the towel yet..we are at least paying the bills but I want to know what it entails if we should have to close.

We have recently asked the landlord for some rent relief meaning no increase which would have been this month and remove last years increase..would mean approx $200

not a lot but anything helps. He said he will think about it for a six month duration and get back to me.

any info you can provide is greatly appreciated


Blockers to starting or growing a small business?

If you have a small business (or want to start one), what blockers do you feel exist that are preventing you from growing (or starting)?

  • What are the day-to-day pains and fears you face?

  • What things seem to be really standing in the way?

  • What do you think would help you to get around these blockers?

samedi 16 août 2014



this is my first post here.

how are you all.

Happy to join here.

Thank you.

Opinion on Marketing

Hi everyone!

This will be the first business for us to own, but the franchise that we are buying is a company I have worked for, for 14 years. I know the business like the back of my hand, just not the owning a business piece (I worked for the corporation). Where we are opening our franchise it is a "start up" territory, only starting with 9 clients. I will be solely focusing on the business while John is still working his current job. We will not hire any employees until we have enough to where I'm to busy to do it all. We have the opportunity to market for new customers prior to our official open date.

Do you feel I/we should learn, have a solid understanding of owning the business/taxes/payroll/ etc prior to marketing and expanding? Or market right away, grow fast and learn as I/we go?

Thank you for any advise or opinions you have!

Christina and John



I'm Zxx

Forming LLC, naming help needed

Hello, everyone - nice to meet you all.

Need some help here - we're getting ourselves all confused trying to figure some stuff out.

Here's the situation: we (husband/wife) are planning on buying a franchise. It would be a new franchise in an open territory (so basically a start-up with nothing at the start except the right to operate under the corporations brand name). We plan on signing the franchise agreement after the first of the year (1/2015). We're planning on forming an LLC under which to do this. This brings us to the questions...

We've found the location we want to lease to operate the business. We would like to get the location now before it is leased to someone else. I'm assuming the lease should be done under the yet-to-be created LLC - is this correct?

How can we form the LLC prior to signing the franchise agreement? Can we create our LLC under the name "J&C, LLC" and then still conduct business after 1/2015 as "Zaxxon Widgets", for example (the corporate name of the franchise business we are buying)?

As far as accounting is concerned, would it be acceptable to lease the location now just as "regular people", and have the business then reimburse us the lease expenses?

This also bring up a question about forming our LLC... The application will ask for a business address, but our business address is yet to be leased... It's kind of chicken/egg - how can we lease the location without having our LLC, and how can we form our LLC without having our business address?

Basically, we want the location, and we want to get it now before someone else does. We're okay with signing the lease under our own names and using our personal funds to do so... But in that case, how can we then re-coup those costs from the business once it is up and running? I realize that either way the money for the lease will be coming from "us", but we're getting all twisted around trying to figure out the financial and liability ramifications....

I realize this question may be confusing itself, so if clarification is needed on anything, just ask and we'll provide the info...

Thanks for any advice,

John & Christina

P.S. This probably goes without saying, but yes, this is our first time doing this. :)

vendredi 15 août 2014

Business Costs on Startup

I'm planning on making a sole proprietorship and I have a couple questions.

1) Do I need to file any paperwork?

2) Do I have to have the business set up before purchasing supplies to write off?

What does a business coach do?


Hopefully an experienced business coach will be able to answer some questions...

I am working on my website that will be a one-stop-shop for small business owners. There they will be able to find information about how to manage their businesses + tools like CRM, webmail, calendar, autoresponder, voip+pbx, ordering management system, CMS, bookkeeping and invoicing system, scheduling, project management, timesheets etc etc. + services (from accounting/bookkeeping, web+graphic design, virtual assistant etc etc). Services will be provided by third parties for most part to the benefit of small business owners that will have easy access to all of the above. In this regard I will create a directory or alliances with all sorts of business services providers like accountants, business lawyers, business insurance brokers, web designers, virtual assistants and call centers.

Browsing this forum I came across a couple of threads related to "business coaches" which I wasn't very familiar with but which sounds like a category that I should add to my website to partner with. In this regard I have a few questions to help me understand better their services and how to best approach and include this category in my site:

-is this a regulated industry like accountants and lawyers?

-is there an association and an "official" industry website available?

-is there a professional designation? are there any certifications and exams required for somebody to offer these services?

-what education background and work experience do business coaches typically have?

-what kid of services, more exactly do they provide? do they make any plans for the client (like biz plan, marketing plan, operations plan) or just point them into the right direction? do they provide any connections? do they refer other business services (accountants, etc?)

-what kind of rates do they typically charge and how much would a client pay to a business coach per year (median "ticket" per year)?

-how can a small business owner find a local business coach? is a lot of "business coaching" done online or is it primarily a local activity?

-how do business coaches market themselves primarily? how do they get clients?

-anything else I should know?

Website headaches

So the server host for JBF Corporate (A franchise who I work with on an individual franchisee basis some) went bankrupt and literally walked out on all their clients. As a result everything went down - email, online tagging system, websites... and we've been dealing with it ALL DAY LONG - actually started yesterday afternoon at 3pm.

The biggest event I work with starts on Monday - this has not been fun!

My question though - after the tech guys finished their work on the problem and everything should be working this is what the CEO said:

"Here is the most recent update: It is my understanding that now that the DNS server is back up and running that it takes time to cycle through all the website providers and browsers. Providers do not provide an exact timeline for us to share with everyone, unfortunately. While you may not be seeing our website, your next-door neighbor on a different service may be seeing the website just fine. We have made efforts to find a way to expedite this update process for all providers, but found there is no way to control the timing of these updates. As you can see in other posts, more and more users are seeing their websites from their own computers. All the websites should be UP, it is just that your internet provider may not have updated their DNS process just yet. Not sure if this info is helpful, but might explain some of the inconsistencies in our recovery."

that was hours ago and I still have nothing - no website, no email, no nothing. I've restarted my modem/router, my computer, cleared my internet history, cache and cookies... anything else I can do or am I stuck until my internet provider does whatever little magic thing the "DNS Process" is?

Business Ideas - part 1

So I`m doing this more for myself, but here are some business ideas:

  1. Canoe Rental - Provide "free" canoes to resorts in Wisconsin but contract a commission per rental.

  2. Independent Sales Freelancers - Categorize independent, experienced salespeople on website based on industry expertise, track record, etc.

  3. Personal Online Swim Trainer - website where people can send in videos of races, or simply them swimming and have technique critiqued by college level+ swim instructors

  4. Business Idea generators (as I run out of ideas haha) -- Marketed as crowdthinking -- a place of free flow information and answer seeking when coming up with business ideas.

Okay that`s what I have... what do you all think so far? :confused:

Learn how to manage your business through social media!

Laura here from Likeable Local. We are a social media solution that helps small businesses like yours to greatly improve your community engagement and drive offline results. Feel free to check out our website at likeablelocal.com!

I'd love to set up a free 15 minute demo/consultation to help you explore the technical aspects of our platform and determine whether or not it would be a good fit for your business. You can email me directly at lauraw@likeable.com if you have any questions or are interested!

Look forward to hearing from you. Have a great day!



1099 Authorized Representative

Can I allow a 1099 employee (office manager) to be my authorized representative for my company and sign the I-9 documentation page when hiring another 1099 employee? I have been told this may be a legal issue but I'm unable to find anything regarding this in my research.

Anonymous Company Formation

When forming a company I have seen most places require passport/id of the applicant.

Is it possible to use a entity(another company, corporation, etc) to form a company?

If not, then how can you form a company anonymously as you are providing your name/address/photo/d.o.b etc?

Apparently it is possible to do, can anybody shed some light on this?

Thanks in advance.

E commerce store or real store which one is better ?

Online Shopping is more and more popular with the development of online sales.

So purchasing product is one of the most important tips in the online sales.

The rapid expansion of ecommerce has made it possible for almost all big retail companies to set up their own online stores

with regularly updated content.With more and more platform for you to select including ebay,amazon,wwcws ect...

This trend is stimulated by the attractive low-cost ecommerce hosting services offered by different hosts on the web.

What about the real store? will it be replaced by e commerce store? The e commerce supply virtual items but the real store supply physical

items. As for the the cstomers they would like to shop in real store...The real store take much room to shows our products but more attractive...

It maybe a trend to combine real store with e commerce store to rush your sale would be a better choice...

jeudi 14 août 2014

At what point do you decide to take the leap into business?

For most of my college career I've always wanted to have a business of my own. I've had lots of experience in marketing and sales as well as internet marketing. I understand that starting a business is tough, but a part of me is constantly wanting to.

At what point did you decide to start your first business? And what made you take the jump?

Can't wait to hear from you guys!

LLC - DBA in two states

I am trying to register an LLC for my new business. My primary residence is in Wyoming, which has some tax advantages I know. The business will be operating out of Arizona for 6 months out of the year. I bought this company which already has a registered LLC in Arizona, and I am keeping the same name. I do not want to take over the existing LLC because I do not want to assume any legal liabilities from the previous owners.

My question is what is the best way to go about registering my LLC? Can I register the LLC and DBA in Wyoming since I am here half of the year and it is my primary residence? In this case will I still have legal protection in Arizona? Do I have to register in Arizona for tax purposes?

Alternatively, can I have my LLC in Wyoming yet register my DBA in Arizona?

Any help or opinions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you :D

Hi from Minnesota!

I'm so glad I found this small business board!

I am currently a freelance web master, and I work from home - so getting to socialize with other entrepreneurs is going to be really great!

Looking forward to meeting everyone, and helping anyone I can. :)

It's great to be here!

Sara Williams Murray

Free You Up, Inc.

Personal Finances

I'm 3 years into my business and haven't really had the chance to "pay myself". I literally work for pennies by the hour, most of the time. At certain points of the year, I'm making less than a dollar per hour. And it gets very old, very fast. I'm tired of scraping by. And this disappoint leads to further motivation and drive toward success. Because after awhile, eating peas and ramen noodles gets tired. And I prefer to have a large stack of cash rather than a meager pile of pennies.

How do you people go about converting your profit, if you have any, into personal finances?

How much should an owner pay himself? And what if he can't? What "reward" is justified? Should you work for yourself, or set aside rewards for your children, if you have any or plan to have them?

Meat agent in middle east?

Hi , briefly this is the deal , im set out to find customers for a big meat exporter in africa, my target is 10-1000 ton a month for less then 5000 dollar/ton with daily flights included.

How would u locate the customers?

If u know a way im willing to share with u ;)

How high comission would you take from the customers?

Launching A New Product?

Hey guys,

If you are selling products to distributors or retailers, launching a new product can be tricky. If you are launching a new product or thinking about launching one, my goal is to try and show you a few things that you need to consider and think about.

Here are some quick issues that many manufacturers and retail vendors run into:

  • Thinking selling to retailers is easy - underestimating the time, money, and effort it takes to produce, market, and connect with buyers can sometimes leave businesses in ruins before they ever start getting sales.

  • Having experience in only a couple areas of product development - so you built the product.. but what about pricing strategies, concepts, competition analysis?

  • Proper market research - is there a consumer demand for your product? Are you just assuming this based on other businesses or have you personally gone out and tried selling it to real people?

  • Spending too much money too soon - why spend money and time on dozens of "cool" features for your product? They might be unneeded as well as a waste if nobody likes them. Try and have a minimum viable product to start sales.

If you would like more help launching your product simply comment or you can message me personally.

Good luck with business!

Need your feedback pleasse

Hi everyone,

I am in the process of creating a new landing page for our website.

We are a business voip service provider that offers toll-free numbers, digital receptionist, and more. Our target market are startups and small business owners. I would love to get your (brutally) honest feedback, comments, and suggestions

The original is here

New concept is here

Appreciate the replies!


Question regarding RESALE OR SELLER'S PERMIT...

I'm considering using my permit in a different industry and build a different website.

1. Do I need to notify the BOE? I remember I wrote down "online retail" when I applied for the license to cover me in case I ever want to sell different things.

2. Vendors who require a copy of my license, what do they do with it? I mean do they report every single item and quantity that I buy to the government? I want to know how seriously I must take the rule of "no personal" use. If I buy 100 dvd players, and I end up selling 90 of them. I gave away several to friends, and I used one for myself. Will men in black show up at my door?

My goal is to have several websites selling things I'm interested in. A website selling sporting goods, a different website selling tools, and lastly, a website selling Asian theme gifts. I'd like an umbrella website, which explains who I am, which is a online retailer of different industries, and then provide links to the different stores I've opened.

Just curious if I need a different seller's permit for each industry, and curious about how strict the "no personal use" rule is. How would they know I didn't sell all 50 basketballs and that I shoot hoops on the weekends with one of it. Do they have a record of everything I buy like Big Brother?

Please advise, your advice is much appreciated. Thank you.

mercredi 13 août 2014

Helping small businesses put products in retail

Hey guys,

My name is Benjamin and I love business, especially small businesses. I work in retail marketing helping to guide businesses towards improved sales, merchandising programs, and marketing strategies.

With hundreds of helped businesses, alongside Retailbound, we have a phenomenal track record. One client in particular becoming Inc magazines top 500 fastest growing companies in about 4 years.

If you sell a product, I can help ya.

Social network survey in small business

Hi, I’m doing my dissertation related to Facebook, YouTube and Twitter in SMEs. Hope you fill out the survey, thanks.:o


Don't know when to hire an employee

I have a decent business in trash removal. Around 430 customers. Makes roughly 2,000 a week or so. I put in about 40 hours of labor and 10-25 hours a week depending on the week of the month I'm in. I know, my business has a period :P

I have a bookkeeper which costs me around 1300 a month so far. I think it will come down as they figure out my business and streamline their methods to fir y business. I also have to pay 1300 a month to the guy who I bought the business off of. Rent is 700, and gas a week is averaging 300. So I make 4400 (roughly) a month. (I hope I didn't just break some cardinal rule about money, but I just figured the more information I put, the higher the chances of advice that applies to me).

I know I need an employee to be able to grow and expand. I know I have to be making more than I am spending by quite a lot. I also think I am at the tipping point where I could get one and grow or stay the same and just plateau.

Do you guys have any sort of model that I should follow as far as how much I should have in the bank before I even consider an employee?

Pop Up vs. New Window. How do you like your ads served?

With the ads and links on my side blog I've been experimenting with both pop ups vs. opening links in a new window and was wondering what other opinions are.

I've always held the feeling that you shouldn't send people away from your site to someone elses unless you are done with them. Inside articles it's unavoidable. You have to give people the information. But affiliate links have also been the exception, and I never liked that. I've always preferred opening a window to where the transaction takes place, leaving my site open in the background as the reference, so that when they are done or decide not to purchase they are still on my website and I get another shot at them, or they can continue reading.

I also have a pet peeve about pop us that just happen without you having to click anything. Usually people do this with newsletter sign ups which I've grown to accept, but I hate it when it's an unrelated ad. For instance if I go to Forbes, a pop up about other Forbes products seems reasonable. A pop up about the latest pharmaceutical just seems too "in your face" advertising for me.

I have been testing related ads pop ups. For instance if you click on a story in the Vegas category, you get a Vegas ad. Pretty standard and logical. The click throughs are much better than the obligatory sidebar ads.

My main conundrum is hating invasive pop ups when I'm surfing, but liking them for my own site with the limits that I just explained. I do enjoy well placed ads on other sites and definitely prefer related video ads over banners.

What is acceptable for you as a reader or web surfer? When are ad presentations acceptable to you? And do you like leaving a site when you click a link, or staying with the site, but being able to see what the offer is?

Just curious.

Could you help me?

Hello everybody!

I'm from Ukraine and I'd like to start export business.

I have a good possibility to buy steel reinforced (and also other steel products) for a good price. How and where can I find a potential customer in the Europe?

And also I am interesting in export of some kind of food that will be competitive in the market of Europe (honey, walnut etc).

Thank you very much!

I like the "Like" button

So... you all know I was away for awhile, when I came back I noticed the new "like" button and I like it! Not sure how long it's been around... but it's good. :)

What is a fair split of profit in this scenario?

Hi everyone. I'm so glad I stumbled on this site.

I'm a creative director in a multinational advertising/design company. Throughout my 20 years in this profession, I've built a reputable portfolio and garnered lots of connections with clients and suppliers. I always believe if I start my own firm, it will eventually prosper. Unfortunately, the only thing holding me back is that I don't have the capital for it.

Recently, I've met this guy who is very interested to invest in this kind of business. He is an owner of a well established mid-size company specializing in events and exhibits. He figured, having a design business would further strengthen and retain his existing clients (since all exhibitors/events needs various marketing/advertising materials). And for me, this makes sense since I can start immediately to target his clients while going for bigger projects.

What he is proposing is that I will manage the entire operation of the business since he has 0% knowledge in advertising while he provides the capital and expenses. We haven't talked yet about the profit sharing and I'm hoping before we resume our meeting next week, I have at least some idea what is fair in this kind of arrangement.

I have a few questions:

-Am I categorized as an "industrial partner" since I wont be contributing financially but has the know-how to run the business

-What about the split of profit? Should it remain the same all throughout? Later on, what if the business gets bigger? Is it right to stipulate in our contract for a higher or possibly an equal split?

-The money that he will provide to start the business, will it be considered a loan and should be returned back in certain percentage accoding to profit? (Offhand, I think it shouldnt be the case and will only be liquidated once the business folds.)

-what else should I need to address on this arrangement?

Hope someone can help me out.

Hi friends.....

Hi friends

this is my first post on this forum.

I found this forum from Google.

I hope here can have fun.

mardi 12 août 2014

Decent website design software or website

I am trying to find the best way to make my own website for my new credit repair business. Most of the companies I have talked to want a whole bunch of money to design and host my site. Is there a cheaper way to build and maintain a website of my own so that I can update it as my business grows. If anyone out there has some information for me, get in touch with me as soon as you can. Thanks

Harbor Mobile for business?

I came across Harbor Mobile on Twitter and they seem to be offering T-Mobile service for $30/mo. Has anyone ever heard of them?

Starting a small business, what do I need?


So I'm going to start my own business out of my home, specializing in custom graphic work (signs, banners, t-shirts, vinyl decals, auto wraps, etc.)with plans of moving into a store and growing from there. I have everything planned out with how much I am going to charge, I've created my own POS software using Microsoft access that will keep track of all income and invoices. I have everything figured out as far as what I'm going to do, what I'm going to name it, and how the business is going to be ran. However, I am new to starting a legit business. I'm looking for some help on what I need legally. Can someone give me a list of the things I need to do to make this all legal? Thanks.

repuation management letter

Okay, so I got this letter in the mail and it had a hand-written address and my own name on it. I opened it and my bad reviews on Yelp show up. He highlighted the bad stuff for me. I admit, my reputation isn't the best in my area (3 star). And then in the next page he claims that he can help my reputation with legit Yelp reviews. "Studies show that one star increase on Yelp translates into 9% sales increase every month!". He also said that too.

First of all, is this legit? I don't know how you can get good legit reviews for Yelp. Second of all, will a four star rating immensely help my business (restaurant in a medium town)? He's a local and asked for a meeting or a call.

New member, very sociable. Want's to learn and help if I can.


My name is Jed and I own a trash removal business.

(Hi Jed.)

Anyways, I've owned my business for about 3 years. Started right out of high school (I am now 21). I recently bought out a retiring trash man and currently have about 430 customers and two trucks. However he ran his business completely different from how I run mine and it has been interesting/ stressful with my new recruits. I am at a tipping point with the business. I work 40+ hours a week and that doesn't count the phone calls I field or the paperwork I do. I recently hired a bookkeeping business to help but it is cheaper to have an employee! Anyways, just growing pains. Ones that I'm not complaining about!

About myself, I have a wife and a little girl. Love them both and they give me the drive.

I look forward to getting to know some people on here!

Think you have an idea for the next big thing, but have no skills or money? Read this

This article crossed my desk this morning. Mind you it isn't meant to discourage anyone, but it's a realistic look at what people don't take time to think about before they approach others to take them seriously, or worse yet, do all of the work for the promise of 50% of the non existent profits.


"Summary: A reader with no tech skills and little money has a great idea for an app. He thinks Apple and Android will both want to make it a standard feature. You know this isn't going to end well."

Read the article here: So you have an app idea and want to make a bajillion bucks | ZDNet

plse can someone run my business

I am looking for someone with excellent knowledge on running a business for fast high growth and to move thru uk and overseas...it is mainly a sales job but very rewarding as small business will benefit hugely...

Buy Passport ,Visa ,Driving and other License,degrees ,certificates ETC

We are the best producer of quality fake documents .We offer only original high-quality fake passports, driver's licenses,Citizenship , fake degrees,counterfeit in Dollars , pounds and Euro ,permit and all type of fake documents,ID cards, stamps and other products for a number of countries like:

USA, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Italia, Finland, France,Germany, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, United Kingdom . This list is not full , will produce passport and other documents for many other countries.To get the additional information and place the order through our email address:jrola95@yahoo.com



Contact e-mails: jrola95@yahoo.com

How to start dropshipping Business?

Hello Everyone,

I am new for dropshipping business and i don't know how to start dropshipping business. Can someone help me that how i can start this business and which necessary things should i keep in mind before start the business.

Name for a new company

Hello everyone!

I'm going to set up a new IT company and I am trying to find a right name for it.

May I ask you for opinion? What do you think of " Newlineon "? how does it sound?

Business Student Trying To Collect Data On Mobile Applications Within Business

My name is Stephen and I am a business student at the Bloch school, University of Missouri Kansas City. I am currently working on an academic research project to better understand mobile applications in business. I am posting here asking for help in collecting the data that I need for this study.

If you are knowledgeable of your company's strategic approach to mobile applications and your company is either considering using mobile applications OR is currently using mobile applications, I would greatly appreciate your time in filling out this survey.  Also, if you know of any marketing managers, directors, executives, IT executives, or business owners that are knowledgeable about their company’s consideration or current usage of mobile applications, please forward them this message.

The survey is online and completely confidential. Nothing sensitive is asked and the data is only examined in aggregated form. Please don’t hesitate to inbox me or call Dr. Johnson on his cell (402.415.3639) if you have any questions.





lundi 11 août 2014

Everything to manage a small biz

Hello from Toronto

We are a new small biz and we aim to help other small firms manage their businesses by offering management education, tools, services and products. We hope to become a one stop shop where small business owners would learn how to and find what they need to manage their businesses - wish us luck.

We are here to see what are some (of the many) challenges that other fellow entrepreneurs face and hopefully address some of them. Business management is half art and half science and we'll be focused primarily on the science part, i.e convey how business schools approach one issue or another.

Kind regards to everybody


Hello Fella

I'm Raffy and I'm working at marketing agency. I know there are many things to be learned. So, I believe joining here is an great privilege to me.

Copywriting for a time management product

I want to write the copywriting for a product of mine. It is a book about copywriting (not in English). Do you know some other products in the same niche (books, agendas, courses etc) that have good sales letters with god copywriting? I need a little inspiration in seeing how other people organized their copywriting.

dimanche 10 août 2014

Multi-point portable speakers

We had a party a few days ago out in our cul-de-sac and we didn't have any music for it... no one had a portable sound system they wanted to set up, so it got me thinking about getting a portable speaker setup that would connect to my (android) phone. And I wanted a setup with, say, four speakers, so that we didn't have to blast the music on one side of the road so that people on the opposite side of the road could hear it. I also want to be able to take one or two of the speakers out to the pool on the weekend so that I can play music there as well. So it has to be completely wireless and battery powered.

Bluetooth is point-to-point, so most portable speakers limit you to one speaker with that configuration, which rules most of those out. I came across HiddenRadio2, which seems to do what I want, but can't find any reviews.

Anyone have any insights or buying advice to share about portable speakers?

samedi 9 août 2014

latest early retirement idea

i had originally thought of selling my business when i retire......but too many people now have told me my 1 man shop is worth nothing even though my sales are close to $600,000 a year....i dont get it, but almost no one thinks it has value being a 1 man shop

i am considering trying to retire at age 55.....one idea i have is to partially retire and hire a journeyman plumber to do 100% of the work....id answer the phone calls and do the bids (1-2 hours a day)......im thinking i can do this for 10+ years and probably still make 33-50% of what i do now...depending on how good/fast the employee is

my original retirement plan was age 65, but im having back issues and cant see working 22 more years in such a physical job....(im age 43)

anyone heard of someone doing this?

Natural and affordable price products

:D:DNamiNaturals.com is definitely the home of Nami Naturals. We're family members run business focused entirely on excellent natural products. Our product, Raw Shea

Butter is located on Amazon.com. Hopefully to help individuals through our blog to reside in healthier, happier lives.

vendredi 8 août 2014

Questionnaire for Hiring Contractors/Employees

I'm going to have to start hiring some contractors, and possibly some employees, soon. I notice that a lot of other business Web site will have a questionnaire for new applicants. (i.e., "Are you a US Citizen?", "Have you ever served in the military?", etc.). I was wondering if I legally need to give this questionnaire to prospective contractors and, even if I don't, what the name of this questionnaire is, so I can find an example on the Internet?

I know it's legally impermissible to ask a prospective employee/contractor their race, religion, US Citizenship status, etc., but was wondering how to implement this questionnaire and where to find it?


Please give me your brutally honest opinion - new business concept/idea


My name is Devon and I am new the board. I have a full time gig but it has been my dream to have my own business someday. So I am working on some ideas on the side.

Can you give me honest opinion of this concept? Please don't hold back as I don't want to waste time or money if the idea stinks!


Building custom marketing plans for small businesses. Target is startups who have no idea how to market their businesses or existing businesses that are getting no return on their advertising/mktg dollars.

Plans would be at least 25 pages (PDF/PPT) format. It would give them ironclad direct mktg rules to follow and then I would provide custom mktg ideas with step by steps.

I would schedule an intro call or survey with the client. I would learn about their business, them as a person, their industry and why they are stuck. And my plan would be customized for each client. No off the rack info you could buy in a $15 book.

I estimate each plan would take me 5-10 hours.

* Does this idea have any merit? Based on your expertise, would there be any demand for this?

* What do you think is a fair price for the plan?

* I need case studies and testimonials so if anyone is interested, I would love to build a plan for you FOR FREE. The only thing I ask for is maybe an hour of your time responding to questions about your business. I need help refining, testing, validating this concept - I could trade you a plan for you time. I have 14 yrs in the marketing world (currently Sr. Director title for largest concert promoter in the world).

Thank you for reading and responding to this post!


Recommend A Good Digital Order Management System?

Hi Everyone,

I work at a small marketing company and I was hoping to get some guidance in terms of finding a new order / billing system for us to use.

I would really, really appreciate any advice you would be willing to share with me.

Right now we handle all orders and billing entirely by hand with paperwork, and it's train wreck. I would like to solve this problem.

Essentially, the way we currently do it is ripe for error. When we take an order, the order and the billing information is written on a paper form. The form is then handed to someone who processes it in Paypal. Then it's handed to the boss, who tacks it on his wall. Then when the book keeper comes in (twice per month), she enters it into an invoice system and files it.

Seems simple and workable in theory, but in practice, there is way too much room for human error here, and it shows. Orders and billing information are frequently misplaced, double-charged, never charged, never invoiced, or flat-out forgotten about. We have lost a lot of money over the years as a result, and annoyed more than one client. What I want to get is a digitized system that helps us keep track of orders and billing information.

I think there has to be a hundred products on the market that have the features I'm looking for and many more. But when I look around, I get so overwhelmed by the selection. So many of them have features that have to do with inventory, vendors, shipping, and other things that don't apply to my business at all. I was wondering if someone could recommend a good, simple, and easy-to-use order management system that has most or all of the features listed below.

Features I'm Looking For:

-Each client has a profile

-Profile holds record of all orders, as well as billing information

-Billing information is dated, so that we know what information is most recent

-System is encrypted, so no chance of billing information being stolen

-Some orders have recurring charge (monthly service), some are one-time

-Orders can be categorized by type (IE: web development, advertising, design, etc.)

-System is completely searchable by client name, order type, date, etc.

-Can easily browse all orders, and sort them by name, date, type, etc.

-Orders can be easily printed or exported to PDF. Bonus points if can bulk-print or bulk-export multiple orders simultaneously

-System is password-locked

-Bonus points if different levels of access, so that manager can access billing information while regular user can only access orders

-Bonus points if system is cloud-based, or otherwise can be accessed via multiple users

Do any of you use digital order management systems?

What has been your experience with them?

Can you recommend one that would cover most or all of the features I'm looking for?

Again, I appreciate any advice you would be willing to share.

Thank You Very Much,


jeudi 7 août 2014

Hi! All the way from Asia, Philippines

Hi everyone! I'm a 23 year-old Filipino hoping to get ideas and learnings from this forum about businesses. I am very motivated to start a business but I don't know how, so I'll be reading in here maybe like as much as I can everyday. See you around! :)

In need of help on cold-calling script

I just started a new business called Venture Benefits, and our main form of marketing is cold-calling (whether walking in person or calling on the phone). This is what we do: we go into businesses to meet with business owners, HR reps, or office managers to consult with them on their current benefits, and show them how we can help to ENHANCE (not replace) their existing employee benefits package through VOLUNTARY benefits (Disability, Life, Dental, Call-A-Doc, Discount Programs, Etc). With the rising costs of health insurance, employees are at huge financial exposure with substantial deductibles, copays, and other out-of-pocket expenses, not to mention income loss, etc. If you need more information on the services, you can go to the website: Venture Benefits l Voluntary Insurance Benefits l Massachusetts

I have been cold calling by phone and have had many hang ups unfortunately, it is getting frustrating and I feel like my current script is not enticing enough. It would really help if I could get your advice. So if you could (1) pick your favorite script option below (2) tell me why you like it and (3) if there is anything you would change about it, let me know:

Option 1

Hi _________, this is Jon Langberg, I work for Venture Benefits, and we offer large company benefits to small businesses at no cost to the employer, and I wanted to see if I could grab 15 minutes next ____________ or ___________ to talk a little bit more about that, do either of those days work?

Option 2

Hi _________, this is Jon Langberg from Venture Benefits. We offer voluntary employee benefits to help small businesses that are grappling with the continual increases in health coverage costs for their employees, I want to see if I could grab 15 minutes next ____________ or ___________ to talk a little bit more about that, do either of those days work?

Option 3

Hi _________, this is Jon Langberg from Venture Benefits, and we offer voluntary benefits and cost reduction services to businesses at no cost to the employer, and I wanted to see if I could grab 15 minutes next ____________ or ___________ to talk a little bit more about that, do either of those days work?

Low Income Area

Hi, very new to this forum. My question is if anyone has any ideas for a good business to start in a relatively poorer area. This really interest me. A business designed to do well in low income areas

Hello! From New York

Hello All,

I work for a small online retail company and can use all the advice given. We are revamping our budget and operations...I appreciate everyone's help in advance! It's good to know I will not be alone ;)

Thank you!


Solopreneurs... what part of your business do you dread?

For me it's sales! If you could outsource one piece of work what would it be?